新教聖公會的與美國新教聖公會有關的 Of or relating to the Episcopal Church.
美國新教聖公會的關於或屬於美國新教聖公會的 Of, relating to, or belonging to the Episcopal Church.
(宗教)屬於、關於美國新教聖公會的,或有美國新教聖公會特點的。 (religion) of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Episcopal church.
聖公會教區委員聖公會教區委員會中推選的兩位主要執事之一 One of two elected chief lay officers of the vestry in the Episcopal Church.
阿拉斯加遼闊的聯邦公用地 Alaska's vast federal parkland.
美國新聖公教會教堂掌管教堂的牧師 A cleric in charge of a chapel in the Episcopal Church of the United States.
副主教用作對英國國教或蘇格蘭聖公會的副主教的一種尊稱 Used as a form of address for an archdeacon in the Anglican Church or the Episcopal Church.
主教區會議美國新教聖公會主教區的一部分神職人員和平民代表的集會 An assembly of the clergy and representative laity of a section of a diocese of the Episcopal Church.
在聖公會;由聖會選出的和教會委員共同管理教會的世俗事務的委員會。 in the Protestant Episcopal Church: a committee elected by the congregation to work with the churchwardens in managing the temporal affairs of the church.
英國國教的,英國聖公會的,美國聖公會的英國聖公會或與其起源和教派有關的教派,如英國主教派教會的,與其有關的或具有其起特徵的 Of, having to do with, or characteristic of the Church of England or any of the churches related to it in origin and communion, such as the Protestant Episcopal Church.
愛爾福特德國中部城市,位於萊比錫西南部。作為主教教廷的所在地,該城於公元8世紀由聖博尼費斯建立,後來成為自由的國王屬城並為中世紀自由日耳曼城市商人聯盟的成員。人口214,231 A city of central Germany southwest of Leipzig. Site of an episcopal see founded by Saint Boniface in the eighth century, it was later a free imperial city and a member of the Hanseatic League. Population,214, 231.
在最近的一個早上,當人們發現邁剋爾·h的時候,他正睡在蘭開斯特郊區的聖保羅聖公會教堂的地板上。他已經有幾個月沒有理發和颳臉了,身邊散落着從教堂配餐室拿來的金槍魚的空罐頭盒和湯。 Michael H. had not had a shave or haircut in months when he was found one recent morning, sleeping on the floor of St. Paul'S Episcopal Church in suburban Lancaster, next to empty cans of tuna and soup from the church pantry.
從1890年到1963年任職的十二位總統所屬的教派如下:兩位衛理公會教徒,兩位長老會教徒,兩位浸禮會教徒,一位唯一神派教徒,一位荷蘭新教徒,一位公理會教徒,一位公誼會教徒,一位聖公會教徒,一位羅馬天主教徒。 The twelve presidents who held office from 1890 to 1963 represented religious denominations as follows:two Methodists,two Presbyterians,two Baptists,one Unitarian,one Dutch Reformed,one Congregationalist,one Quaker,one Episcopalian,and one Roman Catholic.
從1890年到1963年任職的十二位總統所屬的教派如下:兩位衛理公會教徒,兩位長老會教徒,兩位浸禮會教徒,一位唯一神派教徒,一位荷蘭新教徒,一位公理會教徒,一位公誼會教徒,一位聖公會教徒,一位羅馬天主教徒。 The twelve presidents who held office from 1890 to 1963 represented religious denominations as follows: two Methodists, two Presbyterians, two Baptists, one Unitarian, one Dutch Reformed, one Congregationalist, one Quaker, one Episcopalian, and one Roman Catholic.
唉!可憐的公爵!他擔負的工作簡直是數沙飲海;一個人站在他一邊作戰,就有1000人轉身逃走。 Alas, poor duke! the task he undertakes is numbering sands, and drinking oceans dry: Where one on his side fights, thousands will fly.
很遺憾,因為我在香港另有公務,所以不能親自出席今天的慶典。 Alas, I can't be with you myself because I have commitments in Hong Kong.
因為一個人底意嚮若是公開那就等於一聲喚起一切敵人的警報。 For where a man's intentions are published, it is an alarum, to call up all that are against them.
伏爾泰法國哲學家和作傢,其作品是啓蒙時代的代表,常常攻擊不公正和不寬容。他著有老實人(1759年)和哲學辭典(1764年) French philosopher and writer whose works epitomize the Age of Enlightenment, often attacking injustice and intolerance. He wrote Candide(1759) and the Philosophical Dictionary(1764).
adams在1981年的時候與a&m唱片公司簽約並與年底推出了他的處女作,但遺憾的是,該專輯並不十分成功,甚至沒有能夠成為打榜專輯。 Adams landed a solo record contract with A&M Records in 1981,releasing an eponymous album by the end of year;it failed to make the charts.
在過去的幾年中,科學家利用一種新型跟蹤設備對信天翁的行為進行了監控,纔得出了這一驚人的結論,並在本周於倫敦召開的一個動物學會議上將之公布。 This alarming conclusion, to be outlined this week at a major zoological conference in London, is based on a new generation of tracking units that have been monitoring the behaviour of these giant birds for the past few years.
警車、消防車、工程搶險車、救護車等機動車輛安裝、使用警報器,必須符合國務院公安部門的規定; Alarming sirens must be installed on such motor vehicles as police cars, fire engines, engineering rescue vehicles and ambulances and used in compliance with the regulations of the public security department under the State Council.
更讓人感到不安的是這些企業很多是傢喻戶曉和人們所信賴的公司,而涉嫌舞弊的竟是公司的最高層决策者。 This scandal is all the more alarming because the companies implicated were mostly trusted household names and the perpetrators were their highest level executives.
堅持效率優先、兼顧公平,既要提倡奉獻精神,又要落實分配政策,既要反對平均主義,又要防止收入懸殊。 We should give priority to efficiency with due consideration to fairness, earnestly implementing the distribution policy while advocating the spirit of devotion and guarding against an excessive disparity in income while opposing equalitarianism.
公平稅負原則 principle of tax equality
——選舉程序體現公平、民主、平等的原則。 The election procedures manifest the principles of openness, democracy and equality.
讓我們平衡辦公室所有雇員的義務。 let's equalize the duties among all employees in this office.
封富人和窮人同等地課稅是不公平的。 It is unfair to tax rich and poor equally.
公共項目的領導者們對一傢私人公司打算將那麽多遺傳信息申請專利,感到驚慌失措。於是,他們加快了他們的進程。 The leaders of the public programme alarmed at the prospect of a private company gaining patent rights to so much genetic information promptly accelerated their schedule;
(聽說)你打算脫離這個公司,我有些擔心。 I'm rather alarmed (to hear) that you're planning to leave the company.
對流層頂位於對流層和平流層之間的界限,其高度從兩極的約8公裏(5英裏)至赤道上約18公裏(11英裏) The boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere varying in altitude from approximately8 kilometers(5 miles) at the poles to approximately18 kilometers(11 miles) at the equator.
1953年,在姐姐伊麗莎白的加冕儀式上,瑪格麗特幫皇傢空軍成員、已故父王的侍從武官湯森除去軍服上的一個綫頭,這一瞬間的親昵舉動暴露了一個隱藏兩年的秘密:22歲的公主與38歲的湯森相愛。當時湯森剛剛離婚,是兩個孩子的父親。 At her sister's 1953 coronation Margaret sparked a scandal by brushing a bit of lint off the uniform of Townsend, a member of the Royal Air Force and equerry to her late father. The momentary, intimate flick exposed a two-year-old secret:The princess, 22, and Townsend, 38 and the newly divorced father of two sons, were having an affair.
輻射泄露的消息引起了公衆的普遍恐慌。 The news of the radiation leak caused widespread public alarm.