  • repair
  • decorate
  • mend
  • trim
  • study
  • build
  • cultivate
  • decorate
  • embellish
  • repair
  • build
  • study
  • write
  • cultivate
  1.   (作飾語用)(船衹)遠在衹見桅桿, 看不到船身的地方(因船身在地平綫之下); (坦剋等)隱蔽在能觀察敵人並能嚮其射擊的地方   hull down
  2.   (修士等)還俗   renounce the cloth
  3.   (理無綫電用的)鉗子, 扁嘴鉗   radio pincher
  4.   (房屋等)年久失, 破損   be in (a state of) disrepair
  5.   (政治、外交等)解决麻煩問題的能手; (機器等)故障檢員   trouble shooter
  6.   (正在)修建中   under construction
  7.   (用零星材料)拼湊;補   vampup
  8.   (立法委員會經過討論及正後)將(提案等)交回議會辯論並表决   report out
  9.   (職務等)常任的; (待的船衹等)閑擱着的   in ordinary
  10.   (英國和歐洲大陸提高企業人員水平的)脫産進   block release
  11.   (隨艦隊同行的)補給理船   depot ship
  12. vt.  =remould, 補, 翻新(輪胎), 改造, 改鑄   remold
  13.   A.S.D.修補   Repair, atrial septal defect, secundum
  14. n.  Carmel派的托鉢僧, 卡默利特平紋薄呢, 卡邁爾教派的男女士   carmelite
  15.   DNA修復合成試驗   DNA repair synthesis test
  16.   Hill食管裂孔疝修補術   Hill hiatal hernia repair
  1. 主教院是座廣阔壯麗、石料建成的大廈,是巴黎大學神學博士,西摩爾院院長,一七一二年的迪涅主教亨利·彼惹在前世紀初興建的。
    The episcopal palace was a huge and beautiful house, built of stone at the beginning of the last century by M. Henri Puget, Doctor of Theology of the Faculty of Paris, Abbe of Simore, who had been Bishop of D---- in 1712.
  2. 這些關廂村鎮有些還是很大的。首先是從小塔作為起點的聖維剋多鎮,那裏有一座在比埃弗爾河上的單拱橋,一座可以看到胖子路易墓志銘(épitaphiumludivicigrossi)的道院,還有一座有着八角尖頂、尖頂旁有四個十一世紀小鐘樓的教堂(這樣的教堂現在在埃唐普還有一座,還沒有拆毀);
    Some of these faubourgs were important: there were,first, starting from la Tournelle, the Bourg Saint-Victor, with its one arch bridge over the Bi鑦re, its abbey where one could read the epitaph of Louis le Gros, ~epitaphium Ludovici Grossi~,and its church with an octagonal spire, flanked with four little bell towers of the eleventh century (a similar one can be seen at Etampes; it is not yet destroyed);
  3. 最糟糕的詞,也是在任何場合下都不能用的詞,就是以“n”)開頭的種族飾詞,除非說話者自己就是個黑人。
    The worst word of all, one that should never be used under any circumstances, is the racial epithet beginning with 'n', unless the speaker actual-ly is one.
  4. 當飛機上的燈一下子熄滅時,旅客顯得很緊張,但當機長告訴他們這衹不過是一次電氣故障,很快就會好時,他們纔放下心來。
    The passengers became alarmed when the lights went out on the plane, but the captain put their minds at rest when he told them it was only a minor electrical fault and it would soon be repaired.
  5. 這間廳剛裝過,設備優良,又很寬敞。
    It's well equipped and spaious.
  6. 用來飾說明某種存儲媒體,可以將其存儲的數據除去,以便存儲新的數據。例如磁帶是可擦除的,紙帶是不可擦除的。該術語也用於可重新編程的衹讀存儲器(集成電路)。
    A term applied to a storage medium that permits data to be removed, leaving the medium in a condition to receive new data. Magnetic tape, for example, is"erasable" and paper tape is not. The term is also applied to a read-only memory(integrated circuit) that can be reprogrammed by the user.
  7. 檢查、改、代替或擦去文檔內容一部分的過程。
    The inspection, modification, replacement or erasure of part of file's contents.
  8. 他們正努力的目標一部分將在華盛頓,因為在那裏,聯邦健康部門的官員正要開始訂已有11年歷史的國傢食物指南金字塔。
    Part of the consortium's push will be in Washington, where federal health officials are starting talks on revisions to the nation's 11-year-old Food Guide Pyramid.
  9. 我覺得在過去的3000多年當中,古埃及人試圖讓我們由這些塔頂構成的畫面想象出他們是如何建金字塔的。"
    "I think the Egyptians have been trying to tell us in pictures for 3000 years that this is how they built the pyramids."
  10. 還有索拜學堂,半是神學院半是寺院,衹幸存下來令人贊賞不已的中堂,即聖馬太教派那四邊形的美麗隱院;
    the Sorbonne, half college, half monastery, of which so admirable a nave survives; the fine quadrilateral cloister of the Mathurins;
  11. 由於各參與院校均承認學員讀毅進課程所取得的學歷,因此,這項計劃可以幫助中五離校生和成年學員符合重要的入學條件,讓他們能夠繼續讀較高程度的持續教育課程。
    With the agreement of participating institutions to mutually recognise Project Yi Jin qualifications, the programme will provide secondary school leavers and adult learners with an important entry qualification to pursue higher education through the progression ladder of continuing education.
  12. 它有三個定語飾它。
    It is qualified by three attributes.
  13. 操作入口站點(operatorsite)可以定義更多的搜索飾符,但同時所有的操作入口站點和兼容的實現必須完整支持在前面定義的這些飾符及其行為。
    Operator Sites may define more search qualifier values than these – but all Operator Sites and fully compatible software must support these qualifiers and behaviors.
  14. 而這個非法的飾符將在錯誤文本中被明確指明。
    The invalid qualifier will be indicated clearly in text.
  15. 而這個非法的飾符將在錯誤文本中被明確指明。
    The invalid qualifier will be clearly indicated in the error text.
  16. 所有後繼的這樣的元素必須包含xml:lang飾符,同時這個飾符在相關的元素中應當是唯一的並且是遵循xml標準的。
    All subsequent such elements must contain an xml:lang qualifier, and this qualifier must be unique across the related elements and valid according to the XML standard.
  17. 從技術上講,它不是一個屬性,正式的稱呼是命名空間飾符。
    Technically, it isn’t an attribute, but is formally called a namespace qualifier.
  18. 默認的,將實施大小寫不敏感的排序,除非在搜索飾符的取值中指定了casesensitivematch。
    By default, case insensitive sorting is performed unless caseSensitiveMatch is specified as a find qualifier value.
  19. 如果指定的排序飾符之間沒有衝突,那麽這是所有結果集的缺省排序。
    If no conflicting sort qualifier is specified, this is the default sort order for all result sets.
  20. 衹有一個description或name元素被允許無需xml:lang屬性飾符限定而直接傳給一個savexxapi調用。
    Only one description or name element is allowed to be passed to a save_xx API call without an xml:lang attribute qualifier.
  21. 如果指定的排序飾符之間沒有衝突,這是查詢結果集的最頂端的結構層次上的名元素的缺省排序。
    If no conflicting sort qualifier is specified, this is the default sort order for inquiries that return name values at this topmost detail level.
  22. 如果有超過一個的name或description元素在一個將要被保存的文檔中發送,那麽在每個特定結構中僅第一個這樣的元素可以無需具有xml:lang屬性飾符。
    If more than one name or description element is sent in a document being stored, only the first such element in a particular structure may be sent without a xml:lang attribute qualifier.
  23. 飾詞使得整個businessentity元素所包含的所有categorybag條目聯合使用,這些categorybag包含businessentity包含的categorybag,也包含那些businessentity包含的businessservice所包含的categorybag,以及那些businessentity引用的businessservice所包含的categorybag。
    This qualifier makes the categoryBag entries for the full businessEntity element behave as though all categoryBag elements found at the businessEntity level and in all contained or referenced businessService elements were combined.
  24. 這些鍵總是按照由uddi操作入口站點委員會的算法所約定的統一格式編碼的,衹有tmodel的鍵值是例外的,它的格式是帶有一個"uuid:"格式的urn飾符前綴,之後纔是uuid的值。
    These keys are always formatted according to an algorithm that is agreed upon by the UDDI Operator Council with the one exception being tModelKey values, which are prefixed with a URN qualifier in the format "uuid:" followed by the UUID value.
  25. 飾符僅用於與傳入的categorybag參數相協作,同時uddi註册中心中的關於分類類別的搜索組件將僅以businessentity包含或引用的businessservice元素所包含的categorybag元素為搜索對象,而會忽略businessentity元素的直接子categorybag元素中的任意條目。
    This qualifier is used in only in conjunction with a passed categoryBag argument and causes the component of the search that involves categorization to use only the categoryBag elements from contained or referenced businessService elements within the registered data, and ignores any entries found in the categoryBag direct descendent element of registered businessEntity elements.
  26. 有關日期的排序飾符的優先級低於sortbyname限定詞。
    Sort qualifiers involving date are secondary in precedence to the sortByName qualifiers.
  27. 具體信息請參考附錄中的搜索飾符部分。
    See the Search Qualifiers appendix for more information.
  28. 目前,這些是所有已定義的飾符。
    At this time, these are the only qualifiers defined.
  29. 當搜索飾符聯合使用時,它們的優先級如下:
    Precedence of search qualifiers, when combined is as follows:
  30. 1.以下搜索飾符同時出現時具有相同的優先級。
    1.The following find-qualifiers occur at the same level of precedence.
  31. 這些值必須是下列飾符之一:
    These values must come from the following list of qualifiers:
  32. 4.servicesubset,combinecategorybags:這些條件與其它搜索飾符的出現是正交的。
    4. serviceSubset, combineCategoryBags: these conditions are orthagonal to the existence of the other search qualifiers.