  • normal human relationships
  • human relationship
  • relationship
  • logic
  • order
  • peer
  • match
  1.   (倫敦)聖保羅大教堂   St.Paul's
  2.   (倫敦)阿爾伯特紀念堂   The Albert Hall
  3.   (敦市)領有執照並配戴臂章的車站搬道工   ticket porter
  4.   (敦或其他大都市的)市長   the Lord M-
  5.   (敦的)哈利街(多名醫居住); 醫藥界   Harley Street
  6.   (敦的)唐寧街(英國首相官邸及若幹政府主要部門的所在地)   Downing street
  7.   (倫敦的)海德公園   Hyde Park
  8.   (在敦附近艾普遜地方舉行的)賽馬會   the oak
  9.   (美國)哥倫比亞大學   Columbia University
  10.   (美國東北部哈佛、哥比亞等八個名牌大學的)常春藤聯合會; 屬於該組織的名牌大學或其師生; 名牌大學派頭   I-League
  11.   (英國敦唐寧街10號)首相官邸   No.10
  12.   (英國敦唐寧街10號)首相官邸   NumberTen
  13.   (英國敦的)海德公園(因常舉行政治性集會而著稱)   Hyde P-(=the P-)
  14. n.  4 周傑倫後援會   no f
  15. adj.  Byron的, Byron詩風的, 冷笑而浪漫的, 拜的, 拜詩風的, 慷慨悲歌式的   byronic
  16. n.  CBS電磁製庫, 絶對庫, C.G.S製的電荷單位, 電磁庫侖   abcoulomb
  1. 哲學由邏輯學、理學、美學、文學和認識論組成的學科
    The science comprising logic, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and epistemology.
  2. 實證哲學實證主義在邏輯學、認識論及理學中的運用
    The application of this doctrine in logic, epistemology, and ethics.
  3. 在過去的幾年中,科學家利用一種新型跟蹤設備對信天翁的行為進行了監控,纔得出了這一驚人的結論,並在本周於敦召開的一個動物學會議上將之公佈。
    This alarming conclusion, to be outlined this week at a major zoological conference in London, is based on a new generation of tracking units that have been monitoring the behaviour of these giant birds for the past few years.
  4. 作弊被抓住後百般狡賴,不過他無法騙過我們。
    When Alan was caught cheating, he tried to bluster it out but he couldn't deceive us.
  5. ·赫奇博士是世界上研究人類鼻子方面的傑出專傢。
    Dr Alan Hirsch is one of the world's leading experts on the human nose.
  6. 開拓了一條到新野餐區的路,我們都跟着他。
    Alan blazed a trail to the new picnic area and we all followed.
  7. 長久以來,我們都會為我們所經受的苦難而詛咒神靈-艾·格林斯潘亦不例外。
    We've long cursed deities for our suffering Alan Greenspan is no exception.
  8. 這就引出了兩個很有意思的問題:艾·格林斯潘真的是神嗎?
    This raises two interesting questions: Is Alan Greenspan in fact a god?
  9. 這個經濟學家就是年輕時候的艾·格林斯潘。這番話是引自1959年三月的《財富》雜志。
    The economist, a young Alan Greenspan, was quoted in the March 1959 FORTUNE.
  10. 喝了一晚上的雞尾酒,無法開車了。
    Alan had been drinking cocktails all evening and wasn't fit to drive.
  11. 想用他的跑車來討好女孩子。
    Alan hoped to impress the girls with his new sports car.
  12. ,我想你可能願意認識一下李先生。
    Alan, I think you might be interested in meeting Mr Li.
  13. 約翰遜任命艾博伊德為第一人交通部長。
    Johnson appointed Alan S. Boyd as the first Transportation Secretary.
  14. 見到艾時,請嚮他緻以我最良好的祝願。
    If you see Alan, please give him my kindest regards.
  15. 桑塔那服裝公司的阿·布什,大發服裝公司的李康。
    Alan bush of Santana Apparel. Kang Li of Dafa Garments.
  16. 和羅茜違抗羅茜父母的願望上星期私奔了。
    Alan and Lucy eloped against Lucy's parents' wishes last week.
  17. 有些不對勁,他看丐來悶悶不樂的。
    Something's wrong with Alan. He looks so unhappy.
  18. 是一名獸醫,昨晚召之即來。
    Alan was the vet on call last night.
  19. 瓊斯在兩分鐘內跑完一圈。
    Alan Jones lapped in under two minutes.
  20. 史密斯的姓是史密斯。
    Alan Smith's surname is Smith.
  21. 把奄奄一息的妻子帶去看另一位醫生,那是在把死馬當活馬醫。
    Alan was clutching at straws when he took his dying wife to another doctor.
  22. 艾倫喜愛運動。
    Alan is fond of sports.
  23. 他住在我的朋友艾傢裏。
    He's rooming with my friend Alan.
  24. 佛羅薩美國阿拉巴馬州西北部一城市,位於狄凱特西北偏西的田納西河畔。建於1818年,是高度工業化城市。人口36,426
    A city of northwest Alabama on the Tennessee River west-northwest of Decatur. Founded in1818, it is highly industrialized. Population,36, 426.
  25. 布美國密西西比州東北部城市,位於阿拉巴馬州邊界,這個地區有許多南北戰爭以前的房屋。人口23,799
    A city of northeast Mississippi near the Alabama border. There are many antebellum houses in the area. Population,23, 799.
  26. 曼斯菲爾德美國俄亥俄州中北部一城市,位於阿剋的西南偏南方,於1808年首次被查勘。該城出産多種産品。人口50,627
    A city of north-central Ohio west-southwest of Akron. First surveyed in1808, it manufactures a wide variety of products. Population,50, 627.
  27. 坎頓美國俄亥俄州東北部一城市,位於阿卡東南偏南。是威廉·麥金利總統的故鄉。人口84,161
    A city of northeast Ohio south-southeast of Akron. It was the home of President William McKinley. Population,84, 161.
  28. 瑞剋俄亥俄州東北部一城市,剋利夫蘭和阿剋隆的一近郊住宅區。人口28,230
    A city of northeast Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland and Akron. Population,28, 230.
  29. 金字形神塔古代亞述和巴比神殿的塔,形狀似梯形金字塔,有連續嚮後傾的塔層
    A temple tower of the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians, having the form of a terraced pyramid of successively receding stories.
  30. 加竜河位於法國西南部的一條河,流程約563公裏(350英裏),大致源於西班牙比利牛斯山西北部,與波爾多灣北部的多爾多涅河匯集形成吉特海灣
    A river of southwest France flowing about563 km(350 mi) generally northwest from the Spanish Pyrenees to join the Dordogne River north of Bordeaux and form the Gironde estuary.
  31. 以我方的確認為條件,現對提洛爾ah22--biff型夏普空調器報價,到敦cif價每臺530英鎊。連同接貨訂單,信用證五周內裝船。
    We qt. subj. cfmn on sharp aircondition tyrol ah22--biff at l530/unit cif len shpt within 5 wks. aft ret dr l.c.
  32. 可憐的朱庇特驚慌失措,魂不附體,塗滿脂粉的紅臉蛋煞白,丟下霹靂,拿下頭盔,頻頻鞠躬,戰戰兢兢,口裏吶吶道:“紅衣主教大人……御使們……弗朗德勒的瑪格麗特公主……”語無次,連他自己都不知道說什麽。
    Poor Jupiter, quaking, bewildered, pale beneath his rouge, dropped his thunder-bolt and took his helmet in his hand; then bowing and trembling: “His Eminence,” he stammered, “the Ambassadors—Madame Marguerite of Flanders—” he could get no farther.