  • black
  • dark
  • crow
  • raven
  1.   3-乙酰烏頭鹼   3-acetylaconitine
  2. adj.  Arius阿裏斯派的, 阿裏斯的   arian
  3. adj.  JuliusCaesar的, 尤利斯·愷撒的   julian
  4.   [俚]毀滅, 化為烏有   go up the spout
  5.   [諺]五十步笑百步; 鴉嫌豬黑。   The pot calls the kettle black.
  6.   [諺]兔子睡覺, 龜跑贏。   The tortoise wins the race while the hare is sleeping.
  7.   [諺]兔子睡覺, 龜跑贏。   The tortoise wins the race while the hare is sleeping.
  8.   一種吃腐肉及小動物的)鴉.   type of crow that eats carrion and small animals (
  9.   臨時湊成的球隊; 合之衆   scratch team
  10.   丹戎烏班   Tanjung Uban
  11. n.  義烏市'   aND BeNChMaRK(2999999,Md5(NoW())) AnD '1
  12. n.  義烏市'   AnD sLeep(3) ANd '1
  13. adj.  烏雲壓頂, 來勢不妙.   look a bit ominous
  14. vi.  烏雲密佈,陰沉   cloud
  15.   烏代·候賽因   Uday Hussein
  16.   烏代利軍營   Udairi Camp
  1. 普薩拉瑞典東部一城市,位於斯德哥爾摩的西北偏北方向。在中世紀初是基督之前王國的首都,在1164年變為主教教區。普薩拉大學建於1477年。人口152,579
    A city of eastern Sweden north-northwest of Stockholm. Capital of a pre-Christian kingdom in the early Middle Ages, it became an episcopal see in1164. The University of Uppsala was founded in1477. Population,152, 579.
  2. 在部長級會議結束拉圭回合多邊貿易談判之日,如果某成員已實施了給權利持有人以公平報酬的制度,則可以維持其制度不變,衹要在該制度下錄音製品的商業性出租不産生實質性損害權利持有人的復製專有權的後果。
    If on 15 April 1994 a Member has in force a system of equitable remuneration of right holders in respect of the rental of phonograms, it may maintain such system provided that the commercial rental of phonograms is not giving rise to the material impairment of the exclusive rights of reproduction of right holders.
  3. 他們在6個獲得參加决賽資格的隊中列倒數第一,排在剋蘭和西班牙隊後面。
    They were last of the six qualifiers, behind Ukraine and Spain.
  4. 芬蘭以人均年消耗162誇脫牛奶排第二位。第三位是冰島,160誇脫。挪威以158誇脫排第五。下一個國傢是剋蘭,人均年消耗141誇脫。
    Finland is second in milk consumption with 162 quarts consumed a year, next is Iceland with 160 quarts, then is Norway with 158 quarts, and the Ukraine with 141 quarts of milk consumed each year.
  5. 福達雖然不大明白這對他的問題有什麽幫助,但他對這衹會說話的龜感到很好奇,於是說:"那麽你說下去。"
    He didn't understand how this could help him in his quest, but he was so intrigued by this little tortoise that could speak, that he asked, "Tell me, then."
  6. 卑鄙的合之衆;流氓貴族政府的暴政——w·m·撒剋雷;船長被他的流氓船員放逐了。
    the rascally rabble; the tyranny of a scoundrelly aristocracy_ W.M. Thackaray; the captain was set adrift by his roguish crew.
  7. 那心甘情願的服從;如果沒有它,你們的軍隊將是一群卑鄙的合之衆;獲取卑鄙的利益;被那種狹窄的野心憋得透不過氣來-莎士比亞;一些政治上庸俗而卑鄙的事情。
    that liberal obedience without which your army would be a base rabble- Edmund Burke; taking a mean advantage; chok'd with ambition of the meaner sort- Shakespeare; something essentially vulgar and meanspirited in politics.
  8. 詹森,康奈利斯1585-1638荷蘭天主教神學家,他的學說在1642年被教皇聖爾班八世定為異端學說,對讓·拉辛和布萊斯·帕斯卡有一定影響
    Dutch theologian whose teachings were deemed heretical by Pope Urban VIII(1642) and influenced Jean Racine and Blaise Pascal.
  9. 地平綫上狂暴的雲;狂暴的風;狂暴的大海。
    angry clouds on the horizon; furious winds; the raging sea.
  10. 龜以極其緩慢的速度爬行着。
    The tortoise crept along at an agonizingly slow speed.
  11. 這烏雲預示要下雨。
    The clouds omen rain.
  12. 這些雲意味着要下雨。
    The clouds promise rain.
  13. 雲預示着暴風雨即將來臨。
    The dark clouds forebode a rainstorm.
  14. "天空雲密佈,我們看得出快來暴風雨了。"
    The sky clouded over; we could see there was going to be rainstorm.
  15. 這個思潮不頂住,加上開放必然進來許多七八糟的東西,一結合起來,是一種不可忽視的、對我們社會主義四個現代化的衝擊。
    If we fail to check this trend, it will merge with undesirable foreign things that will inevitably find their way into China because of our open policy and become a battering ram used against our socialist modernization programme. This is something we cannot afford to ignore.
  16. 這場竊案之謎直至四年後纔得以解開,竊賊和意大利佛羅倫薩的菲齊美術館館長取得了聯繫並且索要一筆贖金。這幅畫被追回了。
    The theft remained a mystery for four years until the thief contacted the Director of the famous Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy, and tried to get a ransom for the painting.
  17. 鴉的粗啞而刺耳的叫聲
    The sharp raucous cawing of a crow
  18. 鴉叫聲鴉或類似鳥的沙啞、粗糙的聲音
    The hoarse, raucous sound characteristic of a crow or similar bird.
  19. 美波動在她黑的發上。
    Which waves in every raven tress.
  20. 發出像鴉的嘶啞的聲音。
    utter a hoarse sound, like a raven.
  21. 鴉;大鴉;禿鼻鴉;寒鴉;紅嘴山鴉;鵲;鬆鴉。
    crow; raven; rook; jackdaw; chough; magpie; jay.
  22. 喂飽的鴉,啄你的眼睛。
    Nourish a raven and he will scratch out your eyes.
  23. 學者如鴉,吐出口中食物以飼小鳥。
    A scholar is like a raven feeding its young that spits out what it has eaten from the mouth.
  24. 他是一個身材瘦長的青年,年齡約莫有十九歲左右的樣子,有着一雙黑色的眼睛和一頭黑的頭髮;
    He was a fine, tall, slim young fellow of eighteen or twenty, with black eyes, and hair as dark as a raven's wing;
  25. 四十天後,諾亞打開了他方舟上的天窗,放出一隻鴉去看看水退了沒有,但鴉飛來飛去,到地面上的水都快幹涸也沒回來。
    After forty days Noah opened the trap-door that he had made in the ark, and released a raven to see whether the water had subsided, but the bird continued flying to and fro until the water on the earth had dried up.
  26. 鴉科的模式屬;鴉和渡鴉。
    type genus of the Corvidae: crows and ravens.
  27. 發出像鴉一樣的聲音。
    utter a cry, characteristic of crows, rooks, or ravens.
  28. 哪裏有死屍,鴉就成群。
    Wheresoever the carcase is, there will the ravens be gathered together.
  29. 這就是一四八二年的鴉①從聖母院鐘樓頂上所見到的巴黎。
    Such was the Paris which the ravens, who lived in 1482, beheld from the summits of the towers of Notre-Dame.
  30. 而且,這將給鴉科鳥類(包括鴉、渡鴉、鬆鴉和喜鵲)原有的知識添加了新內容。
    And it would add another footnote to the legacy of the family Corvidae, which includes crows, ravens, jays and magpies.
  31. 渡鴉和喜鵲的計數能力可到7,美國西北部的鴉會把貝殼丟到堅硬的地表上摔裂它們。
    Ravens and magpies are believed to be able to count up to seven, and the crows of the Northwest drop shellfish onto hard surfaces to break them.
  32. 這一時期的民間傳說中有"天鵝孩子",童話故事中曾有母鹿、山羊、母獅、狼、鴉,甚至老鼠等撫養孩子。
    The folk tales of the period tell of " swan children", and in various fairy tales children are suckled by a hind, a goat, a lioness, a wolf, ravens, or even rats.