  • 他庞大的财产化为有。
    His great fortune was reduced to zero.
  • 茨温利,尔里希1484-1531瑞士宗教改革家,他关于圣经(1519年)绝对权威的讲道,标志着瑞士改革的开始
    Swiss religious reformer whose sermons on the absolute authority of the Bible(1519) marked the beginning of the Reformation in Switzerland.
  • 克赖顿,詹姆斯1560-1582苏格兰冒险家、语言学家和学者,他的学术成就曾受到阿尔杜斯·马努蒂斯和托马斯·厄克特的称赞。他在一次街头动乱中被杀害
    Scottish adventurer, linguist, and scholar whose intellectual achievements were lauded by Aldus Manutius and Thomas Urquhart. He was killed in a brawl.
  • 以克孜尔水库、和田鲁瓦提水利枢纽等为代表的一批现代大型水利工程和大批干支渠及其防渗工程的建成,使全区的引水量、水库库容和有效灌溉面积迅速增加。
    A number of modern, large-scale water conservancy projects represented by Kizil Reservoir and the Ulug Ata key water control project in Hotan and large numbers of trunk and branch canals, as well as seepage control projects have been built, thus rapidly increasing the amount of water diverted, the capacity of the reservoirs and the well-irrigated area in the whole region.
  • 箭毒一种黑色的树脂提取物,可从几种热带美洲的森林植物中获取,尤指从南美洲的防己藤或贼属的某些种类中提取的,被南美洲的某些印第安族用作抹在箭矢上的毒药
    A dark resinous extract obtained from several tropical American woody plants, especially Chondrodendron tomentosum or certain species of Strychnos, used as an arrow poison by some Indian peoples of South America.
  • 大大推动了城市化进程,克拉玛依、独山子、阜东、泽普等一批石油新城在戈壁荒滩建起,鲁木齐、库尔勒、阜康、轮台等城市现代化建设加快;
    Meanwhile, the process of urbanization has revved up. New oil-producing cities have mushroomed on the barren sands of the Gobi Desert, such as Karamay, Dushanzi (Maytag), Fudong and Zepu (Poskam). The modernization drive is going ahead apace in such cities as Urumqi, Korla, Fukang and Luntai.
  • 阿里斯教(认为耶稣基督不是真正的上帝)的追随者和信徒。
    an adherent of arianism (the belief that Jesus Christ was not truly God).
  • 阿穆利斯暴跳如雷,但是雷亚声称让她怀孕的是战神马尔斯。
    Amulius was maddened with rage, but Rhea protested that it was the god Mars who was responsible for her pregnancy.
  • 为了防止侄女雷亚·西尔维亚生育后代从而继承王位,阿穆利斯强迫她去当女祭司,宣誓永葆贞洁。
    In order to prevent his niece, Rhea Silvia, from having offspring and so continuing Numitor's lineage, Amulius forced her to become a vestal virgin.
  • 这对双胞胎兄弟的母亲是阿尔巴隆加国王努米托之女雷亚·西尔维亚。努米托后来被他恶毒的弟弟阿穆利斯废黜。
    The twins' mother was Rhea Silvia, daughter of Numitor, once the King of Alba Longa, but by then deposed by Amulius, his wicked brother.
  • 嘌呤衍生物从嘌呤衍生出来或在结构上与嘌呤有关的一组有机化合物的任一种,包括尿酸、咖啡因及核酸的组成成分腺嘌呤以及嘌呤等
    Any of a group of organic compounds derived from or structurally related to purine, including uric acid, caffeine, and the nucleic acid constituents adenine and guanine.
  • 你把那个圆环扛来,鸦!
    Bring the ring, you crow!
  • 闪电划破云密布的夜空。
    Lighting ripped the cloudy night sky.
  • 阿米尼斯德国英雄,(公元9年),在其率领下在条顿堡加森林击败罗马人的三个军团,因而将德国人从罗马统治下解放出来
    German hero who led the defeat of three legions of Romans in the Teutoburger Wald( a.d.9), thereby liberating the Germans from Roman rule.
  • 德利斯,弗雷德里克1862-1934英国作曲家,其大半生在法国度过。其作品受爱德华·格列格的影响,把浪漫主义和印象主义相结合
    British composer who spent most of his life in France. His work, influenced by Edvard Grieg, combines romanticism and impressionism.
  • 群居的鸟类的繁殖地,比如秃鼻鸦群。
    a breeding ground for gregarious birds (such as rooks).
  • 克兰南部位于黑海边的旅游城市;是年同盟国会议的会址,由罗斯福、丘吉尔和斯大林出席。
    a resort city in S Ukraine on the Black Sea; scene of the Allied conference between Churchill and Stalin and Roosevelt in 1945.
  • 暴风雨的云可能会聚集,星星可能会碰撞,可是我会永远爱你,直到地老天荒。——同上
    Strom clouds may gather and stars may collide,but I love you,until the end of time. ——《Moulin Rouge》
  • 拉圭回合:在拉圭回合中,较少数国家就市场开放进行了8轮的谈判。
    Uruguay Round: Under GATT, a smaller number of nations negotiated eight rounds of market-opening agreements.
  • 匈牙利的官方语言(罗马尼亚也说);属于戈尔语系。
    the official language of Hungary (also spoken in Rumania); belongs to the Ugric family of languages.
  • 恶毒的眼神;可怕的雷雨云;他的声音变得恶毒了;不吉祥的怨言;不祥的暴风云;险恶的微笑;他那危险的行为;不祥的云;局势变得危险了。
    a baleful look; forbidding thunderclouds; his tone became menacing; ominous rumblings of discontent; sinister storm clouds; a sinister smile; his threatening behavior; ugly black clouds; the situation became ugly.
  • 头一种毛茛属通常有毒的多年生草本植物,有管状的根,掌状裂叶,蓝色或白色的冠状萼片的花,和骨突的集合
    Any of various, usually poisonous perennial herbs of the genus Aconitum, having tuberous roots, palmately lobed leaves, blue or white flowers with large hoodlike upper sepals, and an aggregate of follicles.
  • 头一种头属的有毒多年生草,尤指狼毒头,有宽且圆的叶子、修长的串状花序和淡紫红色的花
    Any of several poisonous perennial herbs of the genus Aconitum, especially A. lycoctonum, having broad, rounded leaves, elongate racemes, and purple-lilac flowers.
  • 头属的众多通常是有毒的植物中的任何一种,具有块根,掌状分裂的叶子和蓝色或白色的花。
    any of various usually poisonous plants of the genus Aconitum having tuberous roots and palmately lobed leaves and blue or white flowers.
  • 舟形头一种细长、竖直且有毒的多年生草本植物(欧头属),生长于欧洲北部,开紫色花朵,其干叶和根生长
    A slender, erect, poisonous perennial herb(Aconitum napellus) native to northern Europe, having violet flowers and whose dried leaves and roots yield aconite.
  • 北美洲鸫,其蓝黑色的羽毛在秋天呈现铁锈红色的边。
    North American blackbird whose bluish-black plumage is rusty-edged in the fall.
  • 它又是一个大波兰主义的政府,因为它在波兰民族以外的许多少数民族中,即在克兰人、白俄罗斯人、犹太人、日耳曼人、立陶宛人等等一千余万人口的非波兰民族中,施行残酷的民族压迫,它本身是一个帝国主义的政府。
    moreover, it was a government of Greater Poland chauvinists which ruthlessly oppressed the non-Polish minority nationalities -- the Ukrainians, Byelorussians, Jews, Germans, Lithuanians and others, who number more than ten million; it was itself an imperialist government.
  • 卢旺达,卢旺达非洲中东部一国家。曾是德国和比利时统治的卢安达-隆迪殖民区的一部分,1962年获独立。殖民区的南部成为布隆迪。基加利是卢旺达首都和最大城市。人口5,109,000
    A country of east-central Africa. Part of the colonial territory of Ruanda-Urundi administered by Germany and Belgium, it achieved independence in1962. The southern portion of the territory became the country of Burundi. Kigali is the capital of Rwanda and its largest city. Population,5, 109, 000.
  • 分布于苏丹、扎伊尔、干达和坦桑尼亚的部分地区的尼罗-撒哈拉语系的分支。
    a group of Nilo-Saharan language spoken in parts of the Sudan and Zaire and Uganda and Tanzania.
  • 尼罗河语尼罗一撒哈拉语系的一个大语支,苏丹南部、于达、肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚北部多讲此种语言,并包括马赛语
    A large group of Nilo-Saharan languages, spoken in southern Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, and northern Tanzania and including Masai.
  • 恰奥斯克-萨莫耶德人所说的拉尔语。
    the Uralic language spoken by the Ostyak-Samoyed people.
  • 西伯利亚北部的涅涅茨人所说的拉尔语。
    a Uralic language spoken by a Samoyed people of N Siberia.