  • be
  • so
  • therefore
  • thereupon
  • only
  • then
  • thus
  1.   "木乃伊式"睡袋   mummy bag
  2.   [諺]經驗智慧之母; 實踐出真知。   E-is the mother of wisdom.
  3.   [諺]貧不足恥, 恥貧恥。   P-is not a shame, but the being ashamed of it is.
  4.   乃奇安   Glutathione
  5.   乃奇安   Neuthione
  6. n.  乃得')·ORDER·BY·1·   Soqo
  7. n.  乃得')·ORDER·BY·4606·   MvHb
  8. n.  乃得'·ORDER·BY·1·   lqSs
  9. n.  乃得'·ORDER·BY·2450·   chzm
  10. n.  乃得)·ORDER·BY·1·   XFQO
  11. n.  乃得)·ORDER·BY·5700·   cZmw
  12. n.  得·AND·(SELECT·3917·FROM(SELECT·COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170766271,(SELECT·(ELT(3917=3917,1))),0x71626a6271,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x·FROM·INFORMATION·SCHEMA·   PLUGINS GROUP BY x)a)
  13. n.  得·AND·(SELECT·3917·FROM(SELECT·COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x7170766271,(SELECT·(ELT(3917=3917,1))),0x71626a6271,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x·FROM·INFORMATION·SCHEMA·PLUGINS·GROUP·BY·x)a)·   rNKS
  14. n.  乃得·AND·3152=6106·   wrrz
  15. n.  得·AND·4992·IN·(SELECT·(CHAR(113)+CHAR(112)+CHAR(118)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(113)+(SELECT·(CASE·WHEN·(4992=4992)·THEN·CHAR(49)·ELSE·CHAR(48)·END))+CHAR(113)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(98)+CHAR(113)))·   ElPz
  16. n.  得·AND·5505=CAST((CHR(113)||CHR(112)||CHR(118)||CHR(98)||CHR(113))||(SELECT·(CASE·WHEN·(5505=5505)·THEN·1·ELSE·0·END))::text||(CHR(113)||CHR(98)||CHR(106)||CHR(98)||CHR(113))   AS NUMERIC)
  1. 酬其應得,公平之事。
    Paying a person what he has earned is equitable.
  2. 使邊界土地革命和民衆政權的影響遠及於湘贛兩省的下遊至於湖北;
    Extend the influence of the agrarian revolution and of the people's political power in the border area to the lower reaches of the rivers in Hunan and Kiangsi and as far as Hupeh;
  3. 自那時起,從埃及的木伊頭髮到石器時代的檀香木等有機物質的年代都已被確定。
    Since then, organic materials ranging from Egyptian mummy hair to Stone Age sandals have been dated.
  4. 西班牙貴族中爵位最高的成員是大公。
    The highest- ranking member of the Spanish aristocracy is the grandee.
  5. 是衆人植樹,衆人享受豐碩果實。
    We reap the bountiful harvest of what we have sown.
  6. 是衆人植樹,衆人享受豐碩果實。
    We reap the bountiful harvest of what we have sown. Racial harmony is a hard-won prize treasured by all of us.
  7. 磨坊主、收割者、耕耘者、製犁匠、車把式和造車工匠,至水手和造船工匠,衹要被雇用,就會從最終産品即面包那裏獲得報酬,因為他們對於製作面包用的小麥付出過勞動或者提供過作業工具。
    The miller, the reaper, the ploughman, the plough-maker, the Waggoner and waggon-maker, even the sailor and ship-builder when employed, derive their remuneration from the ultimate product-the bread made from the corn on which they have severally operated, or supplied the instruments for operating.
  8. 我軍於蔣、蔡、韓軍和陳、羅軍之間一個二十華裏間隙的大山中偷越過去,由東面回到西面之興國境內集中。
    We slipped through in the high mountains that lay in the twenty-li gap between the forces of Chiang Kuang-nai, Tsai Ting-kai and Han Teh-chin on the one side and Chen Cheng and Lo Cho-ying on the other, and thus, returning from the east to the west, reassembled within the borders of Hsingkuo County.
  9. “祖竜”是秦始皇的別稱,這兒當然是指桑駡槐,雖然表面上指責的是秦始皇,但真正的目標是那摧殘中華文化界,大整風的指使人毛澤東。
    This is like the Chinese saying: ''Point to the mulberry to revile the locust tree ''. Whilst the finger is pointed at Emperor Qin, the real object of the rebuke was actually Mao Zedong who was ultimately responsible for the Da Zheng Feng movement against the scholars in Mainland China.
  10. 面對這些疑慮,似有神相助的庫哥爾以自己的估計進行了反駁,他認為到下個世紀初整個因特網的廣告收入將從今天的10億美元上升到150億美元至更多。
    The charismatic Koogle rebuts doubters with estimates of total Internet advertising revenue soaring to $15 billion or more early next century from about $1 billion today.
  11. 可是一旦經濟陷入不景氣,一般與不景氣有關的問題——失業和收入不足——成為人們註意的焦點。
    But once the economy was in recession, then the problems usually associated with recession came center stage: unemployment and lagging incomes.
  12. 這種改造過的認識,不是更空虛了更不可靠了的認識,相反,衹要是在認識過程中根據於實踐基礎而科學地改造過的東西,正如列寧所說是更深刻、更正確、更完全地反映客觀事物的東西。
    Such reconstructed knowledge is not more empty or more unreliable; on the contrary, whatever has been scientifically reconstructed in the process of cognition, on the basis of practice, reflects objective reality, as Lenin said, more deeply, more truly, more fully.
  13. 但是我們不妨更進一步並且很真實地斷言說,缺乏真正的朋友是最純粹最可憐的孤獨;沒有友誼則斯世不過是一片荒野;
    But we may go further, and affirm most truly, that it is a mere and miserable solitude to want true friends; without which the world is but a wilderness;
  14. 此次重新設計鈔票是打擊偽造貨幣行動的一部分,偽幣去年總額達1.8億美元。
    The redesigns were part of a move to beat conuterfeiting which totalled $180 million last year.
  15. 讀書費時過多易惰,文采藻飾大盛則矯,全憑條文斷事學究故態。
    To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament is affectation; to make judgment wholly by their rules is the humour of a scholar.
  16. 所謂“全盤西化”的主張,是一種錯誤的觀點。
    To advocate "wholesale westernization" is wrong.
  17. 這種三民主義不是任何別的三民主義,是孫中山先生在《中國國民黨第一次全國代表大會宣言》中所重新解釋的三民主義。
    The Three People's Principles as reinterpreted by Dr. Sun Yat-sen in the Manifesto of the First National Congress of the Kuomintang, and no other.
  18. 追求功利性、物質生活的同時,並不意味着精神生活可以暫時被擱置至忽略。
    And even as we continue to pursue economic success and material comfort relentlessly, we should not postpone or neglect our spiritual or cultural development.
  19. 大隊已不在,我一團兵復疲憊不堪,决留一部分會同袁、王兩部守井岡山,而由我率兵一部往桂東方向迎還大隊。
    But as the major detachment was away and the one remaining regiment was much too exhausted, it was decided that some men should remain to defend the Chingkang Mountains in co-operation with the two units under Yuan Wen-tsai and Wang Tso, and that I should take the rest to Kueitung to meet the major detachment and to invite it back.
  20. 第二,舉行這種崇拜的禮儀不過是子孫紀念已逝世的祖先的一個機會,這一天是傢人團聚,對祖先創傢立業的功績表示感激的日子。
    In the second place, this ceremony of worship is no more than an occasion for pious remembrance of one's departed ancestors, on a day consecrated to family reunion and reflectionsof gratitude on what the ancestor has done for the family.
  21. 裏根總統當初宣佈支持布什一事,被認為不夠認真——把布什的名字讀錯了——據報導裏根非常“羞愧”。昨天再度推薦布什。
    President Reagan took a second crack at endorsing George Bush yesterday after reportedly being "mortified" that his original statement of support- in which he mispronounced Bush's name –was considered half-hearted.
  22. 能昆能京,唱念俱佳。他的音色寬厚宏亮,表演灑脫大方。深得師俞振飛先生真傳,有“小俞振飛”之美譽。
    He not only has natural and unrestrained performance, resonant voice and superb skills of singing and recitation, but also can play Beijing Opera. So he was acclaimed as Little Yu Zhen-Fei.
  23. 這個網上零售商的經營範圍從圖書、玩具和cd至工具不是簡單的電子商務的領頭羊。
    The giant online retailer of goods ranging from books, toys and CDs to tools is not simply a bellwether of e-commerce.
  24. 就好象密閉的空氣會吸攝空曠的空氣一樣;又在懺悔中的暴露既不是為任何實際用處而是為一個人心裏痛快的,如斯,隱密的人能得知許多的事;
    as the more close air, sucketh in the more open: and as in confession, the revealing is not for worldly use, but for the ease of a man's heart, so secret men come to the knowledge of many things, in that kind;
  25. 改善的路是一條直路;但是未經改善的彎路是天才之路。
    Improvement make straight roads; but the crooked road without improvement is the road of genius.
  26. 金錢乃萬惡之源。
    Money is the root of all evil.
  27. 我要烤黑面包夾火腿、乳酪、萵苣,塗上些芥茉和美滋。
    I'd like ham, cheese and lettuce, and lettuce on toasted rye bread with mustard and mayonnaise.
  28. 關於懷孕問題,軍方未能好好掌握。對於軍方來說懷孕的問題是不能服勤。而在沙特阿拉伯受傷與不能服勤的官兵男性較女性為多。可是往往懷孕的責任完全歸咎女性,不問協助使他們懷孕的男性。
    Pregnancy? The military doesn't have a good handle on the question. When the military looks at pregnancy, it sees it as nonavailability. We had more injuries and nonavailability among men than women in Saudi. Too often, the women are the only ones held responsible for pregnancy, not the men who helped get them that way.
  29. 功與德人類行動之目的,而感覺到自己已經有了這兩樣纔是令人自足的成就。
    Merit, and good works, is the end of man's motion;and conscience of the same is the accomplishment of man's rest.
  30. 葛:世界各地通貨膨脹率每年為3-9%,而曾脂價格和去年成交價相比,衹上漲了5%。我們的報盤表面上漲了15%,是美元急劇下跌造成的。
    The rate of inflation around the world is from 3-9% while the rise in price for tallow is only 5% compared with our last transaction. The seeming 15% rise in our offer is caused by the precipitous slide of the dollar.
  31. 不錯,“剿共十年”“剿”出了一個“一黨專政”,但這是半殖民地半封建的專政。
    True, a "one-party dictatorship" was "suppressed" into existence through the decade of "Communist suppression", but it is a semi-colonial and semi-feudal dictatorship.
  32. 本周小型電腦製造商續傳壞消息,軟件出版商在此間半年一度的個人電腦春季商展中引人註目。
    With manufacturers of small computers continuing to report had news this week, software publishers took the spotlight here as the personal computer industry convened for the spring version of the semiannual computer show, Comdex.