  • connect
  • connect
  • (surname)
  • as
  • link
  • successively
  • join
  • link
  • Even
  • in succession
  • including
  • join, connect
  • continuous
  • flow regime
  • flow view
  • Battery
  • Lien
  1. n.   DOS命令 : 使DOS每次显示一屏信息, 以取代续卷动   more
  2. adv.  &a.奏的(地), &, adj.奏地, 唱地   legato
  3. v.  &,D{can}的否定式(美作cannot,英国一般写)   cannot
  4.   (七巧板、九环等)中国智力玩具; 复杂难懂的事物; 难解之谜   Chinese puzzle
  5.   (与of 用)对...抱有希望   have expectations
  6.   (与on, upon用) 站在...位置[岗位]; 站在...立场; 以...为根据   take one's stand
  7.   (与will, would 或could用)听都不要听, 不同意[考虑]   not hear of
  8.   (与will, would 或could用)听都不要听, 不同意[考虑]   never hear of
  9.   (击剑中)续快速戳刺以乱对方阵脚   worry the sword
  10.   (台球赛中)连续得分   make a break of
  11.   (因恐惧或激动)屏息, 大气也不敢出   bate one's breath
  12.   (板球中)使对方击球员接二三出局   skittle out
  13.   (田径)连续接力   endless relay
  14.   (载的文章)下期[次]登完   to be concludeed
  15.   (通常和动词be, go用)超出开玩笑的限度   beyond a joke
  16.   (驱散骚乱人群用的)发短枪   riot gun
  1. 迪涅的主教院是和医院毗的。
    The episcopal palace of D---- adjoins the hospital.
  2. 惊险故事载每一集都在悬念中结束的情节剧
    A melodramatic serial in which each episode ends in suspense.
  3. 这本书是插话式的,事件不是总贯发生的。
    the book is episodic and the incidents don't always hang together.
  4. 续分句的句首重复一个词或词组,在句尾重复另一个;即首语重复和词尾重复的同时使用。
    repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning and another at the end of successive clauses, i.e., simultaneous use of anaphora and epistrophe.
  5. 我郑重地说,这个大胆的隐喻着实令人钦佩,既然正逢一个大喜的日子,理应妙语珠,礼赞王家婚庆,故这种戏剧形式的博物志,就丝毫不会对狮子生个海豚儿子而深感不安了。
    Now I maintain that this bold metaphor is admirable, and the natural history of the stage has no occasion on a day of allegory and royal epithalamium to take exception at a dolphin who is son to a lion.
  6. 一个预定在一部长的电视续剧担任角色的演员,得知自己的角色在剧中被取消时,感可能感到吃惊。
    An actor who has been booked for a long series of television may be alarmed to hear that his part is being written out of the script.
  7. 水流连续性方程
    continuity equation of water flow
  8. 赤道赤道。和the连用
    The equator. Used with the.
  9. 有电线接在一起的警报系统。
    wired together to an alarm system.
  10. 地磁赤道结地球表面上所有磁针呈水平方向平衡并没有倾角的点的线。
    an imaginary line paralleling the equator where a magnetic needle has no dip.
  11. 他一定是你最喜欢的球星,别急,我们来看一下他失败的原因吧,首先我觉得贝克尔打落地球时动作不贯,又缺乏信心。他截击空中球时漏洞百出,他13次发球得分的机会却有10次双误,贝克尔第十一局接两次失误使得弗里拉获得反败为胜的机会。
    He must be your favorite star. Don't worry, let's see the reasons his failure. Firstly, I think that Backer's ground strokes lacked consistency and confidence, his volleys were erratic and his 13 aces were nearly erased by 10 double-faults. Two straight double-faults by Becker gave Ferreira a key break in the 11 th game.
  12. 在古埃及建造大金字塔的工匠们甚至牵引的牲畜都没有,更不用说机械了。
    The men who built the Great Pyramid in ancient Egypt did not have even draft animals, let alone machinery.
  13. 金字形神塔古代亚述和巴比伦神殿的塔,形状似梯形金字塔,有续向后倾的塔层
    A temple tower of the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians, having the form of a terraced pyramid of successively receding stories.
  14. 吖?,氮由六种元素构成的杂环化合物,如氮苯(吡啶),它由一个或更多的氮原子构成,呈环状结构,类似苯的结构
    A six-membered heterocyclic compound, such as pyridine, that contains one or more atoms of nitrogen with a ring structure resembling that of benzene.
  15. 以我方的确认为条件,现对提洛尔ah22--biff型夏普空调器报价,到伦敦cif价每台530英镑。同接货订单,信用证五周内装船。
    We qt. subj. cfmn on sharp aircondition tyrol ah22--biff at l530/unit cif len shpt within 5 wks. aft ret dr l.c.
  16. 金在第二轮(共四轮)中中三个`10环,但弗朗西利一路奋力拼搏,在比赛进行到一半时将比分拉平至各方84分。
    Kim fired three consecutive bull's-eyes in his second quadrant but Frangilli pegged the score's level at 84 apiece at the halfway stage.
  17. 这出喜剧让观众们续两个星期乐得前仰后合。
    This comedy has had them rolling in the aisles for two weeks.
  18. 可以很清楚分辨出那三座被查理五世合并为这座行宫的大厦,尽管它们由几道带有彩色玻璃窗和小圆柱的长廊与行宫主体建筑巧妙地紧紧结在一起。这三座大厦是小缪斯府邸、圣莫尔神父府邸和埃唐普伯爵府邸。小缪斯府邸,屋顶边缘装饰着花边形栏杆,神采优雅;
    One could there distinguish, very well, though cleverly united with the principal building by long galleries, decked with painted glass and slender columns, the three Hotels which Charles V. had amalgamated with his palace: the Hotel du Petit-Muce, with the airy balustrade, which formed a graceful border to its roof;
  19. 可怜的朱庇特惊慌失措,魂不附体,涂满脂粉的红脸蛋煞白,丢下霹雳,拿下头盔,频频鞠躬,战战兢兢,口里呐呐道:“红衣主教大人……御使们……弗朗德勒的玛格丽特公主……”语无伦次,他自己都不知道说什么。
    Poor Jupiter, quaking, bewildered, pale beneath his rouge, dropped his thunder-bolt and took his helmet in his hand; then bowing and trembling: “His Eminence,” he stammered, “the Ambassadors—Madame Marguerite of Flanders—” he could get no farther.
  20. 在cobol语言中的一个字或一个标点符号,它把数据名或程序段名和其限定词建立联系,接两个或更多的串行操作数,或构成一个条件表达式。
    In COBOL, a word or a punctuation character that associates a data name or paragraph name with its qualifier, links two or more operands in a series, or forms a conditional expression.
  21. 续形式的数据,即出现的值的大小是跳跃式的或等量增加的(量子化的)。
    A discontinuous form, i.e. larger or smaller amounts occur in jumps or increments(quanta) of equal size.
  22. (与物质名词用的量词)在数量、程度或范围上巨大的。
    (quantifier used with mass nouns) great in quantity or degree or extent.
  23. (与物质名词用与'little'相当的)表示数量或程度不大的量词。
    (comparative of `little' usually used with mass nouns) quantifier meaning not as great in amount or degree.
  24. (与物质名词用与'much'相当的)表示尺寸、数量、范围或程度很大的量词。
    (comparative of `much' used with mass nouns) quantifier meaning greater in size or amount or extent or degree.
  25. ('little'的最高级与物质名词用;通常放在'the'之后)表示在数量或范围或程度上最小的量词。
    (superlative of `little' used with mass nouns; usually preceded by `the') quantifier meaning smallest in amount or extent or degree.
  26. (与物质名词用的量词)在数量或程度上很小的;不多的、几乎没有的或至少有一些的(与'a'用)。
    (quantifier used with mass nouns) small in quantity or degree; not much or almost none or (with a) at least some.
  27. ('much'的最高级与物质名词用;通常放在'the'之后)表示在数量、范围或程度上最大的量词;与物质名词用;常跟随'the'。
    (superlative of `much' used with mass nouns; usually preceded by `the') quantifier meaning the greatest in amount or extent or degree; used with mass nouns; usually follows `the'.
  28. 免疫分析一种实验室或临床的技术,利用抗原和它的同源抗体之间的特殊接而对样品中的微量物质进行鉴定并定量
    A laboratory or clinical technique that makes use of the specific binding between an antigen and its homologous antibody in order to identify and quantify a substance in a sample.
  29. 飞行员翻了三个筋斗获得了观众们的齐声喝彩。
    The airman looped the loop three times and won the cheer in chorus from the spectators.
  30. 东区海底隧道是本港第二条过海行车隧道,于一九八九年通车,接港岛?鱼涌与九龙茶果岭,全长两公里。
    The Eastern Harbour Crossing is Hong Kong's second cross-harbour road tunnel. It was opened in 1989 and links Quarry Bay on Hong Kong Island and Cha Kwo Ling in Kowloon.
  31. 东区海底隧道于一九八九年通车,接港岛鱼涌与九龙茶果岭,全长两公里,一九九八年平均每日行车量达71000架次,每程收费由8元至45元不等。
    The Eastern Harbour Crossing was opened in 1989. It links Quarry Bay on Hong Kong Island and Cha Kwo Ling in Kowloon. A daily average of 71000 vehicles used the two-kilometre tunnel in 1998. Tolls ranged from $8 to $45.
  32. 地下铁路观塘线的首部载客列车在一九七九年底投入服务,其后,荃湾线、港岛线和东区过海铁路隧道(接观塘和?鱼涌)分别在一九八二、一九八五和一九八九年启用。
    The first passenger train of the Kwun Tong Line of the MTR started operation in late 1979. The MTR was subsequently expanded to include Tsuen Wan Line (1982), Island Line (1985) and the Eastern Harbour Crossing rail tunnel (connecting Kwun Tong to Quarry Bay) (1989).