  • 用颤音、连续音等唱
    To sing with trills, runs, or quavers.
  • 颤声歌唱用颤音、续音等歌唱的行为或事例
    The act or an instance of singing with trills, runs, or quavers.
  • 码头区与码头、泊口或码头带相接的区域,尤指在港口城市中
    The area adjacent to a quay or wharf or a system of quays, especially in a port city.
  • 在很早以前,人们认为它是昆士兰海滨沿岸的一个串礁石。
    In the very early days, people thought of it as one continual reef running all the way down the Queensland coast.
  • 翼弦接机翼的前缘与后缘的直线
    A straight line connecting the leading and trailing edges of an airfoil.
  • 2。地空导弹兵、高射炮兵通常按师(旅)、团、营、体制编成。空降兵按军、师、团、营、体制编成。
    The ground-to-air missile force and anti-aircraft artillery force are usually organized into divisions (brigades), regiments, battalions and companies, and the airborne force into corps, divisions, regiments, battalions and companies.
  • 消委会一九九九年庆祝二十五银禧周年纪念。由三月开始,消委会举办串活动,旨在促进和保障消费者权益。
    The council commenced celebrating its Silver Jubilee in March with a series of commemorative activities spread throughout the year aiming to promote consumer protection and empowerment.
  • 编写出色的软件仍然是艺术多于科学,最好由怪痞、入迷并愿意续数月浸沉于棘手问题的电脑玩家来做。
    Writing brilliant software is still more art than science, best done by quirky and obsessive hackers willing to immerse themselves in thorny problems for months at a stretch.
  • 我们还可以举出云集在这间屋里的很多人的姓氏起首字母,他们在这里相遇他们自己也感到非常惊讶,不过为了不使读者感到厌烦,恕我不再一一介绍。
    We could go on quoting the initials of many of those who had gathered in that drawing room and who were not a little astonished at the company they kept; but we should, we fear, weary the reader.
  • 通过嵌接的方式在一起。
    join with a rabbet joint.
  • 嵌接通过槽口连接
    To join by a rabbet.
  • 槽口接合通过槽口被接在一起
    To be joined by a rabbet.
  • 加油站,修理站一场比赛中在汽车跑道后面用来给汽车再加油或服务的地方,与the
    An area beside an auto racecourse where cars may be refueled or serviced during a race. Used with the.
  • 当切尔西·克林顿和白宫实习生谈恋爱的消息传出后,很多人说这和电视续剧《白宫群英》故事相似。电视剧中的总统女儿和一位白宫助手坠入情网。
    When news broke of Chelsea Clinton's romance with a White House intern, there were many who noted that life appeared to be imitating The West Wing, in which a fictional First Daughter goes out with a young White House aide.
  • (赛马)在肯塔基州赛马会和贝尔蒙赛马会和在肯塔基州举行的英国的大赛马会中赢得三冠。
    (horse racing) of a horse that has won the Kentucky Derby and the Belmont Stakes and the Preakness Stakes races.
  • 他们在比赛中接赢了三次。
    They have won three races on the trot.
  • 车轮上接轮缘和毂的放射状的东西。
    a radial member of a wheel joining the hub to the rim.
  • 散热器一种由一系列接的管道组成的加热器,尤用于直立的金属结构内,蒸汽或热水在其内部循环以向周围空间释放热量
    A heating device consisting of a series of connected pipes, typically inside an upright metal structure, through which steam or hot water is circulated so as to radiate heat into the surrounding space.
  • 上一个碳原子的用另外一个原子或原子团来替代混合物中某一原子或原子团的过程的或与此有关的
    Relating to the replacement of one of several atoms or radicals in a compound by another atom or radical.
  • 通过条约或者协议接在一起。
    joined by treaty or agreement.
  • 美国最发达的几家公司(包括安然、施乐、蒂科、全球有线通信公司,还有新近的世界通信公司)爆出了一串丑闻,从而急剧改变了公众的情绪。
    A string of scandals at some of America's most high-flying firms --including Enron, Xerox, Tyco, Global Crossing and, most re cently, WorldCom--has radically changed the public mood.
  • 踝状突肱骨下端与桡骨相处的圆形突起
    The rounded protuberance at the lower end of the humerus that articulates with the radius.
  • 在这个半径上的物体,其逃逸的速度与光速相等。一旦有光线穿过,它也不能逃逸。
    At this radius, the escape speed is equal to the speed of light, and once light passes through, even it cannot escape.
  • 肾盂照相术有关肾盂以及相组织,在注射了一种辐射不透明的染料后而进行x射线拍照的技术
    X-ray photography of the pelvis of the kidney and associated structures after injection with a radiopaque dye.
  • 这样破破烂烂的衣服就是在旧衣市场也看不到。
    Such threadbare coats and trousers never were seen in Rag Fair.
  • 袖大衣有插肩的衣服,如外衣或羊毛衫
    A garment, such as an overcoat or a sweater, that has raglan sleeves.
  • 追赶的军队袭击者的影子都找不着了。
    The pursuing troops failed to find a trace of the raiders.
  • 扎成栅栏的木条之间互相锁,且成z字形。
    zigzag of interlocking rails.
  • 这确实与快车道上许多车辆接首尾相撞惊人场面大致相似。那种惊人场面在早期铁路营运中常常可见,那时人们按间隔时间调度火车,幻想在司机甲的车受阻时,司机乙也能及时停住车。
    Indeed there is a rough parallel to the spectacular motorway pile-ups to be found in the early days of railroading, when trains would be dispatched on a line-interval basis in the fond hope that Driver B would be able to stop in time if Driver A got stuck.
  • 从此,便产生了一种流行的说法:如果圣斯韦辛日——7月15日下雨,就会下40天;
    This gave rise to the popular saying that if it rains on the St. Swithin Day -July I5, there will be rain for the next 40 days;
  • 这座桥遭到续的暴风雨的破坏,已经不安全了。
    This bridge suffers the destruction of connective rainstorm, and it is dangerous.
  • 连阴雨
    rainy period in early spring