变得强硬的渔夫;这个农夫,黑皮肤,瘦脸,能适应强风-罗伯特.林德;我们的继承者…可以是雕刻师,是更坚强和更稳定的人-v.s普瑞切特。 hardened fishermen; a peasant, dark, lean-faced, wind-inured- Robert Lynd; our successors...may be graver, more inured and equable men- V.S.Pritchett.
当年杜塞尔多夫的市民得知没有足够的合金来建成他们爱戴的詹·威廉王子的骑马雕像时,他们捐出了自家的银器。 Silver spoons were donated by the citizens of Dusseldorf when they learned that insufficient alloy was avail-able to complete their equestrian statue of popular prince Jan Wellem.
还有昔日充满前后殿堂各个圆柱之间的无数雕像,或跪,或站,或骑马,有男,有女,有儿童,还有国王、主教、卫士,石雕的,大理石刻的,金的,银的,铜的,甚至蜡制的,所有这一切,是谁把它们粗暴地一扫光呢? And those myriads of statues, which peopled all the spaces between the columns of the nave and the choir, kneeling,standing, equestrian, men, women, children, kings, bishops,gendarmes, in stone, in marble, in gold, in silver, in copper, in wax even,--who has brutally swept them away?
阴茎勃起的有勃起的阴茎的。用于绘画或者雕像的象征 Having the penis erect. Used of graphic and sculptural representations.
雕刻的金字塔的装饰;在世纪的英国使用。 a carved pyramidal ornament; used in 13th century England.
在旧城改造拆迁中,对体现老北京特色的四合院进行有区别地审慎处理和保护,并把原有各种地名的历史、内涵、事件等采取原址保留、部分保留或以雕塑、石刻等手段记录下来。 In the renovation of the old city, the quadrangles (siheyuan), which bear the features of the old city, will be carefully dealt with and protected in different ways; and records concerning the origin, connotations, and incidents related to the historical places will be entirely or partially inscribed on the spot by permanent means.
我看到了一个妓女的梳妆间倒没有厌恶的心情,不管是什么东西,我都饶有兴趣地细细鉴赏一番。我发现所有这些雕刻精湛的用具上都镌刻着各种不同的人名首字母和五花八门的纹章标记。 I, who was not the least put out by the sight of the dressing-room of a kept woman, spent some time agreeably inspecting its contents, neglecting none of them, and I noticed that all these magnificently wrought implements bore different initials and all manner of coronets.
有浮凸雕饰的用突起的饰品装饰的 Decorated with raised ornaments.
浮雕用作装饰的凸起区域 A raised area used as ornamentation.
只要一提起艺术和文化项目,一些政府领导就会兴奋不已,他们滔滔不绝地说着美丽的公园,城市中心漂亮的雕塑,还有满是稀世珍宝的艺术展览馆。他们认为在经济发展中,没有什么比这些艺术项目更重要了。 Many leaders of government always go into raptures at the mere mention of artistic and cultural projects. They are forever talking about the nice parks, the smart sculptures in central city and the art galleries with various valuable rarities. Nothing, they maintain, is more essential than such projects in the economic growth.
现在的雕塑品很少使我们感到惊奇了。 Modern sculpture rarely surprise us any more.
未经雕琢的自然 Nature in the raw.
壁龛墙壁上凹进去的空间,用来悬挂雕像或装饰品 A recess in a wall, as for holding a statue or an urn.
他们不面向生活,而是面向自我,把自己局限在纯艺术的雕虫小技之中……目前流行的纯艺术和仅对艺术家的技巧做出的反响的时髦作法是对艺术魁力极其苍白无力的反应,或者根本没有审美体验。 Instead of pointing outward toward life, they are self-referential, confining themselves to the bric-a-brac of the art as an art. The currently fashionable practice of treating art as art and responding to the technique of the artist is either a very pallid response to the power of art or not an aesthetic experience at all..
繁复而华美的具有精心雕琢和语言或文学风格之特点的 Marked by elaborate and refined language or literary style.
艺术家能够通过想象和天赋创造出有美学价值艺术品的人,如画家或雕塑家,尤指(表现)在好的艺术作品中 One, such as a painter or sculptor, who is able by virtue of imagination and talent to create works of aesthetic value, especially in the fine arts.
靠这种剩余财富,建造起了巴台农神殿和希腊雅典卫城的入口,购买了菲迪亚斯的雕刻作品,举办了庆祝盛典,埃斯库罗斯·素福克勒斯、欧里庇得斯和阿里斯托芬的戏剧,就是为这些盛典创作的。 From such a surplus the Parthenon and the Propylaea were built, the sculptures of Pheidias paid for, and the festivals celebrated, for which AEschylus, Sophocles, Euripides,and Aristophanes composed their dramas.
也不能把我们圣母院列入那类高大、剔透、饰满彩色玻璃窗和各种雕塑的教堂家族; Impossible to place our Cathedral in that other family of lofty, aerial churches,rich in painted windows and sculpture;
米洛斯岛希腊东南部一岛屿,位于爱琴海的基克拉迪群岛。古时为一繁荣的贸易中心及黑曜岩采掘中心,但自青铜代替黑曜岩成为制造工具和武器的材料之后,该城逐渐没落。著名的米洛斯岛的维纳斯雕像于1820年发现于此 An island of southeast Greece in the Cyclades Islands of the Aegean Sea. It was a flourishing trade and obsidian-mining center in ancient times but lost importance when bronze replaced obsidian as a material for tools and weapons. The famous statue Venus de Milo was discovered here in1820.
介于浅浮雕和高浮雕之间的一种浮雕。 a sculptural relief between low relief and high relief.
以浅浮雕的形式刻出来的东西。 anything carved in low relief.
浮雕装饰刻在浅浮雕上的装饰 An ornament carved in low relief.
所有人的人体像皆系高浮雕。 All those figures are in high relief.
宗教上比较保守的父母每年都竭力要在学校里禁止雕万圣节前夜南瓜,或穿鬼怪服装,他们宣称这会教孩子们崇拜撒旦。 Religiously conservative parents make annual attempts to ban Halloween pumpkins and ghost costumes from schools because, they claim,it teaches the children to worship Satan.
雕塑品的敏锐观赏家必须学会把形体当作形体去感觉,而不当作描述或联想去感觉。 And the senstive observer of sculpture must learn to feel shape simply as shape, not as description or reminiscence.
雕塑品的敏锐观赏家必须学会把形态只作为形态去感觉,而不作为描述或联想去感觉。 And the sensitive observer of sculpture must also learn to feel shape simply as shape, not as description or reminiscence.
原初主义画家的属于或关于中世纪后期或文艺复兴之前的欧洲画家或雕塑家的 Of or relating to late medieval or pre-Renaissance European painters or sculptors.
多那太罗意大利雕塑家,是文艺复兴风格的先驱者,以其生动自然、形象逼真的人物像著名,代表作有青铜雕像大卫象 Italian sculptor renowned as a pioneer of the Renaissance style with his natural, lifelike figures, such as the bronze statue David.
瓦萨里,乔吉奥1511-1574意大利画家、建筑师和艺术历史学家,他创作了最迫近的意大利建筑师、画家和雕塑家的生活(1550年),这是一部关于文艺复兴艺术的历史 Italian painter, architect, and art historian who wrote Lives of the Most Imminent Italian Architects, Painters, and Sculptors(1550), a history of Renaissance art.
焦托佛罗伦萨画家、建筑师和雕塑家。被认为是文艺复兴之前意大利最伟大的画家,他从拜占庭形式化的风格转向对人类的表情和动作的更自然表现 Florentine painter, architect, and sculptor. Considered the greatest painter of pre-Renaissance Italy, he turned from the formulaic Byzantine style to a more natural representation of human expression and movement.
有一天我走进起居室,无意中朝沙发旁的地板看了一眼,那里摆着几年前买的山姆雕塑复制品。 One day as I walked into our living room, I happened to glance down on the floor next to our sofa where we had a sculptured replica of Sam that we had bought a few years before.
可爱,并不需要外来的装饰,天然的可爱远比雕饰的更可爱。 ——j·汤普森 Loveliness, needs not the foreign aid of ornament, but is when unadorn'd, adorn'd the most. —— James Thompson