·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • Who
  • whom
  • which person or people
Chinese English Phrase
  1.   [口]究竟是什么[, 为什么]...?   Why the dickens ...?
  2.   [口]究竟是什么[, 为什么]...?   Who the dickens ...?
  3.   [口]究竟是什么[, 为什么]...?   What the dickens ...?
  4.   [口]信你那一套! 我才不信呢! 胡说!   Tell that [it] to the marines!
  5.   [美]错综复杂, 也分解不开   enough to puzzle a Philadelphia lawyer
  6.   [美口]这是都说不准的事。   It is anyone's guess.
  7.   [谑]大学者们意见分岐时, 来判定孰是孰非?   Who shall decide when doctors differ ?
  8.   [谑]大学者们意见分岐时, 来判定孰是孰非?   Who shall decide when doctors disagree ?
  9.   [谚]人总是会死的; 人生自古无死。   Man is mortal (=All men are mortal).
  10.   [谚]出钱, 点戏(花钱的人有权左右一切)。   He who pays the piper, calls the tune.
  11.   [谚]谁捡到归谁。   Findings are keepings.
  12.   [谚]谁捡到归谁。   Findings keepings.
  13. pron.  whosoever所有格,无论是的   whosesoever
  14. n.  下国际象棋也比不上她.   No one can match her at chess
  15.   不管怎样[什么, 何时, 哪里, ]...   no matter how [what, when, where, who]
  16. pron.  不管是谁,无论是谁   whoso
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 失望之际,我没有大惊小怪,因为我们俩碰到形形色色的事都可能使我们无法幽会。
    I was disappointed but not alarmed, for so many things could happen to either of us to prevent out keeping our tryst.
  2. 还有昔日充满前后殿堂各个圆柱之间的无数雕像,或跪,或站,或骑马,有男,有女,有儿童,还有国王、主教、卫士,石雕的,大理石刻的,金的,银的,铜的,甚至蜡制的,所有这一切,是把它们粗暴地一扫光呢?
    And those myriads of statues, which peopled all the spaces between the columns of the nave and the choir, kneeling,standing, equestrian, men, women, children, kings, bishops,gendarmes, in stone, in marble, in gold, in silver, in copper, in wax even,--who has brutally swept them away?
  3. “什么事?”那旅客问,然后略带几分颤抖问道,“是找我?
    `What is the matter' asked the passenger, then, with mildly quavering speech. `Who wants me?
  4. 被遗弃;关于人,询问,问题,迹象等等;那儿遗留扣动扳机的问题。
    be left; of persons, questions, problems, results, evidence, etc. There remains the question of who pulled the trigger.
  5. 这问题是谁提的?
    Who put the question?
  6. 他虽然已经变得白发苍苍、瘦骨嶙峋,却仍保持着一个神童的热情和机灵,也不能怀疑他给指挥台带来的对乐曲理解的深度,尤其是近几年他对乐曲的演释能力比以往更强了。
    Though he had become white-haired and craggy, he retained the passion and the quickness of a underkind, and no one could dispute his depth of understanding he brought to the podium, particularly in recent years, when his interpretive powers were sharper than ever.
  7. 但如果这些相同的事情老是烦扰你,你就应该这样问问,“这究竟是有怪癖?”
    But if the same things are bothering you constantly, it helps to ask, “Whose quirk is this, anyway?
  8. 你买的火车票,我付的饭钱,所以我们也不欠的了
    You have bought the train ticket and I have paid for the meal so we are quits
  9. 你买的火车票,我付的饭钱,所以我们也不欠的了。
    You have buy the train ticket and I have pay for the meal so we are quits.
  10. 他可能成为一道最佳的竞赛题目:是将美国队和中国队带入世界杯决赛圈?
    He might well become the subject of the ultimate quiz question: which man has led both the United States and China into global battle?
  11. 我向他投去一个不解的神情,"你说的是?"
    I gave him a quizzical look. " Whom are you talking about?"
  12. 谁陷害了兔子罗杰?
    Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
  13. 谁赢了赛跑?
    Who won the race?
  14. 安妮:世界上最著名的车手是?
    Annie: Who is the most famous racer?
  15. 谁是比赛的裁判?
    Who's judging the races?
  16. 这就应验了主借先知耶利米所说的话:“在拉玛,你会听到号啕痛哭的声音,这是拉结在哭她的孩子们,而且也劝不住,因为她的儿女们再也不在人世了。”
    So the words spoken through Jeremiah the prophet were fulfilled: ‘A voice was heard in Rama, wailing and loud laments; it was Rachel weeping for her children, and refusing all consolation, because they were no more.'
  17. 《阿q正传》是谁写的?
    Who was the story of Ah Q written by?
  18. 《阿q正传》是写的?
    Who is the story of ah q write by?
  19. 王平:谁说不是?
    Wang Ping: I agree.
  20. 首先发现镭的科学家是
    Who is the scientist firstly find radium?
  21. 最先发现镭的科学家是
    Who is the scientist that first discover Radium?
  22. 与社会隔离的学生相互之间抱着很大成见,他们结成小团体,为了人缘最好、最漂亮、最酷之类的问题耿耿于怀。
    Segregated from the rest of society, students turn obsessively toward each other, forming cliques and agonizing over who is most popular or beautiful or cool.
  23. 也不能强迫我购买我根本不想要的汽车!
    I won't be railroaded into buying a car I don't want!
  24. 也不能强迫我购买我根本不想要的汽车!
    I won't is railroaded into buying a car I don't want!
  25. 清除街道上淤积的雨水是的工作?
    Whose job is it to clear the accumulated rainwater from the streets?
  26. 他们也没提出反对意见。
    None of them raised any objection.
  27. 都没觉察到她的不安情绪。
    None noticed her agitation.
  28. 不幸的是,变老是人生不可避免的事情之一,都不能例外。
    Unfortunately aging is one of the inevitabilities of life and it happens to the best of us.
  29. 受害者知道罪犯是的强奸案例(特别是当他们在一起约会的时候)。
    rape in which the rapist is known to the victim (as when they are on a date together).
  30. 真不知道马可斯跟站在一边。马可斯是曼哈顿最高法院法官。上星期他对一个有谋杀前科的强奸犯不但量刑过轻而且鼓励有加。
    You have to wonder whose side Jerome Marks is on. Marks is the Manhattan Supreme Court Justice who last week gave a slap on the wrist and a pat on the head to a rapist whose prior record included a conviction for murder.
  31. 对这议事日程有异议?
    Have anyone get any objection to the agenda?
  32. 对这议事日程有异议?
    Has anyone got any objection to the agenda?