·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • check
  • give or take an examination
  • study
  • verify
  • examine, test
  • investigate
  • check
  • verify
  • test
  • examine
Chinese English Phrase
  1.   (不究品质地)造来卖的   made to sell
  2.   (与will, would 或could连用)连听都不要听, 不同意[虑]   not hear of
  3.   (与will, would 或could连用)连听都不要听, 不同意[虑]   never hear of
  4.   (准备)参加(考试)   sit for
  5.   (剑桥大学)人文科学荣誉学位试名单上的最后一名   the (wooden) wedge
  6.   (学生)做家庭作业; (在发言前)做准备工作; 仔细虑问题   do (one's) homework
  7.   (比赛等中)名落孙山; 一事无成, 得很糟; [美]惊惶失措   be [come in] nowhere
  8.   (用自动记时钟)在勤卡上印上班时间; 开始工作   punch in (=clock in [on])
  9.   (用自动记时钟)在勤卡上印下班时间; 下班   punch out (=clock out [off])
  10.   (真实作者难的)一本书的假定作者   the putative author of a book
  11.   (眼睛)仔细地看, 逐个地看; 仔细虑   travel over
  12.   (试) 能及格, (生意等)能维持   head above water
  13.   (英国剑桥大学荣誉学位试中)古典语文成绩最好的学生   senior classic
  14.   (论点等)经不起验; 站不住脚; 没有说服力   won't wash
  15.   (选举投票所的)监选员; 试场监员   presiding officer
  16. n.  R·T·M·司考特·R·T·M·   Scott
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 邓:那件事,看起来是坏事,但归根到底也是好事,促使人们思,促使人们认识我们的弊端在哪里。
    Deng: That episode looks bad, but in the final analysis, it was also a good thing. Because it set people thinking and helped to identify our failings.
  2. “怕输”这个词是褒义还是贬义,笔者反复的思,最后认为还是用中性词来形容它较为恰当。
    IS "kiasu" a commendatory epithet, or a derogatoryone? After much deliberation, I have decided to label it as neutral.
  3. “怕输”这个词是褒义还是贬义,笔者反复的思,最后认为还是用中性词来形容它较为恰当。
    IS "kiasu" a commendatory epithet, or a derogatory one? After much deliberation, I have decided to label it as neutral.
  4. 克斯等人在捏造中国“窃缺美国最先进核武器的设计机密,并在此基础上发展了中国新一代核武器谎言的同时,还十分耸人听闻地说,“中国的现代化战略核弹道导弹力量将对美国构成现实的直接威胁”。
    While cooking up the lie that China "stole'' America's most advanced nuclear weapon design secrets and developed its own nuclear weapons of a new generation on this basis, Cox and others said alarmingly, "A modernized PRC strategic nuclear ballistic missile force would pose a credible direct threat against the United States.''
  5. 你不能把试及格与受过教育等同起来。
    You can't equate passing examinations with being educated.
  6. 当今很多人把试及格与受过教育等同起来。
    "Nowadays, many people equate passing examinations with being educated."
  7. 当人们把少孩子多幸福当作一种不变的事实时,当人们虑更多的是自由、金钱、个人时,所有的优惠措施将在这些思想观念面前显得苍白无力。
    When people equate childlessness to happiness, when they care more about freedom, money and themselves, few incentives will be good enough to make them change their mind.
  8. 提起新加坡,许多中国人会联想到高效政府、良好秩序、美食、旅游胜地——这些正面的标签已被不少游记、随笔和察报告贴在了这个接近赤道的岛国身上。
    TO MANY people in China, Singapore is associated with efficient government, good order, tasty foods, and tourist's attractions — attributes given to the equatorial island-state by numerous travels, essays, and inspection tour reports.
  9. 请准备一枝尖的铅笔和一块橡皮参加
    Please equip yourself with a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam
  10. 因此,把华文教好,也就是给学生多一种思的工具。
    Therefore, teaching Chinese language well is to equip children with another thinking tool.
  11. 我们必须准备在精神上和身体上使这些孩子们有条件迎接他们将面临的各种验。
    We must equip the children mentally and physically to meet the trial they will face.
  12. 股票跌价由于新股票发行未充分虑收入而出现的公司股票跌价
    A decrease in the equity position of a share of stock because of the issuance of additional shares.
  13. 不许把参书拿出阅览室。
    Reference book is not al low to is take out of the read room.
  14. 一种不包括数据仅有参结构的数据媒体。如预印格式、仅有中导孔的穿孔纸带、已清除的磁带等。
    A data medium that does not contain data other than a frame o f reference, for example, a pre-printed form, tape punched only with feed holes, a magnetic tape t hat has been erased.
  15. 在你需要朋友帮助前,先要验他们。
    Prove thy friend ere thou have need.
  16. 对朋友要先验,后信任。
    Try your friend ere you trust him.
  17. 对照这些地区的经验,提倡创意,建议为学生“松绑”,改变多年来以试为主导的方式,并且鼓励学生研读跨领域的学科,似乎是大家共朝的方向。
    The orientation of Hong Kong's reform, however, is akin to those of other places. Here, too, creativity is being emphasised, schoolwork burdens cut down, teaching made less exam-oriented, and students encouraged to take courses in various fields.This seems to be the general trend nowadays.
  18.  9月17日,(美国)国家地理频道现场直播了位于开罗郊外的"大金字塔"内部的探秘过程。这一举动引起了很多人对古的兴趣。
    The National Geographic Channel's live broadcast of the exploration of the Great Pyramid, outside Cairo, on September 17 has aroused lots of people's interest in archaeology.
  19. 我祖父生前是一百万富翁,他把自己的全部资财遗赠出来,用以证埃及金字塔是天外来客建造的这一臆断是否成立。
    My millionaire grandfather left all his money to research into proving that the pyramids in Egypt were built by visitors from outer space. That beats the band!
  20. 芬,莱维1789-1877美国废奴主义者,他的“在印度的贵格派教徒乡村”是“帮助黑人逃跑的地下渠道”的重要部分
    American abolitionist whose Quaker village in Indiana was a significant part of the Underground Railroad.
  21. 格林一定会通过这次资格试。
    Green is certain to pass the qualification examination.
  22. 它是一门很难学的课程,而且试又很严格,因此其结业成绩是很有(参)价值的资格证明。
    It’s a tough course with a fairly tough exam, so that the end product is a really worthwhile qualification.
  23. 具体信息请参附录中的搜索修饰符部分。
    See the Search Qualifiers appendix for more information.
  24. 这次试将使你取得驾驶飞机的资格。
    This test will qualify you to fly an aircraft.
  25. 约翰逊没有通过当医生的资格试,决定从事教学工作。
    Johnson , having failed to qualify as a doctor , decided to take up reaching.
  26. 学院通过辖下15间分科学院提供训练课程和举办试,向合资格生颁授专业资格。
    Its 15 colleges conduct training and examinations to award specialist qualifications to qualifying candidates.
  27. 为取得博士的资格,你必须长期学习并通过试才行。
    To qualify as a doctor you have to study a long time and pass exams.
  28. 去年10月底,印尼多个城镇同时举办第一届汉语水平试(hsk)竟有1200人参加;
    Last october, in a pleasant surprise, the first-ever Chinese language qualifying test, or the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, which was held simultaneously in some Indonesian cities, attracted about 1,200 participants.
  29. 从定性的角度虑,这种褪色标明这种物质的无机铁的含量很低。
    this discoloration qualitatively suggests that the substance is low in inorganic iron.
  30. 识数的,有计算能力能够用数量术语有效地思和表达自己的
    Able to think and express oneself effectively in quantitative terms.
  31. 我以一整套的统计数字回答了他的疑问。让他自己去虑吧。
    I replied to his query with a complete set of statistics. Let him try that on for size.
  32. 由于单纯的人口压力,墨西哥正在做任何其他政府都没有认真虑过的事:征服美国。
    Through sheer population pressure Mexico is accomplishing what no other for-eign government has ever seriously attempted: con-quest of the United States.