·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • trans-
  • after
  • by
  • by way
  • by way of
  • via
  • through
  • past
  • classics
  • scripture
  • channel
  • sacred book
  • warp
  • deformation
  • constant
  • regular
  • abiding
  • changeless
  • immanent
  • ordinate
  • scheduled
  • endure
  • manage
  • deal in
  • pass through
  • undergo
  • bear
  • stand
Chinese English Phrase
  1.   (《圣经》中的)七年   a prophetic week
  2.   (不法庭)在法庭外(私下)和解   settle out of court
  3.   (中国的)诗经   the Book of Odes
  4.   (使)常改换工作, 使变换位置   switch around
  5.   (使)饱尝辛酸, 过严格的锻炼   go[pass, put, have been] through the mill
  6.   (加拿大)拉布拉多冷流(从巴芬 Baffin海湾拉布拉多和纽芬兰流入墨西哥湾流的北极寒流)   Labrador current
  7.   (化学战争中使用的)神毒气; 神毒剂   nerve agent
  8.   (在济、政治或军事上依附于他国的)依附国   client state
  9.   (基督教 《圣》中的)大先知   major prophet
  10.   (基督教《圣》中的)四骑士(指战争、饥馑、瘟疫、死亡四大害)   Four Horsemen
  11.   (基督教《圣》中的)小先知   minor prophet
  12.   (对不服兵役者所征)兵役税;【济】资本课税   conscription of wealth
  13.   (房租, 水电等)常性开支   recurrent expenses
  14.   (扰乱性的)神经空袭   nerve air raid
  15.   (教皇Sixtus五世时代改订的)拉丁语译本圣   Sistine Vulgate
  16.   (数念珠)念经祈祷   tell one's rosary
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 在最近的一个早上,当人们发现迈克尔·h的时候,他正睡在兰开斯特郊区的圣保罗圣公会教堂的地板上。他已有几个月没有理发和刮脸了,身边散落着从教堂配餐室拿来的金枪鱼的空罐头盒和汤。
    Michael H. had not had a shave or haircut in months when he was found one recent morning, sleeping on the floor of St. Paul'S Episcopal Church in suburban Lancaster, next to empty cans of tuna and soup from the church pantry.
  2. 那是我一生中但愿忘却的历!
    That's an episode in my life I'd rather forget!
  3. 非常特殊的、危急的atc形势,比如一次危险接近,能在历性记忆中保持很长时间。就象我们个人发生的危险历保存在历性记忆中一样。
    Episodic memories of highly specific, critical ATC situations, such as a near mid-air collision, can persist for years, just as do our episodic memories for critical personal experiences.
  4. 训练者必须利用这个历性记忆从错误中吸取验,或者记住关键的步骤防止困难的情况下增加不必要的复杂性。
    Trainees must utilize this “episodic” memory to either learn from mistakes or to remember key moves that prevented troublesome situations that unnecessarily increase complexity.
  5. 历性的记忆是指在我们的记忆中次序发生的事件,通常结合一些时间、地点、其他出现的人物,等等。
    Episodic memory is our memory for events in their sequence of occurrence, usually associated with some form of tagging for time, place, other people present, and so forth.
  6. 例如,管制员离开岗位后,仍然能从历性记忆中叙述出那些曾发生的困难的情况下所做出的一系列管制行为和有关的航空器。
    The controller getting off shift, for example, can recount from episodic memory the aircraft involved and the series of control actions taken for any troublesome situation that occurred.
  7. 现在,已很少人能够清楚划分政治和宗教之间的界线,任何理性的分析都将徒劳无功。
    Alas, when no one can see the fine line between politics and religion anymore, any level-headed ditch to reason will prove futile.
  8. 吟唱圣引自《使徒书信》和《福音书》之间的用于吟唱的一段圣短文
    A biblical text sung between the Epistle and the Gospel of the Mass.
  9. 耶稣的使徒;约翰的兄弟;在《新约圣》中《詹姆士使徒书》的作者。
    disciple of Jesus; brother of John; author of The Epistle of James in the New Testament.
  10. 墓志铭——是一则已永久断市的货物的过时广告。
    Epitaph: a belated advertisement for a line of goods that ha permanently discontinue.
  11. 过去的时代已一去不复返了。
    The past epoch is gone, never to return.
  12. 说"不是"则因为这种现象已引起了美国民众的警惕。
    This is now becoming an alarmingly common occurrence in the US.
  13. 社会的发展到了今天的时代,正确地认识世界和改造世界的责任,已历史地落在无产阶级及其政党的肩上。
    In the present epoch of the development of society, the responsibility of correctly knowing and changing the world has been placed by history upon the shoulders of the proletariat and its party.
  14. 同志们很多是从上海亭子间⑾来的;从亭子间到革命根据地,不但是历了两种地区,而且是历了两个历史时代。
    A good number of comrades have come here from the garrets of Shanghai, and in coming from those garrets to the revolutionary base areas, they have passed not only from one kind of place to another but from one historical epoch to another.
  15. 半个世纪的验和教训,联合国宪章的宗旨和原则,和平与发展的时代主题,向我们提出庄严而迫切的要求。
    Our experience and lessons over half a century, the purposes and principles of the Charter and the epochal theme of peace and development, have all raised solemn and urgent demands on us.
  16. 再者,土地的需求,尤其是为了农业和林业,最初集中在土壤最肥沃和气候温和的地区,而这些地方常是生物种类最丰富的地方。
    Moreover, land acquisition, especially for agriculture and forestry, focuses initially on those areas with the most fertile soils and equable climates, which are often the areas of greatest biological diversity.
  17. 济工作中的平均主义
    equalitarianism in economic work
  18. 绝对平均主义的来源,和政治上的极端民主化一样,是手工业和小农济的产物,不过一则见之于政治生活方面,一则见之于物质生活方面罢了。
    Absolute equalitarianism, like ultra-democracy in political matters, is the product of a handicraft and small peasant economy -- the only difference being that the one manifests itself in material affairs, while the other manifests itself in political affairs.
  19. 帮助少数民族妇女取得济上的平等权利
    Helping minority women to economic equality.
  20. 主张平等政治,济和社会理想的人类平等主义。
    the doctrine of the equality of mankind and the desirability of political and economic and social equality.
  21. 由于全国被监禁的人数爆涨,管教官员和情绪不正常的人的家属对把精神病患者关进监狱所带来的问题感到担忧,被专家们称为精神病犯罪的情况已发展成为一个严重问题。
    What experts call the criminalization of the mentally ill has grown as an issue as the nation's inmate population has exploded and as corrections officials and families of the emotionally disturbed have become alarmed by the problems posed by having the mentally ill behind bars.
  22. 男女平等主义主张在社会、政治以及济方面性别平等的信条
    Belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.
  23. 中国的济,一定要走“节制资本”和“平均地权”的路,决不能是“少数人所得而私”,决不能让少数资本家少数地主“操纵国民生计”,决不能建立欧美式的资本主义社会,也决不能还是旧的半封建社会。
    China's economy must develop along the path of the "regulation of capital" and the "equalization of landownership", and must never be "privately owned by the few";we must never permit the few capitalists and landlords to "dominate the livelihood of the people";we must never establish a capitalist society of the European-American type or allow the old semi-feudal society to survive.
  24. 我们不能把高级文职人员的薪水同理们的薪水相提并论。
    We cannot equate the salaries of higher civil servants to those of business executives.
  25. 一些人甚至把建设文化艺术项目与发展济建设等同起来。
    Some people even equate the build of such projects with the improving of economic construction.
  26. 经济发展与生态平衡
    economic development and ecological equilibrium
  27. 他小心翼翼地看了看她的睡袋,睡袋已空了。阿兰一下子僵住了。
    He looked cautiously round her sleeping bag. It was empty and Alan froze.
  28. 长久以来,我们都会为我们所受的苦难而诅咒神灵-艾伦·格林斯潘亦不例外。
    We've long cursed deities for our suffering Alan Greenspan is no exception.
  29. 这个济学家就是年轻时候的艾伦·格林斯潘。这番话是引自1959年三月的《财富》杂志。
    The economist, a young Alan Greenspan, was quoted in the March 1959 FORTUNE.
  30. 有一天,阿拉丁正在街上走的时候,公主巴德瑞尔从身边过。
    One day when Aladdin was talking in the street. Princess Badrul passed by.
  31. 努力推动建立公正合理的国际政治济新秩序,为人类和平与发展的崇高事业作出自己应有的贡献。
    We will work to expedite the establishment of a just and equitable new international political and economic order and make our due contribution to the lofty cause of peace and development of mankind.
  32. 坚持发展济和控制人口两手抓,把控制人口增长,提高人口素质,合理分布人口,开发人力资源,纳入西部大开发战略的总体规划。
    The policy of slow-down population growth, enhancement of population quality, equitable distribution of population, and the development of human resources should be incorporated into the said strategy so that a coordinated development of economy and population can be reached.