·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • End
  • extrenity
  • port
  • end, extreme
  • head
  • beginning
  • extremity
  • item
  • hold sth. level with both hands
  • carry
  • regular
  • terminal
  • tip
Chinese English Phrase
  1. adj.  &n.近着丝, 具近着丝点的, &, n.近着丝   acrocentric
  2. vi.  (caviled, caviling)吹毛求疵, 无找岔, 挑剔, 找岔子, 吹毛求疵, 找错   cavil
  3.   (对...)作蔑视的手势(把拇指搁在鼻, 其余四指张开); [喻]无视, 拒不服从   thumb one's nose (at) sb.
  4.   (把拇指搁在鼻, 其余四指张开)对某人表示轻蔑, 嘲弄某人; 嗤之以鼻   make a long nose at sb.
  5.   (柄刻成使徒像的)使徒匙   apostle spoon
  6.   (船)索; 锚链在船内的一   bitter end
  7.   ISDN用户终端设备   ISDN CPE
  8. n.  Palestine北的古都, 浮标, 担, 段   dan
  9. adj.  Proteus的, 千变万化的, 变化不定的, 普罗秋斯神的, 千变万化的, 多才多艺的, 能演好几种角色的, 变形虫的, 变化多的, 能演多种角色的(演员)   protean
  10. n.  Scandinavia半岛的最北地区, 拉普兰, 拉普兰(挪威、瑞典、芬兰和苏联各国北部拉普兰人居住的地区)   lapland
  11.   [口](指饭菜)准备好了!这就上来了!   Coming up!
  12.   [口]上菜, 把...盛在盘中上   dish up
  13.   [口]非常地, 极地, 可怕地   as hell
  14.   [古](饭菜等)热腾腾地(上来); 才出锅(就上来)   hot and hot
  15.   [古]无可置疑地; 极地   with a witness
  16.   [美]过分爱好; 狂热追求; 爱走极; 过长   go overboard
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 壁炉里有一对铁炉篦,篦的两装饰着两个瓶,瓶上绕着花串和槽形直条花纹,并贴过银箔,那是主教等级的一种奢侈品;
    In the chimney stood a pair of firedogs of iron, ornamented above with two garlanded vases, and flutings which had formerly been silvered with silver leaf, which was a sort of episcopal luxury;
  2. 邓:那件事,看起来是坏事,但归根到底也是好事,促使人们思考,促使人们认识我们的弊在哪里。
    Deng: That episode looks bad, but in the final analysis, it was also a good thing. Because it set people thinking and helped to identify our failings.
  3. 绝对平均主义的来源,和政治上的极民主化一样,是手工业和小农经济的产物,不过一则见之于政治生活方面,一则见之于物质生活方面罢了。
    Absolute equalitarianism, like ultra-democracy in political matters, is the product of a handicraft and small peasant economy -- the only difference being that the one manifests itself in material affairs, while the other manifests itself in political affairs.
  4. 等式的边等式两边之表达式之一
    The expression on either side of an equality sign.
  5. 到各个末的距离相等。
    equally distant from the extremes.
  6. 一个到线段末或图形边缘距离都相等的点。
    a point equidistant from the ends of a line or the extremities of a figure.
  7. 如果是重新安装或对现有的winaip安装进行升级,请确保先为现有的安装目录(特别是带有.ini扩展名的文件)创建一个备份,因为如果在重新安装或升级winaip中操作不当,可能会抹去以前输入winaip数据,包括数据库文件、com口的使用说明或其他选项。
    If you are reinstalling or updating an existing WinAIP installation, be sure to create a backup copy of your existing installation directory (especially files with.ini extensions) since improperly reinstalling or updating WinAIP may erase WinAIP data you have previously entered, including Database Files, Com Port usage, and other options.
  8. 橡皮制成的擦子(或有和橡皮接近的人造材料制成);一般装在铅笔的末
    an eraser made of rubber (or of a synthetic material with properties similar to rubber); commonly mounted at one end of a pencil.
  9. 这种方尖形的石碑有一个矩形的横截面,尖很细,呈金字塔形的顶。
    a stone pillar having a rectangular cross section tapering towards a pyramidal top.
  10. 截平的尖被截成一与底边平行的平面的,用于锥形物或金字塔
    Having the apex cut off and replaced by a plane, especially one parallel to the base. Used of a cone or pyramid.
  11. 政府的中枢机关构成一个金字塔,底层是国民大会,而总督是居于顶
    The central organs of government formed a pyramid, with the General Assembly at its base and the doge (duke) at its apex.
  12. 有弊作用的镇静、催眠药(贸易名quaalude)。
    a sedative-hypnotic drug (trade name Quaalude) that is a drug of abuse.
  13. 这种动物的头部末以奇特的鸭嘴形状结束,因此也得了一个俗名——比尔·贝蒂;出现了一个奇异、可怕的景象——沃尔特·斯科特爵士;奇特的幽默感。
    the head terminating in the quaint duck bill which gives the animal its vernacular name- Bill Beatty; came forth a quaint and fearful sight- Sir Walter Scott; a quaint sense of humor.
  14. 下次地震可能会引起同样大的海啸,但同时还让人担心的是,亚卡塔加角离阿拉斯加输油管南距离还不到100英里。
    The next quake is likely to do the same, and another worry is that cape Yakataga is less than 100 miles from the southern end of the Alaska pipeline.
  15. 如果指定的排序修饰符之间没有冲突,这是查询结果集的最顶的结构层次上的名元素的缺省排序。
    If no conflicting sort qualifier is specified, this is the default sort order for inquiries that return name values at this topmost detail level.
  16. 我们现在所做的,和尚穆根先生所叙述的可能发生的极情况有着很大的不同,在量和质两方面都大不相同。
    Between what we are doing and the extreme possibility that Mr. Shanmugam has presented, there is a considerable difference which is not just quantitative but becomes qualitative.
  17. 我们现在所做的,和尚穆根先生所叙述的可能发生的极情况有着很大的不同,在量和质两方面都大不相同。
    Between what we are doing and the extreme possibility which Mr Shanmugam has presented, I think there is a considerable difference which is not just quantitative but becomes qualitative.
  18. 我们要全面地正确地执行党的教育方针,正方向,真正搞好教育改革,使教育事业有一个大的发展,大的提高。
    We must carry out the Party's policy on education comprehensively and correctly, put it on the right track and introduce appropriate reforms, so as to ensure both quantitative and qualitative progress.
  19. 停机坪飞机机库及建筑物饰前及周围的铺过的临时跑道
    The paved strip in front of and around airport hangars and terminal buildings.
  20. 媾和,言归于好停止战争;解决争
    To stop fighting; resolve a quarrel.
  21. 纽约东南的一个岛屿;布鲁克林区和皇后区在它的西
    an island in southeastern New York; Brooklyn and Queens are on its western end.
  22. 1959年叛乱平息后,中央人民政府顺应西藏人民的愿望,在西藏进行了民主改革,废除了极腐朽、黑暗的封建农奴制度,百万农奴和奴隶翻身解放,不再被作为农奴主的个人财产加以买卖、转让、交换、抵债,不再被农奴主强迫劳动,从此获得了人身自由的权利。
    After the quelling of the armed rebellion in 1959, the central people's government, in compliance with the wishes of the Tibetan people, conducted the Democratic Reform in Tibet and abolished the extremely decadent and dark feudal serfdom. The million serfs and slaves were emancipated. They were no longer regarded as the personal property of serf-owners who could use them for transactions, transfer, mortgage for a debt or exchange or exact their toil. From that time on they gained the right to personal freedom.
  23. --该字段指示远是否支持isup电路查询。
    this field indicates whether the far end supports ISUP Circuit Query.
  24. 农场的一与机场相接。
    One end of the farm is butting on the airfield.
  25. 走陆路至海岛的另一比从海路走快捷
    The journey to the far side of the island is quicker by land than by sea
  26. 用线束钉住把线穿过(被子、床垫或沙发垫的吏层)并在线打结或上扣
    To pass threads through the layers of(a quilt, mattress, or upholstery), securing the thread ends with a knot or button.
  27. 精子头粒蛋白一种在精子内前的帽状结构,可产生帮助穿透卵子的酶
    A caplike structure at the anterior end of a spermatozoon that produces enzymes aiding in egg penetration.
  28. 小萝卜一种产于亚欧大陆的植物,(萝卜属萝卜),根肥硕可食,花为白色至紫色,末为总状花序
    A Eurasian plant(Raphanus sativus) having a fleshy, edible root and white to purple flowers clustered in a terminal raceme.
  29. 在50米以上的比赛中,选手们到达一时就得转身。
    In races longer than that, racers have to turn when they have reached the end of it.
  30. 詹森,康奈利斯1585-1638荷兰天主教神学家,他的学说在1642年被教皇圣乌尔班八世定为异学说,对让·拉辛和布莱斯·帕斯卡有一定影响
    Dutch theologian whose teachings were deemed heretical by Pope Urban VIII(1642) and influenced Jean Racine and Blaise Pascal.
  31. 啊,第一道菜来了。
    Ah, here comes the first course.
  32. (用于放射状生物体的)位于口腔所在部位的表面或一向前的。
    (of radiate organisms) located on the surface or end on which the mouth is situated.