·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • gaze
  • view
  • look
  • look out for
  • respect
Chinese English Phrase
  1. n.  人们蜂拥而至望皇室人员外出时的仪仗队.   People came in flocks to see the royal procession
  2. adj.  前摄的, 有前性的, 先行一步的, 前摄的   proactive
  3.   前瞻研究   prospective study
  4.   前瞻调查   prospective survey
  5. adj.  摘要的, 高远瞩的, 提要的, 概要的, 天气的, 对观福音书的   synoptic
  6. adj.  有先见之明的, 能预料的, 深谋远虑的, 高远瞩的   foresighted
  7. n.  疹皮肤上短暂出现的疹子, 如荨麻疹、药疹和病毒疹, 轻率, 鲁莽, 不前顾后   rashness
  8.   瞻养比率   Dependency Ratio
  9.   (尸体)供人瞻仰   lie in state
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 中共中央、国务院高远瞩,在领导抗洪斗争的同时已经在考虑和部署灾后重建工作。
    The Party Central Committee and the State Council taking a broad and long-term view, began to deploy the post-disaster reconstruction work while leading the fight against floods.
  2. 又能高远瞩,为光辉灿烂的未来形塑预设基点。
    The drive to remodel the republic should focus on people to meet the urgent needs of Singaporeans as well as take a far-sighted view to lay the foundation for our future. In my view, the following points should be considered.
  3. 政府制定政策,既要高远瞩,作出长远规划,也要审时度势,因应当前的环境灵活应变。
    The initiative for policy-making lies with the Government, and this puts the onus on us to plan for the long term, yet also to be responsive and flexible in adjusting to prevailing conditions.
  4. 入其室,不闻忠犬唁唁之声。不见司阍势利之色,出其门,亦不看见不干净之石狮子,惟如憺漪子所云:“譬如周,程,张,朱辈拱揖列席于虑羲氏之门,忽有曼倩子,不衫不履,排闼而入,相与抵掌谐谑,门外汉或啧啧惊怪,而诸君子必相视莫逆也。”
    When one enters the door, he does not hear the barking of faithful dogs and he does not see the face of snobbish butlers and gatekeepers, and when he leaves, he doesn't see a pair of "unchaste stone lions" outside its gate. The situation is perfectly described by a writer of the seventeenth century: "It is as if Chou, Ch'eng, Chang and Chu are sitting together and bowing to each other in the Hall of Fuhsi, and suddenly there come Su Tungp'o and Tungfang Su who break into the room half naked and without shoes, and they begin to clap their hands and joke with one another. The onlookers will probably stare in amazement, but these gentlemen look at each other in silent understanding.
  5. 如果能不断发展前的眼光,挖掘自身的潜力,保持开放的头脑,注重新知的习得,普及科技的运用,你便向“知识经济时代”迈出了可喜的第一步。
    The first promising step towards the KBE can be made if one is able to effectively develop a vision of the future, exploit one's self-potential, stay open-minded, never stop absorbing new knowledge and apply it in the areas of science and technology.
  6.  如果能不断发展前的眼光,挖掘自身的潜力,保持开放的头脑,注重新知的习得,普及科技的运用,你便向“知识经济时代”迈出了可喜的第一步。
    The first promising step towards the KBE can be made if one is able to effectively develop a vision of the future,exploit one's self-potential, stay open-minded, never stop absorbing new knowledge and appy it in the areas of science and technology.
  7. 这种人因为他们过去过着好日子,后来逐年下降,负债渐多,渐次过着凄凉的日子,“念前途,不寒而栗”。
    As such people have seen better days and are now going downhill with every passing year, their debts mounting and their life becoming more and more miserable, they "shudder at the thought of the future".
  8. 《联合早报》高远瞩,不失时机地上了网际网络。
    Lianhe Zaobao has shown great foresight by not missing the Internet bandwagon.
  9. 人们常常带着冷落的情绪念星期一,这种沮丧的情绪就是人们有时所说的“星期一晨忧症”。
    Often, this prospect is viewed with a lack of enthusiasm, a sad feeling that's sometimes referred to as"Monday morning blues".
  10. 只有共产党才能这样勇敢地望未来。
    Only the Communist Party could look boldly into the future in such a way.
  11. 每次我在坎特伯雷时,总要去仰一下大教堂。
    Whenever I'm in Canterbury I make a point of visiting the cathedral.
  12. 今天,我们在这里隆重集会,同全国各族人民一道庆祝中国共产党成立八十周年,也同世界上一切爱好和平和追求进步的人们一道,望中国和世界发展的光明前景。
    We gather ceremoniously here today to celebrate , together with the people of all ethnic groups across the country, the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and along with all people in the world who love peace and pursue progress , look to the bright future of the development of China and the world.
  13. 言归正传,再说一说圣母院的门脸儿吧。这座雄伟庄严的主教堂令人骇然,正如其编年史学家所云:见其宏伟,游人无不目瞪口呆。当我们诚惶诚恐前去仰时,它如今呈现在我们面前是个什么样子,我们在这里再做些描述吧。
    Let us return to the facade of Notre-Dame, as it still appears to us, when we go piously to admire the grave and puissant cathedral, which inspires terror, so its chronicles assert: ~quoe mole sua terrorem incutit spectantibus~.
  14. 最伟大的圣灵,感谢您用您的高远虑和甜蜜的歌唱来使我振奋。
    Greatest comforter, thank you for cheer me with your deep thought and sweet singing.
  15. 远瞩的领袖是有可能赢得民心,从而说服他们把过去遗留下来的深仇大恨给抛开,并接受要把未来变得更加美好的承诺。
    It is possible for visionary leaders to win the hearts and minds of their peoples to persuade them to discard the bitter legacy of the past and to embrace the promise of a better future.
  16. 未来, 中国有着光明的前途。
    Foresight tells us that China has a bright future.
  17. 《联合早报》高远瞩,不失时机地上了网际网络。
    Lianhe Zaobao has shown great foresight by not missing the Internet .
  18. 从引进新的戏剧流派,导演一部部外国剧作,到寻找和推动世界华语戏剧圈的形成,建立独特的剧场训练与研究课程,他的每一次具前性的实践,都是一个自觉的文化行为;
    His foresight was manifested in many initiatives to boost the growth of culture, such as bringing in new forms of theatre, directing a foreign production, seeking and promoting the formation of a global Chinese theatre circle and establishing unique theatre training and research courses.
  19. 重视体育人文社会科学研究,组织开展对北京体育事业发展具有全局性、战略性、前性的重大课题研究。
    Attach importance to the study of the human social science related to sports and organize studies of the major strategic and foresighted topics of overall importance to the development of Beijing sports.
  20. 我们应该以优雅、精力充沛、善知乐趣的方式过好每一天。而当岁月推移,在经常观未来之时日、未来之年月中,这些又常常失去。
    We should live each day with a gentleness, a vigor, and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come.
  21. 为履行对《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》的承诺,推动《提高妇女地位内罗毕前性战略》的实现,在世妇会召开之际,中国政府依据国民经济和社会发展规划,结合妇女发展现状,参照《行动纲领》草案,制定和颁布了《中国妇女发展纲要》(1995-2000年)(以下简称《妇女纲要》),确定了到本世纪末妇女在参政、就业、劳动保护、教育、卫生保舰脱贫、法律保护等方面的任务和11项目标,这标志着中国政府执行第四次世界妇女大会《北京宣言》和《行动纲领》后续行动的正式启动。
    In order to fulfill the commitment to CEDAW and accelerate the implementation of the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies, before the convening of FWCW, the Chinese government formulated and promulgated the Program for the Development of Chinese Women (1995-2000) (hereinafter referred to as the Program). The Program is worked out in light of the national plan for the economic and social development and the present situation of women's development, and by reference to the draft BPFA. It sets out tasks and 11 objectives in the field of women's political participation, employment, labor rights protection, education, health care, poverty alleviation and legal protection.
  22. 一个这样悲哀又这样充满了矛盾的人,他真实的思想是什么呢?成千上万的崇拜者在列队仰他的遗容时都这样提出疑问。
    What could have been the real thoughts of so sad and incongruous a personality, wondered the hundreds of worshipers who filed past the body as it lay in state.
  23. 《世界人权宣言》的制定者高远瞩,目标宏大,实在值得我们致以崇高的敬意。
    We salute the noble and laudable aims of those who formulated the Universal Declaration.
  24. 中国参与审议和制定了《到2000年提高妇女地位内罗毕前性战略》,并结合本国的具体情况,制定了一系列法律、法规,采取了切实可行的措施,来实现《内罗毕战略》所规定的目标。
    China took part in formulating and examining the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women to the Year 2000, and has laid down statutes and adopted concrete policies in accordance with China's reality so that the Nairobi Strategies may be realized.
  25. 中国参与审议和制定了《到2000年提高妇女地位内罗毕前性战略》,并结合本国的具体情况,制定了一系列法律、法规,采取了切实可行的措施,来实现《内罗毕战略》所规定的目标。
    China took part in formulating and examining the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women to the Year 2000, and has laid down laws and statutes and adopted concrete policies in accordance with China's reality so that the Nairobi Strategies may be realized.
  26. 中国参与审议和制定了《到2000年提高妇女地位内罗毕前性战略》,并结合本国的具体情况,制定了一系列法律、法规,采取了切实可行的措施,来实现《内罗毕战略》所规定的目标。
    China took part in formulating and examining the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women to the Year 2000, and has laid down statutes and adopted concrete policies in accordance with China's reality so that the Nairobi Strategies may be realized. China has consistently carried out the principle that men and women enjoy equal pay for equal work.
  27. 5年前在北京召开的这次妇女盛会,围绕平等、发展、和平的主题讨论了关系妇女切身利益的重大问题,通过了加速执行《到2000年提高妇女地位内罗毕前性战略》的《北京宣言》和《行动纲领》,提出了到2000年妇女发展12个优先领域的战略目标和具体行动。
    Five years ago, at the grand gathering, participants discussed the major issues in the immediate interests of women on the theme of equality, development and peace, passed Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action on speeding up the implementation of Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women by 2000, and proposed the strategic objectives and concrete actions on the 12 critical areas of concern by the end of 2000.
  28. 下端两侧总是供教堂内举行观仪式,设置偏祭台,好似两侧可供散步的某种场所,主殿由柱廊与两侧这种散步场所相通。
    there are always the side aisles, for interior processions, for chapels,--a sort of lateral walks or promenades where the principal nave discharges itself through the spaces between the pillars.
  29. 东亚需要有高远瞩的领袖,其雄才伟略和崇高名望须是战后欧洲的那一类型;他们除了要能不计前嫌,还须以对这区域有新的远见卓识来鼓舞其人民。
    East Asia needs visionary leaders of the calibre and stature of those in postwar Europe who could simultaneously bury the past and inspire the peoples of the region with a new vision of its future.
  30. 东亚需要有高远瞩的领袖,其雄才伟略和崇高名望须是战后欧洲的那一类型;他们除了要能不计前嫌,还须以对这区域有新的远见卓识来鼓舞其人民。
    East Asia needs visionary leaders of the strategy and stature of those in postwar Europe who could simultaneously bury the past and inspire the peoples of the region with a new vision of its future.
  31. 人们蜂拥而至望皇室人员外出时的仪仗队.
    People came in flocks to see the royal procession.
  32. 本前性研究的目的是...
    This prospective study was performed to...