这令人遗憾的插曲结束了原计划实行的一项盛举。 This sorry episode rang down the curtain on what was planning to be spectacular adventure.
乳头状瘤一种例如瘤等附属的良性小肿块,由在光滑的能直接相通的组织的中心部分上的生长过盛的细胞构成 A small benign epithelial tumor, such as a wart, consisting of an overgrowth of cells on a core of smooth connective tissue.
一种骑马比赛;第一天是盛装舞步;第二天是跨越障碍。 an equestrian competition; the first day is dressage; the second is cross-country jumping; the third is stadium jumping.
塔斯基吉美国阿拉巴马州东部一城市,位于蒙哥马利以东。它是布克·t·华盛顿于1881年建立的塔斯基吉学院的所在地。人口12,257 A city of eastern Alabama east of Montgomery. It is the seat of the Tuskegee Institute, founded by Booker T. Washington in1881. Population,12, 257.
现在的世界,是处在革命和战争的新时代,是资本主义决然死灭和社会主义决然兴盛的时代。 The world today is in a new era of wars and revolutions, an era in which capitalism is unquestionably dying and socialism is unquestionably prospering.
他们正努力的目标一部分将在华盛顿,因为在那里,联邦健康部门的官员正要开始修订已有11年历史的国家食物指南金字塔。 Part of the consortium's push will be in Washington, where federal health officials are starting talks on revisions to the nation's 11-year-old Food Guide Pyramid.
到本世纪末实现翻两番,要有全盘的更具体的规划,各个盛自治区、直辖市也都要有自己的具体规划,做到心中有数。 There should be more detailed overall planning for quadrupling gross annual industrial and agricultural output by the end of the century. Every province and autonomous region and every municipality directly under the Central Government should have a specific plan, so that it knows exactly what to do.
中国队在星期天的亚洲资格赛中以1比0胜阿曼队,首次获得了世界杯决赛的入场券;全国上亿球迷欣喜若狂,纷纷庆祝这一盛事。 China reached the World Cup finals for the first time on Sunday by beating Oman 1-0 in an Asian qualifier, setting off a frenzy of celebration by hundreds of millions of ecstatic soccer fans around the country.
能盛波特尔的容器能装二夸脱(1。9升)的壶或饮用容器 A pot or drinking vessel with a capacity of2.0 quarts(1.9 liters).
最近四年哥伦布大道上,差不多二十多家服装店(有些家别处的分店生意仍然鼎盛)已经歇业。 Close to two dozen boutiques, some of which still flourish elsewhere, have called it quits on Columbus over the last four years.
坚持"以科技助奥运,以奥运促科技"的方针,从奥运需求出发,组织全国科技力量,集成全国科技成果,引进、消化、吸收国际先进技术,将北京奥运会办成一届高科技含量的体育盛会。 We hold on the policy of science and technology aiding the Olympic Games and the Olympic Games promoting the development of science and technology", starting from the requirements of the Olympic Games organize national S&T force,collect national S&T achievements, introduce and digest and absorb advanced international technologies, and make the Beijing Olympic Games become a magnificent sports meet of High-Tech content.
设在华盛顿的改革派教会弥迦会堂的拉比但以理.g.泽梅尔便是转变立场的人之一。 Rabbi Daniel G. Zemel of Temple Micah, a Reform congregation in Washington, was one of those who switched positions.
摆放盛满调料的容器的架子。 a rack for displaying containers filled with spices.
在纳粹全盛时期被雀为“运动首都”的慕尼黑当时是民主主义、右翼激进主义和纳粹主义各派势力聚集的中心。 Munich, which in the heyday of Nazi period was to be honoured as the "Capital of the Movement", was then the focal point of all the forces if nationalism, right-wing radicalism and Nazism.
我去教堂参加盛大招待会,主教把出售抽彩券的工作交给了我。 I went to the church fete and the vicar saddled me with the job of selling raffle tickets.
她因盛怒而透不过气来。 She was gasping with rage.
大风;盛怒 A big wind; in a big rage.
在一边盛放水尤其是雨水的桶。 a butt set on end to contain water especially to store rainwater.
“然后拉尔夫回到屋里取出一个盛食物用的牛皮纸袋,”她说。“他把纸袋放在厢形货车里。紧随拉尔夫之后塔温娜拿着一个购物袋和一只手提包走来。” "Then Ralph went back into the house and came out with a grocery bag," she said. "“He put that in the van and right on his heels came Twana with a shopping bag and a purse."
潜在的消费者对卖气旺盛的行为的抵抗。 resistance by potential customers to aggressive selling practices.
聒噪的精力旺盛的或者激昂演说的人。 a noisy and vigorous or ranting public speaker.
马丁太盛气凌人。 Martin is too aggressive.
马丁太盛气凌人。 Martin is too aggressive .
人们在盛怒之下,很少理智地行动。 When people are very angry, they seldom act in a rational way.
人们在盛怒之下,很少理智地行动。 When people is very angry, they seldom act in a rational way.
他认为,劳拉的大部分表现都可以得到“a+”的评价。一名华盛顿资深记者说:“劳拉不希望别人把目光都集中在她身上。 " Yet for the most part, observers give her raves. " An A plus," says a veteran Washington journalist. " It hasn't been about ' Look at me. Look at me.
在可能情形下,他们总把华盛顿的高压政策顶回去。 Wherever possible they dealt Wanshington's high-handed policy a rebuff.
垃圾箱一个很大、通常为金属制盛垃圾的容器 A large, usually metal receptacle for trash.
坏铅字箱,废铅字箱盛装破损或丢弃不用的铅字的箱子 A receptacle for broken or discarded type.
圣匣盛放圣饼的容器 A receptacle in which the host is held.
杂物包盛放杂物和残渣的容器或地方 A receptacle or storage area for odds and ends.
盛放或展览或提供食物的开口的容器。 an open receptacle for holding or displaying or serving articles or food.