  • shí cáo shèng fàng shuǐ huò dòng shí de chángzhǎi qiě qiǎn de róng
    A long, narrow, generally shallow receptacle for holding water or feed for animals.
  • chuáng shàng biàn pén yòng shèng fàng néng bìng zài chuáng zhī rén de xiǎo biàn de jīn shǔ huò liào zhì róng
    A metal, glass, or plastic receptacle for the urinary and fecal discharges of persons confined to bed.
  • qiǎn pán zhǒng yòu de biān huò yuán de píng qiǎn róng yòng yùn sòng shèng zhuāng huò zhǎn shì
    A shallow, flat receptacle with a raised edge or rim, used for carrying, holding, or displaying articles.
  • zhè huó dòng fēng shèng de zhāo dài huì shōu wěi
    Crowned the event with a lavish reception.
  • ōu zhōu zhì 'ā hàn nèn wàng shèng de luò pān yuán zhí yòu fāng xiāng de bái huā chéng de yuán zhuī huā xià qiū cháng jiàn
    vigorous deciduous climber of Europe to Afghanistan and Lebanon having panicles of fragrant green-white flowers in summer and autumn.
  • dài zhe xiōng kǒu yīn qīng shēng shuōxiàn zài shì xiū gǎi suǒ wèi de " huá shèng dùn gòng shí " de shí hóu liǎo zhǐ de shì guó huò jīn zhì nián lái xuān yáng de yóu huà yòu huà cái zhèng tòu míng de zōng zhì
    In a soft voice which bears the traces of his native Hungary, he argues that it is time to rewrite the so called Washington consensus-- the cocktail of liberalisation, privatisation and fiscal rectitude which the IMF has been preaching for 15 years.
  • shū fèi shí guò duō duòwén cǎi zǎo shì shèng jiáoquán píng tiáo wén duàn shì nǎi xué jiū tài
    To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament is affectation; to make judgment wholly by their rules is the humour of a scholar.
  • kào zhè zhǒng shèng cái jiàn zào liǎo tái nóng shén diàn diǎn wèi chéng de kǒugòu mǎi liǎo fěi de diāo zuò pǐn bàn liǎo qìng zhù shèng diǎnāi luó · ōu 'ā tuō fēn de jiù shì wéi zhè xiē shèng diǎn chuàng zuò de
    From such a surplus the Parthenon and the Propylaea were built, the sculptures of Pheidias paid for, and the festivals celebrated, for which AEschylus, Sophocles, Euripides,and Aristophanes composed their dramas.
  • yòu bǎi qín chuān wén shèng zhī chēng de guān zhōng píng yuánshì guó jiā háng tiānháng kōngbīng xièdiàn biǎonóng děng fāng miàn de zhòng yào yán bié zài diàn xìn kōng jiān shùguāng diàn huàshēng gōng chéngxīn cái liào gāo xiào jié néng děng gāo xīn shù lǐng de zhuān yōu shì jiào míng xiǎn
    The middle plain of Shaanxi entitled with "a prosperous birthplace of civil and military officials of Shaanxi occupying the zones of 4 hundreds of kilometers", is a key scientific and research base in the fields including national aerospace, aviation, weapons, mechanics, electronics, instrument and meter, and farming,etc, in particular, professions take obvious advantages for the high and new technological fields of electronics information, space technology, mechanic-electrical as the whole, biochemical engineering, new material and resources economizing with high efficiency,etc.
  • kěn shì měi guó huá shèng dùn zhōu zhōng chéng shìwèi nán shì wèi yuán nóng de xīn jìn chéng shì huà liǎo de shè tóng shí yòu shì háng tiān gōng de shí pǐn jiā gōng zhōng xīnrén kǒu 37, 960
    A city of west-central Washington south of Seattle. A newly urbanized community in a former farming region, it is a food-processing center with an aerospace industry. Population,37, 960.
  • hěn duō rén shèng zhī xià yòu tuì huí dào hái shí dàibiān hǎn jiào biān duǒ jiǎo
    Many men, when very angry, regress to their childhood and show their bad temper by shouting and stamping their feet.
  • hěn bào qiàn jué de shèng qíng yāo qǐng
    I must regretfully decline your kind invitation.
  • shè shī bāo kuò bāo zhào lóng huà lángbāo gāng huà lángzhǎn lǎn wài táng duō jiān pái yǎn shìměi shù gōng huà shìyīnyuè liàn shì shì wàihái yòu zuì xīn luò chéng de shèng zhì wén méi zhōng xīn shì diàn nǎo zhōng xīn
    Other venues include the Pao Sui Loong and Pao Yue Kong Galleries, the Atrium Gallery, rehearsal rooms, art and craft studios, music practice rooms and classrooms as well as the newly established Zeman Media Centre and Watari Computer Centre.
  • piān zhí kuáng xiàn xiàng zài zhōng hěn shèng xíngyǐn liǎo duō hūn yīn jiū fēn
    Paranoia reigns supreme among the women, causing much marital conflict.
  • ài qín wén huà de shǔ huò guān xīng shèng 'ài qín hǎi děng de qīng tóng shí dài wén huà de
    Of or relating to the Bronze Age civilization that flourished in the Aegean area, as at Crete.
  • àn zhào zōng jiào guǐ shǐ dìng zhì 1995 nián jīng jīn píng chè qiānbìng bào guó yuàn zhǔnwán chéng liǎo shí shì bān chán zhuǎn shì líng tóng de xún fǎngrèn dìng shí shì bān chán de zuò chuángshòu jiè zhè mén shèng shì
    In 1995, a great event in the Buddhist world came to pass when the rite of drawing lots from a golden urn was carried out, and the boy who in Buddhist belief was the reincarnation of the deceased 10th Panchen Lama was identified, confirmed, given the title, enthroned and ordained as the 11th Panchen Lama in accordance with the religious practices and historical conventions and with the approval of the State Council.
  • zài zhè yàng shèng de jié ràng men gòng tóng huān qìng
    Let us rejoice together on this great occasion.
  • zài wéi 5 tiān de fǎng měi xíng chéng zhōngxíng zhèng zhǎngguān xiān hòu dào fǎng huá shèng dùn niǔ yuēhuì liǎo měi guó zǒng tǒng lín dùn zǒng tǒng 'ěrguó qīng 'ào 'ěr lāi cái zhèng cháng luó bīn guó jiā 'ān quán wèn sāng bèi 'ěr (sandyberger)。 yòu dāng huì yuánshāng jiè lǐng xiù zhù yào de zhì náng tuán huì miàn
    During his five-day visit to Washington, DC, and New York, Mr Tung met President Bill Clinton, Vice-President A1 Gore, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Secretary of Treasury Robert Rubin and National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, and had a series of meetings with US legislators, business leaders, prominent think-tanks and individuals.
  • píng zhuàng róng zhǒng píng de xiāng duì 'ér yán cháng de shèng de róng
    A flat, relatively thin container for liquor.
  • shèng jiǔ de xiāng duì lái shuō jiào de bēi
    a relatively large glass for serving beer.
  • guǒ yào cān jiā shénme shèng de shè jiāo huìzuì hǎo shì xiān yòu suǒ zhǔn bèi fáng lín shí qǐng yán
    If you attend a social function, it is always advisable to have something up your sleeve, in case you are called upon to speak at short notice.
  • zài yǐngpiān xíng qián de zhōu méi yòu diàn shì guǎng gào méi yòu xuān chuán jié lái yǐn guān zhòngdàn yǐngpiān piào fáng què chí pān shēng。《 shèng de hūn chéng liǎo yòu shǐ lái zuì chéng gōng de yǐngpiān zhī
    With no television advertising to speak of and no billboards to build an audience in the weeks before its release, My Big Fat Greek Wedding continued to build box office momentum to become one of the most successful independent features ever released.
  • dào mén shì jiàn shēng shízhè zhǒng mǎn qíng zhù yào biǎo xiàn wéi tóu piào de xuǎn mín jiǎn shǎozhèng zhì hòu xuǎn rén dié dié xiū biǎo fǎn huá shèng dùn yán lùnmín yàn xiǎn shì chū duì zhèng xìn rèn jiàng dào kōng qián de diǎn
    Until Monicagate, the chief evidence for this malaise lay in falling voter turnout, relentless anti-Washington rhetoric spouted by political candidates, and polls suggesting that trust in government was at an all-time low.
  • gāi zhuān ji gǒng liǎo luó zuò wéi yòu yǐng xiǎng de zuò zhě de shēng lìng rén yuè de fēng lìng rén lián xiǎng dǐng shèng shí de luó · 'ěr
    The album also confirms Robbie's reputation as a potent lyricist with a canny style,reminiscent of Rod Stewart at his best.
  • tàn xiǎn yóu zhèng zài shèng xíng lái
    Adventure travel is becoming very popular.
  • fěi 'ěr huà jiā de zōng jiào zhù huì huàxiào xiàng huà huà děng zuò pǐn zhōng dài biǎo liǎo wén xīng quán shèng shí de xiǎng
    Italian painter whose works, including religious subjects, portraits, and frescoes, exemplify the ideals of the High Renaissance.
  • nèi lāi fěi 1377- 1446 jiàn zhù shī zuò pǐn zài luó lún wén xīng shí xiǎng yòu shèng míng jié zuò shì luó lún jiào táng de biān xíng qióng lóng
    Italian architect celebrated for his work during the Florentine Renaissance. His greatest achievement is the octagonal ribbed dome of the Florence cathedral.
  • men rán yào niè de zhè wèi zhù jiào shí xiě chū láijiù yīngdāng dào céng zhè yàng shuō guò :“ jiào yòng yín shèng dōng chī xiǎng shì róng zuò dào de。”
    And since we are now painting the Bishop of D---- as he was in reality, we must add that he had said more than once, "I find it difficult to renounce eating from silver dishes."
  • zhù míng dezhù míng de huò xiǎng yòu shèng míng de
    Extremely well known; famous or renowned.
  • xiāng gǎng jìng shì chù shì zhī yòu xiàolǜgāo zhì zài guó jiān xiǎng yòu shèng de duì
    The Hong Kong Immigration Service is a disciplinary force internationally renowned for its efficiency and high calibre.
  • shàng yuè rén xíng liǎo yīcháng shèng de qìng diǎn huó dòngwéi xiàng zhēng zhè zuò chéng shì de xié chóngxīn kāi fàng gān bēi qìng
    Last month, Pisans toasted the reopening of their beloved landmark with a celebration.
  • jīn tiānhuá shèng dùn de lián bāng zhèng gòu bèi shū sàn xiē zhòng yào gōng zuò rén yuán jiāng jīn tiān wǎn shàng huī gōng zuòér zhěng zhèng gòu jiāng míng tiān quán miàn zhèng cháng bàn gōng
    Federal agencies in Washington, which had to be evacuated today, are reopening for essential personnel tonight and will be open for business tomorrow.