·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • disappear
  • remove
  • consume
  • news
  • subside
  • disappear
  • vanish
  • Eliminate
  • pass the time in a leisurely way
  • vanish
  • vanish, die out
  • melt away
Chinese English Phrase
  1. n.  &a.浪费, 浪费, 损耗, 瘦   wasting
  2.   (使)逐渐除; 处理(积压的工作等); 卖掉   work off
  3.   (征求意见, 询问息等)好不好?   What about...?
  4.   (新闻的)补充消息   supplementary story
  5.   (晨雾等)消散   burn off
  6.   (失得)无影无踪; (破坏得)一无所存   to nothing
  7.   (消息等)传播(开)   get abroad
  8.   (消费者的)罢购   consumer strike
  9.   (消防用的)伸缩梯子   extension ladder
  10.   (由于病愈或烦恼除等而)精神焕发, 寿命延长   a new lease of [on] life
  11.   (病痛等)渐渐消失   wear off
  12.   (钱等)很快花掉; 飞快地失; 不翼而飞   take to itself wings
  13.   1979年海关程和费程管理法   Customs Excise Management At 1979
  14. n.  =information, 息, 资料, 信息   info
  15.   GSM回波抵消板   Echo Canceler Pool (GECP)
  16.   Internet消息接入协议   Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 法国旧社会的崩溃,他自己家庭的破落,一般流亡者可能因远道传闻和恐怖的夸大而显得更加可怕的九三年的种种悲剧,是否使他在思想上产生过沉和孤独的意念呢?
    The ruin of the French society of the olden days, the fall of his own family, the tragic spectacles of '93, which were, perhaps, even more alarming to the emigrants who viewed them from a distance, with the magnifying powers of terror,--did these cause the ideas of renunciation and solitude to germinate in him?
  2. 当我们面临惊恐的局面时,我们的大脑会释放出肾上腺素及其他化学物质。这些化学物质会导致我们心跳加速、血压增高(使血液流向我们的肌肉和大脑)、呼吸急促、化速度放慢。我们会感到体内能量一阵快速涌流。
    When confronted by an alarming situation,our brain releases adrenaline and other chemicals which causes our heart rate and blood pressure to increase(moving blood to our muscles and brain),our breathing to become faster,our digestion to slow down,and we feel a sudden rush of energy.
  3. 9.把农业和工业结合起来,促使城乡对立逐步灭。
    9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
  4.  警车、防车、工程抢险车、救护车等机动车辆安装、使用警报器,必须符合国务院公安部门的规定;
    Alarming sirens must be installed on such motor vehicles as police cars, fire engines, engineering rescue vehicles and ambulances and used in compliance with the regulations of the public security department under the State Council.
  5. 纠正的方法:应指出绝对平均主义不但在资本主义没有灭的时期,只是农民小资产者的一种幻想;就是在社会主义时期,物质的分配也要按照“各尽所能按劳取酬”的原则和工作的需要,决无所谓绝对的平均。
    The method of correction: We should point out that, before the abolition of capitalism, absolute equalitarianism is a mere illusion of peasants and small proprietors, and that even under socialism there can be no absolute equality, for material things will then be distributed on the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work" as well as on that of meeting the needs of the work.
  6. 使抵以相等的重量或力量做…;使平衡
    To act as an equalizing weight or force to; counterbalance.
  7. 抗衡力,平衡力能够平等地抵另一种力或影响的力或影响
    A force or influence equally counteracting another.
  8. 一个预定在一部长的电视连续剧担任角色的演员,得知自己的角色在剧中被取时,感可能感到吃惊。
    An actor who has been booked for a long series of television may be alarmed to hear that his part is being written out of the script.
  9. 听到这个坏息时,他镇定得令人吃惊。
    He received the bad news with surprising equanimity.
  10. 部长听到这个坏息时,镇定得令人吃惊。
    The minister received the bad news with surprising equanimity.
  11. 每个人听到了战争可能爆发的息都感到恐慌。
    Everybody was alarmed at the news that war might break out.
  12. 听到警报后,三个防队都来了。
    Three fire companies answered the alarm.
  13. 息使我大为惊慌。
    This news fills me with alarm.
  14. 告警和告警清除消息
    alarms and alarm clear messages
  15. 辐射泄露的息引起了公众的普遍恐慌。
    The news of the radiation leak caused widespread public alarm.
  16. 平衡平衡或均等的状态,具有所有力量被相反的力量所抵的特点
    A state of equilibrium or parity characterized by cancellation of all forces by equal opposing forces.
  17.  对防工作,应当加强科学研究,推广、使用先进防技术、防装备。
    Science research and promotion on fire control work should be reiterated and advanced fire control technology and equipage should be adopted.
  18. 第三十六条 防车、防艇以及防器材、装备和设施,不得用于与防和抢险救援工作无关的事项。
    Article 36 Fire truck, fire boats and fire control devices, equipage and facilities shall not be used for purposes other than fire fighting and rescue work.
  19.  对参加扑救外单位火灾的专职防队、义务防队所损耗的燃料、灭火剂和器材、装备等,依照规定予以补偿。
    Full time fire brigade and obligatory fire brigade shall be compensated for fuel, extinguishant and device and equipage used in taking part of fire fighting and rescue for other units.
  20. 公共防设施、防装备不足或者不适应实际需要的,应当增建、改建、配置或者进行技术改造。
    In case public fire control facilities and equipage are insufficient or do not fit in with actual demand, efforts should be made on expansion, rebuilding, allocation and purchase or technical reform.
  21. 通过抵重量或者力量的方法使得均衡。
    brought into equipoise by means of a weight or force that offsets another.
  22. 各成员均应在顾及确保给有关生产者以平等待遇、而且不误导费者的情况下,确定出将有关同音字或同形字地理标志之间区别开的实际条件。
    Each Member shall determine the practical conditions under which the homonymous indications in question will be differentiated from each other, taking into account the need to ensure equitable treatment of the producers concerned and that consumers are not misled.
  23. 收回(抵押物)的权利
    To bar an equity or a right to redeem(a mortgage).
  24. 赎回抵押品的权利
    To bar an equity or a right to redeem a mortgage.
  25. 也有人在网上说:“东芝副总裁的那一大堆外交辞令,很容易就让中国费者联想到日本某些政客对于历史问题心不甘情不愿、吞吞吐吐的那些‘反省’。”
    "The Toshiba vice-president's rhetoric reminds the Chinese people of those Japanese politicians who equivocate over Japan's war crimes against China," some pointed out.
  26. 呃,我来告诉你一下:会议已经取了。
    Er, could I mention the meeting has been canceled?
  27. 他们的目标是除贫困
    Their goal was to eradicate poverty.
  28. 他们奋斗的目标是灭天花。
    Their goal was to eradicate smallpox.
  29. 根除,灭绝完全地毁坏或除;灭绝,根除
    To destroy or remove completely; eradicate.
  30. 它们帮助除疾病,扩大粮食生产,延长人寿命。
    They help eradicate disease, expand food production and increase longevity.
  31. (为了除草而)犁地耕、耙(土地)以便灭或减少杂草
    To plow and till(land), especially to eradicate or reduce weeds.
  32. 股票经纪人、汽车经销商、邮递员、保险和房地产代理人:因特网将使数百万的中间人失。
    Stockbrokers, auto dealers, mail carriers, insurance and real estate agents: the internet will eradicate middlemen by the millions.