·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • cultivate
  • earth up
  • bank up with dirt
  • train
  • foster
  • Training
Chinese English Phrase
  1.   (工厂的)新工人训学校   vestibule school
  2.   (用溶液养植物的)无土栽法   tank farming
  3.   A式安培克合金   ambrac A
  4.   HACCP和BRC培训服务   HACCP & BRC training services
  5.   [口]严格地教育培养   bring up the hard way
  6.   [美](棒球联合总会属下训球员的)棒球分会; 分会的棒球队   farm team
  7.   [美]加州的香橼栽培区   hobo belt
  8.   vt.养育,抚养;培养   foster
  9.   《新工具》(英国哲学家根的主要著作)   Novum O-
  10.   【医】组织养; 养出来的组织   tissue culture
  11.   【电】有效安培[值]   virtual ampere [value]
  12.   丙培他胺   Propetamide
  13.   两茬栽培   double cropping
  14.   中国远洋油船船员训中心   China Ocean-going Tanker Crew Training Center
  15.   中心零位式安培表   center zero ammeter
  16.   为新职业参加培训   Train for Your New Career
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 一种能让你学会处理这类问题的
    An education that will equip you to handle such problems.
  2. 我们要彻底清除“四人帮”的流毒,把尽快地养出一批具有世界第一流水平的科学技术专家,作为我们科学、教育战线的重要任务。
    We must eradicate for good the pernicious influence of the Gang of Four and take up the major task of producing -- as quickly as possible -- experts in science and technology who are up to the highest international standards.
  3. 原产于比利牛斯山的一种球茎鸢尾;现已被广泛栽,花大、雅致,除黄色外具有各种颜色。
    bulbous iris native to the Pyrenees; widely cultivated for its large delicate flowers in various colors except yellow.
  4. 迈耶努力养自己的歌曲创作能力。他不炫耀吉他演奏技巧,而是追求难忘的旋律与有特色的节奏谐和统一。
    Mayer dedicated himself to developing his songwriting skills, toning down the guitar pyrotechnics in favor of memorable melodies and distinctive rhythmic textures.
  5. 我们打算建立一个专业教育中心来训高级技术工人和专业人员。
    We are going to set up a special education center to train skilled worker and specialist of higher qualification.
  6. 已有51万余人参加各类技术训班,39.8万余人获得技术等级证书。
    over 510,000 had attended various technical training courses, and 398,000 received certificates of technical qualification.
  7.  (三)矿长经依法训合格,取得矿长资格证书;
    having mine managers who have received training according to law and obtained the mine manager qualification certificates;
  8.  (四)特种作业人员经依法训合格,取得操作资格证书;
    having specially skilled workers who have received training according to law and obtained the operation qualification certificates;
  9. 养人才有没有质量标准呢?
    Are there qualitative standards for such training?
  10. 中国坚持质量建军、科技强军、依法治军,实现军队由数量规模型向质量效能型、由人力密集型向科技密集型转变,养高素质军事人才,加强武器装备现代化建设,全面提高军队战斗力。
    China adheres to building the armed forces by enhancing their quality, strengthening the armed forces by relying on science and technology, and managing the armed forces according to law, and is endeavoring to transform its armed forces from a numerically superior to a qualitatively superior type, and from a manpower-intensive to a technology-intensive type, as well as to train high-quality military personnel and improve the modernization level of weaponry in order to comprehensively enhance the armed forces' combat effectiveness.
  11. 欧洲南部和北非干燥的丛林中的一种小灌木;栽供欣赏其美丽的花和柔软、芬芳、长有绒毛的常绿叶。
    small shrubs of scrub and dry woodland regions of southern Europe and North Africa; grown for their showy flowers and soft often downy and aromatic evergreen foliage.
  12. 我才十来岁的时候,妈妈就是我的朋友,这让我获益匪浅:学会了欣赏诗歌、正确使用分号、养了非常有趣的数学癖、喜欢自己动手做事和赋有幽默感。
    Even when I was a teenager,Mom was my friend,which helped me gain a lot:an appreciation of poetry,well-used semicolons,interesting mathematical quirks,a love of working with my hands,an odd sense of humor.
  13. 年内,训处举办了展览会和问答比赛等推广活动,使公务员对《基本法》有更深的认识。
    During the year, promotional activities in the form of a quiz and exhibitions were also organised to enhance the understanding of the Basic Law among civil servants.
  14. 政府于2000年开始实施“东部地区学校对口支援西部贫困地区学校工程”和“西部大中城市对口支援本省(自治区、直辖市)贫困地区学校工程”,并制定了《关于加快少数民族和民族地区职业教育改革和发展的意见》,要求采取多种措施建立健全发展少数民族地区职业教育的经费投入机制和保障机制,积极为少数民族地区训教师和管理人员。
    In 2000, the government began to carry out the "Project for Schools in Eastern Regions to Aid Schools in Poverty-Stricken Areas in the West" and the " Project for Large and Medium Cities in the West Aiding Schools in Poverty-stricken Areas in Their Own Provinces (Autonomous Regions or Municipalities)." Besides, the government worked out the " Proposals on Accelerating the Reform and Development of Vocational Education in Ethnic Minority Regions and Regional Ethnic Autonomy Areas," demanding that measures be taken to establish and perfect an effective system and safeguard mechanism for investment in vocational education development in ethnic minority regions and to train teachers and management personnel for these regions.
  15. 为进一步增强贫困地区反贫困的能力,中国政府专项安排科技扶贫资金,用于优良品种和先进实用技术的引进、试验、示范、推广,以及科技训等。
    In order to further enhance the ability of poverty-stricken areas to fight poverty, the Chinese Government has provided special funds for aiding the poor with technology, which have been used for introducing, testing, demonstrating and promoting improved seed strains and advanced practical technologies, and for conducting technological training.
  16. 养教区长助理、牧师或法学博士的神学学校。
    a theological school for training ministers or priests or rabbis.
  17. 猎浣熊狗任一种育于美国东南部用来捕猎浣熊的毛皮光滑的猎狗
    Any of various smooth-coated hounds of a breed developed in the southeast United States to hunt raccoons.
  18. 东印度群岛乔木,黄白色花,总状花序;因观赏而大量栽
    East Indian tree with racemes of yellow-white flowers; cultivated as an ornamental.
  19. 产自得克萨斯州的一年生草本植物,叶子呈羽状半裂;栽以供观赏其艳丽的、呈辐射状的黄色头状花序。
    Texas annual with coarsely pinnatifid leaves; cultivated for its showy radiate yellow flower heads.
  20. 菊,菊花一种菊科菊属植物,多数产于欧亚,有艳丽的放射头状花序,被栽作为装饰物
    Any of numerous, mostly Eurasian plants of the genus Chrysanthemum in the composite family, many of which are cultivated as ornamentals for their showy, radiate flower heads.
  21. 当然,我们也不能排除莱佛士书院、英华中学、圣约瑟书院、维多利亚中学、国家初级学院等英校育出一个诺贝尔得奖人的可能性,毕竟这些英校育了新加坡一些顶尖的人才!
    Of course, we are not excluding the possibility of having the accolades go to Raffles Institution, Anglo-Chinese School, St Joseph's Institution, Victoria School, National Junior College and other English-language schools, which have produced some of our best brains in Singapore!
  22. 养马人育和饲养马的人
    A man who breeds and raises horses.
  23. 女养马人育和饲养马的女人
    A woman who breeds and raises horses.
  24. 养庄稼的土壤耕作。
    the cultivation of soil for raising crops.
  25. 关于植物或动物的养。
    relating to the raising of plants or animals.
  26. 特克斯是条西尔夫妇从小养大的牧牛狗,如今已经6岁。它是澳大利亚牧场主育的狗种,特别和蔼可亲。
    Tex, the six-year-old cattle dog the Seals had raised from a puppy, was unusually amiable for a blue-heeler, a breed established by ranchers in Australia.
  27. 海甘蓝任一种旧大陆十字花科两节荠属的某些一年生植物,因其种子能榨出类似菜籽油的有用的油而被栽
    Any of certain Old World annual plants of the genus Crambe in the mustard family, cultivated for their seeds, which yield a useful oil similar to rape oil.
  28. 如果人类的基因库被视为一种物种的自然来源,那么明智的做法就是要倍加小心地去养、保护那些最罕见的基因。这样,每一代人都会从中受益。
    If the human gene pool can be seen as a sort of species-wide natural resource, it's only sensible for the rarest of those genes to be husbanded most carefully, preserved so that every generation may enjoy their benefits.
  29. 我们一定要谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁,进一步开展“四有、三讲、两不怕”活动,加强作风养,使部队具有严格的组织纪律。
    We must be modest and prudent, guard against arrogance and rashness and further promote the "four haves, three stresses and two defy's". We must make greater efforts to cultivate a fine style of work and to foster a strict sense of organization and discipline in the armed forces.
  30. 这根保险丝的熔断极限是五十安的电流
    This fuse is rated at50 amperes.
  31. 通常强烈养为海军技术员的服役士兵。
    someone receiving intensive training for a naval technical rating.
  32. 任何的育用来捕鼠的猎犬。
    any of several breeds of terrier developed to catch rats.