·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • obiit
  • abruptly
  • hurriedly
  • soldier
  • servant
  • at last, finally
  • die
Chinese English Phrase
  1. n.  中风, 中, 猝倒, 干枯病, 中风   apoplexy
  2.   乳化油卒火   Emulsified oil quenching
  3.   乾式卒火   Dry quenching
  4. n.  典当, 抵押物, 人质, 兵, , 爪牙, 走, 可轻易牺牲、无足轻重的人或物, (国际象棋的)兵, 马前, 受人利用的小人物, 典, 当, 抵押, 兵、, 爪牙, 被人利用的人   pawn
  5. v.  卒,逝世   obiit
  6. vi.  卒,逝世   obiit
  7.   卒中发作(中风)   ictus sanguinis
  8.   卒倒病   sotto disease
  9.   双重卒火   Double quenching
  10.   喷雾卒火   Fog quenching
  11. n.  国际象棋中)使()升变为后(至对方底线者).   into a queen by moving it across the board to the opponent's end (
  12. n.  在权力斗争中我们只是一批小.   We are mere pawns in the struggle for power
  13. n.  埃米莉·简·克利夫顿, 1865年. Cf 参看 b.   Emily Jane Clifton d 1865
  14.   大脑卒中   cerebral crisis
  15.   大脑卒中   cerebral apoplexy
  16.   夹模卒火   Die quench
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 成女王在国际象棋中成为女王
    To become a queen in chess.
  2. 惟独第三次战役,因为不料敌人经过第二次战役那么惨败之后,新的进攻来得那么快(一九三一年五月三十一日我们结束第二次反“围剿”的作战,七月一日蒋介石就开始了他们的第三次“围剿”),红军仓地绕道集中,就弄得十分疲劳。
    It was only during the third campaign that the Red Army was very fatigued by the detour it had hastily had to make in order to reassemble, because we had not expected the enemy to launch a new offensive so quickly after suffering such a crushing defeat in the second campaign (we ended our second counter-campaign on May 31, 1931, and Chiang Kai-shek began his third "encirclement and suppression" campaign on July 1).
  3. 凯德,杰克于1450英国反叛者,1450年领导了反抗亨利四世的起义,以失败告终
    English rebel who led an unsuccessful rebellion against Henry VI(1450).
  4. 我记得他生於一八九八年,於一九七二年。
    As far as I can recollect, he was born in 1898 and died in 1972.
  5. 他能流畅地说出所有英国国王的生年份。
    He can reel off the date of the king of england.
  6. 这是丢卒保车。
    This was sacrificing a pawn to save a rook.
  7. 普赖德,托马斯于1658英国国会军军官,曾领导军队进入国会,并驱逐了反对给查理一世定罪的长老派和保皇派议员(1648年),他签署了查理一世的死刑执行令
    English Parliamentarian who led a regiment to Parliament and expelled Presbyterian and Royalist members who opposed the condemnation of Charles I(1648). He was a signatory of Charles's death warrant.
  8. 莎士比亚生於1564年而于1616年。
    Shakespeare's dates are 1564 to 1616.
  9. 他们只不过是无名小
    They is mere nobody.
  10. 他们只不过是无名小
    They are mere nobody.
  11. 你第一次对摩天大楼有所感性认识是在美国吗?
    Was it in the United States you first had some idea what a skyscraper looked like?
  12. 他想出名,无名小他当腻了。
    He wants to be famous---he is tired of being nobody.
  13. 至于军人,窃见将帅激厉士时,多使他们忆及他们底妻子儿女;又窃以为土耳其人之不尊重婚姻使一般士兵更为卑贱也。
    For soldiers, I find the generals commonly in their hortatives,put men in mind of their wives and children: and I think the despising of marriage amongst the Turks, maketh the vulgar soldier more base.
  14. 在他还是个无名小时,他比现在要友好和讨人喜欢得多。
    Before he became the top banana he was a much friendlier and most likable person.
  15. 元朝建立后,在发展西域各地社会经济的同时,在吐鲁番地区设立提刑按察司,以后,又在吐鲁番等地建立交钞提举司(印钞机构)和交钞库等机构,设置“别失八里元帅府”以总管派往该地的“新附兵”(元朝以俘降的南宋士组成的军队)屯垦事务,派兵到和阗、且末等地屯田,在别失八里设立冶场“鼓铸农具”。在畏兀儿(元朝称回鹘为“畏兀儿”)地区实行“计亩输税”。
    After the Yuan Dynasty was proclaimed, while giving attention to socio-economic development in the Western Regions, it appointed a judicial commissioner in the Turpan region. Later, a treasury and printing house for banknotes were established there, together with a Bexibalik Command to administer the Turpan area, which was garrisoned by soldiers of the vanquished Southern Song Dynasty army, who were also there to open up wasteland. At the same time, the Yuan court sent soldiers to Hotan and Qiemo for garrison and reclamation duties, set up a foundry in Bexibalik to make farm tools, and instituted a land tax system in the Uighur areas.
  16. 但是最重要的是,这些影片的成功说明非裔美国演员有能力在银屏上塑造好坏参半的复杂人物形象,而不仅仅像几十年前那样只能出演性格偏执单一的小人物:无足轻重的恶棍、滑稽可笑的无名小或者好莱坞黄金时代影片中行为高尚但是饱受悲惨命运折磨的黑人和黑人保姆。
    But mostly, they showed that African-Americans could be portrayed onscreen as complex human beings - part good, part bad - rather than the bigot-fodder of decades ago: the cardboard villains, comical personas or long-suffering saints and mammies of Hollywood's Golden Age.
  17. 如果执著于一兵一的损失,曲解了人道的精神,只有让恐怖主义分子坐大,将导致更大的悲剧。
    Do not misinterpret the meaning of humanitarianism and be bogged down by concern over the loss of lives which may be inevitable. To allow terrorists to grow stronger is to invite worse disasters for ourselves and cause even greater loss of lives.
  18. 因公殉职,阵亡,战死,暴
    Die with one's boots on
  19. 国际象棋有车、马、象、后、王和
    Chess includes rook, knight, bishop, queen, king and pawn.
  20. "传说该书作者约生于一零八零年,于一一叁零年。"
    The author of this book was said to be born circa 1080 and die in 1130.
  21. 她约生于一零六零年,于一一一八年。
    She was born circa 1060 and died in 1118.
  22. 人若不竭尽全力,将永远是一个无名小
    If a person doesn't do his utmost, he will be a permanent cog in the machine.
  23. 尽管约翰认为他身负重任,但他实在只是一名小。这公司很大,而他只负责一个很小的部门。
    Although John thinks he has an important job, he is really only a cog in the wheel. The company is very big, and he is responsible for only one small department.
  24. 他得为自己的死负责
    He is responsible for the precipitation of his own demise.
  25. 不足部分,可以种杂粮、捞鱼虾、饲鸡豕,或出卖一部分劳动力,勉强维持生活,于艰难竭蹶之中,存聊以岁之想。
    To make up their deficit they cultivate side crops, catch fish or shrimps, raise poultry or pigs, or sell part of their labour power, and thus eke out a living, hoping in the midst of hardship and destitution to tide over the year.
  26. 兵,小价值最小的棋子,一次可向前移一方格或在第一步可移两格,只能吃对方靠对角线前方的一个子,当到达第八级时可升为除王以外的任何一棋子
    A chess piece of lowest value that may move forward one square at a time or two squares in the first move, capture other pieces only on a one-space diagonal forward move, and be promoted to any piece other than a king upon reaching the eighth rank.
  27. 但是第五次没有打破“围剿”而被迫突围时,还表现了不应有的仓从事。
    When we were compelled to break through the enemy's encirclement after the failure to smash his fifth campaign, we showed an unjustifiable haste.
  28. 原来七月中旬,湖南敌人第八军吴尚侵入宁冈,再进永新,求战不得(我军从间道出击不值),畏我群众,仓经莲花退回茶陵。
    Originally, in mid-July, the Eighth Army from Hunan, under Wu Shang, had invaded Ningkang, penetrated to Yunghsin, sought battle with us in vain (our men tried to attack them from a side road but missed them) and then, being afraid of the masses who supported us, hurriedly retreated to Chaling via Lienhua.
  29. 监狱看守掌管监狱钥匙的人,狱
    The keeper of the keys in a prison; a jailer.
  30. 马克白苏格兰国王(1040-1057年),在一次战斗中杀死其表兄国王邓肯(于1040年)后即位。他夺权和统治的传说构成了莎士比亚马克白的主要基础
    King of Scotland(1040-1057) who ascended the throne after killing his cousin King Duncan(died1040) in battle. Legends of his rise to power and reign are the basis of Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth.
  31. 我不想给他这样的无名小磕头。
    I'm not going to kowtow to a mere nobody like him.
  32. 他是个无名小卒。
    He is a nothing.