·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • kilo
  • millenary
  • Thousands
  • the number 1000
  • swing
  • kilo-
  • many
  • numerous
  • very
Chinese English Phrase
  1.   (或no)[废]凭良心说; 一点不假, 真万确   by yea and nay
  2. n.  1(1) 用千斤顶顶起某物   raise sth using a jack
  3. n.  4 毫巴(大气压力单位, 等於分之一巴).   unit of atmospheric pressure equal to one thousandth of a bar
  4. v.  =Gigaelectron-volt兆电子伏   ge
  5. n.  =kilometre公里, 公里, 米, 米(亦作kilometre), 米   kilometer
  6. adj.  Proteus的, 变万化的, 变化不定的, 普罗秋斯神的, 变万化的, 多才多艺的, 能演好几种角色的, 变形虫的, 变化多端的, 能演多种角色的(演员)   protean
  7.   [俚]为升迁或利益而努力, 方百计地谋求   buck for
  8.   [口]但愿不是这样!万不要如此!   The saints forbid!
  9.   [口]我敢担保真万确!我敢打赌!   by this hat
  10.   [口]百镑[千镑]巨款   a cool hundred
  11.   [口]百镑[千镑]巨款   a cool thousand
  12.   [废]真万确! 绝对可靠!   By my hood!
  13.   [美]千岛色拉调味汁   Thousand Island dressing
  14.   [美]波士顿茶叶事件(1773年12月波士顿人袭击英国茶船; 将船上价值一万八镑的茶叶倾入海中)   Boston Tea Party
  15.   [英]超低空飞行(在一英尺高度以下)   fly at zero
  16.   [谚] 愚者虑必有一得。   A fool may give a wise man counsel.
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 到了革命根据地,就是到了中国历史几年来空前未有的人民大众当权的时代。
    To come to the revolutionary bases means to enter an epoch unprecedented in the thousands of years of Chinese history, an epoch in which the masses of the people wield state power.
  2. 一千千克等于一吨。
    1000 kilograms equal one ton.
  3. 在阿拉摩战役中,不满二百人的守军在十二天内击退了几墨西哥人一次又一次的进攻。
    In the Alamo battle, less than two hundred defenders repulse the attack by thousands of Mexican in twelve days.
  4. 如果翻两番,达到两亿美元,中国同国际上交往的范围不就更大了吗?
    If China could quadruple that figure, making it $200 billion, it would have even more exchanges with other countries.
  5. 在这个基础上,再花五十年的时间,再翻两番,达到人均四美元。
    Then we shall take that figure as a new starting point and try to quadruple it again, so as to reach a per capita GNP of $4,000 in another 50 years.
  6. 从一九八一年开始到本世纪末,花二十年的时间,翻两番,达到小康水平,就是年国民生产总值人均八百到一美元。
    We give ourselves 20 years -- that is, from 1981 to the end of the century -- to quadruple our GNP and achieve comparative prosperity, with an annual per capita GNP of US$800 to $1,000.
  7. 更重要的是,有了这个基础,再过五十年,再翻两番,达到人均四美元的水平,在世界上虽然还是在几十名以下,但是中国是个中等发达的国家了。
    More important, if with this as a foundation we can continue to develop, in another 50 years we shall again quadruple our per capita GNP to $4,000. This will put China among the moderately developed countries, though its place will still be lower than that of dozens of others.
  8. 我们制定的目标更重要的还是第三步,在下世纪用三十年到五十年再翻两番,大体上达到人均四美元。
    The goal we have set for the third step is the most important one: quadrupling the $1 trillion figure of the year 2000 within another 30 to 50 years.
  9. 植树造林工作的开展,使西藏人民实现了由百年来被动适应自然,进入主动改造自然的质的飞跃。
    Such afforestation efforts enabled the Tibetan people to achieve a qualitative leap from the centuries-old passive adaptation to natural conditions to remaking nature on their own initiative.
  10. 在探索如何治疗伤口而不留疤痕的过程中专家们已在近三的病人进行了试验,其中许多并未达到预期效果,而且没有一例能使受伤的皮肤完全恢复到原来的状态。
    In the quest to heal wounds without leaving a scar, researchers have looked at some 3,000 treatments. Many have not lived up to expectations, and none can induce repair that leaves the skin in pristine condition.
  11. 他们方百计寻找致富捷径。
    They tried one scheme after another, looking for the quickest way to get on easy street.
  12. 坏事传千里。
    Bad news travels quickly.
  13. 每一种新式样,我们的最低目标数量是五套。
    We're aiming at 5,000 set minimums per new pattern.
  14. 虽然你的租期很短,我劝你万别急着搬走。”
    You will not think of quitting it in a hurry I hope, though you have but a short lease."
  15. 等天空一发出信号,因为那是太阳发出的信号,您便可以看见万座教堂一齐颤抖起来。
    Behold, at a signal given from heaven, for it is the sun which gives it, all those churches quiver simultaneously.
  16. 尽管有外来的协助,已疮百孔经济仍陷入崩溃状态
    An already ailing economy precipitated into ruin despite foreign intervention.
  17. 世界各国的地理位置是永恒不变的,然而资讯科技的日进里,地球村的趋势已经逐渐形成,尽管新澳两国迢迢里相隔,最接近我们的柏斯,也须5小时的行程,一族党的胡作非为,对新加坡未必能产生不利的负面影响。
    With the advance in information technology, the trend towards a global village is emerging. Some may think that since Singapore and Australia are far apart - a flight to Perth which is nearest to us takes five hours - racist acts by the One Nation party may not have any negative impact on us.
  18. 整个地球可以容纳的人口,照野蛮时代渔猎者们的计算恐怕不到一百万人,照畜牧时代牧羊人的计算恐怕不到一万人,照原始农业时代农民的计算也恐怕不会到一亿人;
    The savage, the hunter, and the fisherman, according to his own calculation, would not find room enough for one million persons, the shepherd not for ten millions, the raw agriculturist not for one hundred millions on the whole globe; and yet two hundred millions are living at present in Europe alone.
  19. 里光属植物一种一年或两年生的多汁植物(美洲里光里光属),产于美国东部,生有羽状裂叶和亮黄色辐射状花冠
    A succulent annual or biennial plant(Senecio glabellus), native to the eastern United States and having pinnately divided leaves and bright yellow, radiate flower heads.
  20. 瓜叶菊,日莲一种菊科杂交的装饰用植物(里光属自咏恢郑??稍??诩幽抢?旱旱钠分址庇??矗?醒蘩龅摹⒃由?姆派渥赐纷椿ㄐ蚝鸵?俗⒛康挠幸??庠蟮囊蹲樱?魑?夷谥参锘蚧ㄌ持参锒?惴旱卦灾
    Any of several hybrid ornamental plants(Senecio hybridus) in the composite family, derived from species native to the Canary Islands and widely grown as indoor or bedding plants for their showy, variously colored radiate flower heads and attractive silvery foliage.
  21. 毫居里放射单位,等于分之一(10-3)居里
    A unit of radioactivity equal to one thousandth(10-3) of a curie.
  22. 嗯,每个月五部收音机和一部录音机。
    say, 5,000 transistor radios monthly, and 1,000 tape recorders.
  23. 美洲产的开黄花的里光。
    American ragwort with yellow flowers.
  24. 大型红色和黑色的欧洲蛾子;幼虫吃里光属植物的叶子;为控制里光(狗舌草)而引入美国。
    large red-and-black European moth; larvae feed on leaves of ragwort; introduced into United States to control ragwort.
  25. 雨点以每分钟大约五百到一英尺的速度下降。
    Raindrop fall at a speed of about 500 to 1,000 feet a minute.
  26. 一石激起千层浪。
    A tossed stone raises a thousand ripples.
  27. 我们方百计想让这个死板的卫兵移动一下,但都无济於事。
    We tried everything to make the ramrod guard move, but all in vain.
  28. 第一位是科威特,一万一多美元。
    That of Kuwait was more than $11,000, ranking first place;
  29. 第三位是瑞典,九四百多美元。
    that of Sweden was more than $9,400, ranking third place;
  30. 第四位是挪威,八八百多美元。
    and that of Norway was more than $8,800, ranking fourth place.
  31. 写信者说,拉斯特斯很安全,如果拉姆奇夫人付给一英镑的赎金,这只猫将被立即送回。
    The writer stated that Rastus was in safe hands and would be returned immediately if Mrs Ramsay paid a ransom of $1000.
  32. 已收款合计将达两美元。
    The money collected will aggregate $2, 000.