·English Expression·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • destroy (bandits)
  • destroy (bandits)
  • exterminate
  • destroy
  • annihilate
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 军事平均主义,到一九三四年第五次反“围”时,发展到了极点。
    Military equalitarianism reached its extreme point in our fifth counter-campaign against "encirclement and suppression" in 1934.
  2. 只有第五次反“围”时全不知初战关系之大,震惊于黎川一城之失,从挽救的企图出发,北上就敌,于洵口不预期遭遇战胜利(消灭敌一个师)之后,却不把此战看作第一战,不看此战所必然引起的变化,而贸然进攻不可必胜的硝石。
    It was only in the fifth counter-campaign that the importance of the first battle was not recognized at all. Taking alarm at the loss of the single county town of Lichuan, our forces marched north to meet the enemy in an attempt to recover it. Then, the unexpected encounter at Hsunkou, which had resulted in a victory (with the annihilation of an enemy division), was not treated as the first battle, nor were the changes that were bound to ensue foreseen, but instead Hsiaoshih was rashly attacked with no assurance of success.
  3. 惟独第三次战役,因为不料敌人经过第二次战役那么惨败之后,新的进攻来得那么快(一九三一年五月三十一日我们结束第二次反“围”的作战,七月一日蒋介石就开始了他们的第三次“围”),红军仓卒地绕道集中,就弄得十分疲劳。
    It was only during the third campaign that the Red Army was very fatigued by the detour it had hastily had to make in order to reassemble, because we had not expected the enemy to launch a new offensive so quickly after suffering such a crushing defeat in the second campaign (we ended our second counter-campaign on May 31, 1931, and Chiang Kai-shek began his third "encirclement and suppression" campaign on July 1).
  4. 第四次反“围”时攻南丰不克,毅然采取了退却步骤,终于转到敌之右翼,集中东韶地区,开始了宜黄南部的大胜仗。
    In our fourth counter-campaign, after our attack on Nanfeng had failed, we unhesitatingly withdrew, wheeled round to the enemy's right flank, and reassembled our forces in the area of Tungshao, whereupon we launched our great and victorious battle in southern Yihuang County.
  5. 然而等到红军到达一个新的地区时,例如我们由江西等地移到了陕西,“围”的反复又出现了。
    But when the Red Army reached a new area, as for example when we shifted from Kiangsi Province and various other regions to Shensi Province, the repetition of "encirclement and suppression" campaigns began afresh.
  6. 第五次反“围”时,干部的意见开头是继续军事冒险主义反对诱敌深入的观点,后来是变成了军事保守主义。
    In the fifth, they at first persisted in the military adventurist view, which opposed luring the enemy in deep, but later turned to military conservatism.
  7. 第四次反“围”时,由于军事冒险主义的影响,干部的意见是反对准备。
    In the fourth counter-campaign the cadres, under the influence of military adventurism, objected to making preparations for retreat.
  8. 十五天中(一九三一年五月十六日至三十一日),走七百里,打五个仗,缴枪二万余,痛快淋漓地打破了“围”。
    In fifteen days (from May 16 to May 31, 1931,we marched seven hundred li, fought five battles, captured more than twenty thousand rifles and roundly smashed the enemy's "encirclement and suppression" campaign.
  9. 因此,他们不但组织了武装力量进行军事上的“围”,而且在经济上实行残酷的封锁政策。
    For this purpose, they have pursued a ruthless policy of economic blockade, in addition to organizing forces for military campaigns of "encirclement and suppression".
  10. 这两种“围”,在帝国主义策动之下,曾经动员了全中国和全世界的反革命力量,其时间延长至十年之久,其残酷是举世未有的,杀戮了几十万共产党员和青年学生,摧残了几百万工人农民。
    At the instigation of the imperialists, the counter-revolutionary forces of the whole country and of the whole world were mobilized for both kinds of campaigns of "encirclement and suppression", which lasted no less than ten years and were unparalleled in their ruthlessness;hundreds of thousands of Communists and young students were slaughtered and millions of workers and peasants suffered cruel persecution.
  11. 不错,“共十年”“”出了一个“一党专政”,但这乃是半殖民地半封建的专政。
    True, a "one-party dictatorship" was "suppressed" into existence through the decade of "Communist suppression", but it is a semi-colonial and semi-feudal dictatorship.
  12. 胡汉民所依托的两广派军阀,也在所谓“收复失地”和“抗日匪并重”(蒋介石的是“先匪,后抗日”)的欺骗口号之下,同蒋介石对立。
    The warlords of the Kwangtung and Kwangsi cliques who back Hu Han-min are also opposing Chiang Kai-shek, under the deceitful slogans of "Recover our lost territory", and "Resist Japan and at the same time suppress the bandits" (as against Chiang Kai-shek's slogan of "First suppress the bandits, then resist Japan").
  13. 江西打破第一次“围”,从初战到结束只有一星期,打破第二次“围”只有半个月,打破第三次“围”就熬上了三个月,第四次是三星期,第五次就熬了整整的一年。
    The smashing of the first enemy "encirclement and suppression" campaign in Kiangsi Province took only one week from the first battle to the last; the second was smashed in barely a fortnight; the third dragged on for three months before it was smashed; the fourth took three weeks; and the fifth taxed our endurance for a whole year.
  14. 敌以进攻对我防御、我以防御对敌进攻的第一阶段,和敌以防御对我进攻、我以进攻对敌防御的第二阶段,是每一次“围”中战斗形式的反复。
    In each campaign the alternation in the forms of fighting consists of the first stage in which the enemy employs the offensive against our defensive and we meet his offensive with our defensive, and of the second stage in which the enemy employs the defensive against our offensive and we meet his defensive with our offensive.
  15. 中国内战的特点,是“围”和反“围”的长期地反复和攻防两种战斗形式的长期地反复,并且包括着一次一万多公里的伟大的战略转移(长征)这样一种东西在里面。
    The special characteristic of China's civil war consists in the long-term repetition of "encirclement and suppression" campaigns and of our counter-campaigns together with the long-term alternation in the two forms of fighting, attack and defence, with the inclusion of the phenomenon of the great strategic shift of more than ten thousand kilometres (the Long March).
  16. (三)“进”战略是“长驱直入”,大不同于第二次“围”之“步步为营”,企图压迫红军于赣江而消灭之。
    The enemy's strategy in this "suppression" campaign was to "drive straight in", which was vastly different from the strategy of "consolidating at every step" he used in the second campaign. The aim was to press the Red Army back against the Kan River and annihilate it there.
  17. 对于第一、二、三、四次“围”,我们的方针都是歼灭战。
    Our policy for dealing with the enemy's first, second, third and fourth "encirclement and suppression" campaigns was war of annihilation.
  18. 敌人在一个方面(占领我军原有阵地的方面)说来是胜利了,在另一个方面(实现“围”“追”计划的方面)说来是失败了。
    In one respect the enemy won a victory (i.e., in occupying our original positions), but in another respect he has failed (i.e., failed to execute his plan of "encirclement ant suppression" and of "pursuit and suppression").
  19. 而作为这两种“围”之共同结果的东西,则是全国人民的觉悟。
    And the common result of both was the awakening of the people of the whole country.
  20. 他们在深山灭了一股土匪。
    They broke up a gang of bandits deep in the mountains.
  21. 如果进攻之敌在数量和强度上都超过我军甚远,我们要求强弱的对比发生变化,便只有等到敌人深入根据地,吃尽根据地的苦楚,如同第三次“围”时蒋介石某旅参谋长所说的“肥的拖瘦,瘦的拖死”,又如“围”军西路总司令陈铭枢所说的“国军处处黑暗,红军处处明亮”之时,才能达到目的。
    If the attacking enemy is far more numerous and much stronger than we are, we can accomplish a change in the balance of fores only when the enemy has penetrated deeply into our base area and tasted all the bitterness it holds for him. As the chief of staff of one of Chiang Kai-shek's brigades remarked during the third "encirclement and suppression" campaign, "Our stout men have worn themselves thin and our thin men have worn themselves to death." Or, in the words of Chen Ming-shu, Commander-in-Chief of the Western Route of the Kuomintang's "Encirclement and Suppression" Army, "Eveywhere the National Army gropes in the dark, while the Red Army walks in broad daylight."
  22. 这即是所谓内线作战中的外线作战,“围”中的围,封锁中的封锁,防御中的进攻,劣势中的优势,弱者中的强者,不利中的有利,被动中的主动。
    This is what we call exterior-line operations within interior-line operations, encirclement and suppression within "encirclement and suppression", blockade within blockade, the offensive within the defensive, superiority within inferiority, strength within weakness, advantage within disadvantage, and initiative within passivity.
  23. 然而我们领导广大的群众和红军,不但屡次击溃了敌人的“围”,而且从事于一切可能的和必须的经济建设,去冲破敌人的经济封锁的毒计。
    But, leading the broad masses and the Red Army, we have not only smashed one enemy "encirclement and suppression" campaign after another, but have also been doing all the essential work of economic construction within our power in order to defeat this vicious economic blockade.
  24. 如果说诱敌深入在以前是有用的,那末在堡垒主义的第五次“围”是无用的。
    Even though luring the enemy deep into our territory might have been useful in the past, it would be useless against the enemy's fifth "encirclement and suppression" campaign in which he adopted the policy of blockhouse warfare.
  25. “堡垒主义的五次‘围’时期我们不能集中作战,只能分兵防御从事短促突击”,这种说法也是不对的。
    Also, it was wrong to say, "In the fifth 'encirclement and suppression' campaign which is being carried on by means of blockhouse warfare, it is impossible for us to operate with concentrated forces, and all we can do is to divide them up for defence and for short swift thrusts."
  26. 但是这种新的“共”事业,不是已经有人捷足先登、奋勇担负起来了吗?
    But is there not one fleet-footed person who has already outstripped everyone else and boldly under taken this new enterprise of "Communist suppression"?
  27. 第一次反“围”时先想打谭道源,仅因敌不脱离源头那个居高临下的阵地,我军两度开进,却两度忍耐撤回,过了几天找到了好打的张辉瓒。
    In our first counter campaign we originally planned to strike at Tan Tao-yuan's troops; we advanced twice but each time had to restrain ourselves and pull back, because they would not budge from their commanding position on the Yuantou heights. A few days later we sought out Chang Hui tsan's troops, which were more vulnerable to our attack.
  28. 打破“围”的过程往往是迂回曲折的,不是径情直遂的。
    The process of breaking an "encirclement and suppression" campaign is usually circuitous and not as direct as one would wish.
  29. 这和江西的一些同志号召红军打南昌,反对进行使各根据地联成一片的工作,反对诱敌深入的作战,把一省胜利放在夺取省城和中心城市的基点上,以及认为“反对五次‘围’是革命道路和殖民地道路的决战”等等,是在原则上一致的。
    In principle, this fitted in with the views of those comrades in Kiangsi who called for a Red Army attack on Nanchang, were against the work of linking up the base areas and the tactics of luring the enemy in deep, regarded the seizure of the capital and other key cities of a province as the starting point for victory in that province, and held that "the fight against the fifth 'encirclement and suppression' campaign represents the decisive battle between the road of revolution and the road of colonialism".
  30. 第五次反“围”进行两个月之后,当福建事变出现之时,红军主力无疑地应该突进到以浙江为中心的苏浙皖赣地区去,纵横驰骋于杭州、苏州、南京、芜湖、南昌、福州之间,将战略防御转变为战略进攻,威胁敌之根本重地,向广大无堡垒地带寻求作战。
    At the time of the Fukien Incident, two months after the commencement of our fifth counter-campaign, the main forces of the Red Army should undoubtedly have thrust into the Kiangsu-Chekiang-Anhwei-Kiangsi region, with Chekiang as the centre, and swept over the length and breadth of the area between Hangchow, Soochow, Nanking, Wuhu, Nanchang and Foochow, turning our strategic defensive into a strategic offensive, menacing the enemy's vital centres and seeking battles in the vast areas where there were no blockhouses.
  31. 今后如再要“”,又得重复这个决议。
    Any further "suppression" will also conform to it.
  32. 直罗镇一仗,中央红军同西北红军兄弟般的团结,粉碎了卖国贼蒋介石向着陕甘边区的“围”,给党中央把全国革命大本营放在西北的任务,举行了一个奠基礼。
    In the battle of Chihlochen the Central Red Army and the Northwestern Red Army, fighting in fraternal solidarity, shattered the traitor Chiang Kai-shek's campaign of "encirclement and suppression" against the Shensi-Kansu border area and thus laid the cornerstone for the task undertaken by the Central Committee of the Party, the task of setting up the national headquarters of the revolution in northwestern China.