·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • full
  • fill, be full, supply
  • sufficient
  • fill
  • satisfy
  • fulfil
  • act in place of
  • substitute
  • suffcient
  • serve as
  • act as
Chinese English Phrase
  1.   (与填题、是非题相对而言的)问答题   essay question
  2.   (分)运用, 应用; 发挥   bring...into exercise
  3.   (卖出货物时)给足分量; [喻]给予分的报酬   give full [good] measure
  4.   (头脑等)满了(错误); 尽是(错误)   as full(of errors) as an egg is of meat
  5.   (新闻的)补充消息   supplementary story
  6.   (给矿业、农业等)补 人力   man up
  7.   (西菜中用羊肩肉等做的)鸭, 假鸭   mock duck
  8. v.  )开始加快速度、 满信心并稳健地(做某事)   get into one's stridesettle into a fast, confident and steady pace (of doing sth
  9.   1971年油船油污责任暂行补协定   Contract Regarding on Interim Supplement to Tanker Liability for Oil Pollution
  10.   1985年油船油污责任暂行补协定   CRISTAL '85
  11.   1986年油船油污责任暂行补协定协议   CRISTAL CONTRACT '86
  12. n.  =hyperaemia, 充血   hyperemia
  13.   [口]不忙, 有分的时间; 不急于   in no hurry
  14.   [口]加强, 补(人数, 兵力)等   beef up
  15.   [口]获得分的一份; 饱餐一顿   get one's whack
  16.   [口]获得分的一份; 饱餐一顿   have one's whack
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 充满恐惧;惊恐
    To fill with fear; alarm.
  2. 使惊恐使满惊恐;恐吓
    To fill with alarm; frighten.
  3. 还有昔日满前后殿堂各个圆柱之间的无数雕像,或跪,或站,或骑马,有男,有女,有儿童,还有国王、主教、卫士,石雕的,大理石刻的,金的,银的,铜的,甚至蜡制的,所有这一切,是谁把它们粗暴地一扫光呢?
    And those myriads of statues, which peopled all the spaces between the columns of the nave and the choir, kneeling,standing, equestrian, men, women, children, kings, bishops,gendarmes, in stone, in marble, in gold, in silver, in copper, in wax even,--who has brutally swept them away?
  4. 他们无力分装备自己的军队。
    They can't afford to equip their army properly.
  5. 他们因缺乏资金无力分装备自己的实验室。
    They can't afford to equip their laboratories properly because of lack of funds.
  6. 临时的营地装备不分。
    the temporary camps were inadequately equipped.
  7. -通过在区域、国家和地方各级拟订促进公平获取用水和分供水的水管理战略,制止不可持续地滥用水资源。
    To stop the unsustainable exploitation of water resources by developing water management strategies at the regional, national and local levels, which promote both equitable access and adequate supplies.
  8. 因此,只有以我们人类共有的多样性为基础,通过广泛和持续的努力创造共同的未来,才能使全球化分做到兼容并蓄,公平合理。
    Thus, only through broad and sustained efforts to create a shared future, based upon our common humanity in all its diversity, can globalization be made fully inclusive and equitable.
  9. 宣言也决心通过在区域、国家和地方各级拟订促进公平获取用水和分供水的水管理战略,制止不可持续地滥用水资源。
    It also resolved to stop the unsustainable exploitation of water resources by developing water management strategies at the regional, national and local levels that promote both equitable access and adequate supplies.
  10. 股票跌价由于新股票发行未分考虑收入而出现的公司股票跌价
    A decrease in the equity position of a share of stock because of the issuance of additional shares.
  11. 那大厅内部光线足空气流通。
    The hall within was lightful and airy.
  12. 密封熏蒸室一种用于杀死植物上的害虫和真菌的溢化学气体的密封烟熏室
    An airtight fumigation chamber in which chemical vapors are used to destroy insects and fungi on plants.
  13. 气垫气垫子,用作床或放在床上
    An airtight inflatable pad used as or on a bed or as a cushion.
  14. 它们也是被满氢气;其中一些不幸失火,是由于氢气泄漏后被发动机加热而引燃,几秒钟之后,飞艇就整个燃烧起来。
    They were also filled with hydrogen and some of them caught fire because the hydrogen escaped and the engines heated it. Then the airship was completely burnt in a few seconds.
  15. 辅助气囊置于气球或软式飞艇内的一个小的、辅助性的气囊,可通过在飞行中的气和放气来控制和保持形状和浮力
    One of several small, auxiliary gasbags placed inside a balloon or a nonrigid airship that can be inflated or deflated during flight to control and maintain shape and buoyancy.
  16. 他必须使自己有任这职位的资格。
    You must qualify yourself for the post.
  17. 插入成份,插入词在书写中插入的与上下文的语法结构没有关系的限定或补的词、短语或句子
    A qualifying or amplifying word, phrase, or sentence inserted within written matter in such a way as to be independent of the surrounding grammatical structure.
  18. 这架单翼飞机,只要一靠近地面就颠簸得像怒海中的一只小船,但是哈梅尔分展示了他出色的驾驶技巧。
    The monoplane, so long as it was near the earth, was thrown about like a small boat on an angry sea. But Hamel gave a splendid exhibition of airmanship;
  19. 数量上非常大的;太足的。
    very great in quantity; overabundant.
  20. 本季商品比较充裕
    Commodities are easier this quarter.
  21. 贝多芬在这段满烦恼的晚年时期写出了代表他天才顶峰的最后五部伟大的钢琴奏鸣曲、《第九交响曲》和后期的弦乐四重奏。
    The last five great piano sonatas, the Ninth Symphony and the later string quartets represent the climax of Beethoven's genius during this troubled later period.
  22. 灰尘遍布的不通风的阁楼;可怕的闷气的气氛;又热又不通风,空气中满了沉闷的味道。
    a dusty airless attic; the dreadfully close atmosphere; hot and stuffy and the air was blue with smoke.
  23. 人民代表大会实行民主集中制原则,在决定大政方针时分发表意见,决定后即共同贯彻执行。
    Following the principle of democratic centralism, the National People's Congress adopts major policy decisions after full airing of opinions; and once adopted, these policies are carried out in a concerted effort.
  24. 他们将一可气的外盖套套住躺在海底的残骸,然后向套中气,这样我们就能将残骸捞出水面。
    They placed an inflatable jacket around the wreck as it lay on the seabed. Then by filling the jacket with air we raised the wreck to the surface.
  25. 新加坡是一个年轻的国家,创新精神与对发展执着的追求是它满活力的法宝。
    As a young nation, Singapore holds a recipe for sustained youth and vigour: the spirit of innovation with a persistent quest for development.
  26. 沼穴满泥浆或流沙的地方,可对牛群构成威胁
    A place filled with mud or quicksand that is a hazard to cattle.
  27. 这给e-4b提供了足的燃料,可在空中飞行12小时无需加油;若在空中加油,则可飞行72小时。
    This provides sufficient fuel for the E-4B to remain airborne for 12 hours without refueling or 72 hours with in? flight refueling.
  28. 突然间,风停了,寂静得令人感到不自然。我们的心里满恐惧和不安。
    Suddenly it was over.The quietness felt unnatural and an eerie,uneasy feeling gripped us.
  29. 革命两面政策是以非法的对敌斗争为主,但又必须善于分地运用合法形式、合法地位来掩护配合非法斗争,善于利用公开工作来掩护秘密工作,否则,便谈不上在敌占区进行对敌斗争,或者陷于盲动而遭失败。
    The dual revolutionary policy calls primarily for an illegal struggle against the enemy and full use of legal forms of struggle and any legal status to shield and support the illegal struggle and of overt work to screen covert work. Failure to do so will make it impossible for us to execute the struggle against the enemy in enemy-occupied areas or cause us to act aimlessly and suffer defeat.
  30. 一种通常填有羽绒的棉被。
    a soft quilt usually filled with the down of the eider.
  31. 用稻草填的一种垫子,或用棉被制成;可以当作床来用。
    a mattress filled with straw or a pad made of quilts; used as a bed.
  32. 你休息充足吗?
    Are you quite rested?