·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • electric current that reverses its direction at regular intervals
  • alternating current
  • give or transfer sth with one's hand or hands
  • mix
  • intersect
  • exchange, communicate
  • deliver
  • hand
  • deliver
  • turn over
  • make friends
  • intersect (lines)
  • pay (money)
  • cross
Chinese English Phrase
  1. v.  &n.交换, 交换   swap
  2.   (为引起对某企业的注意, 故意在易所买卖出该企业股票)制造兴旺气氛   make a market
  3.   (交叉口处)行人安全岛   a pedestrian island
  4.   (易所)买回卖空出去的股票   cover short
  5.   (易所)轧空头, 迫使卖空者用高价补进   squeeze the shorts
  6.   (交谊舞中的)圆舞   round dance
  7.   (人)容易接近; (物)容易得到; (地方)通方便   be easy of access
  8.   (减轻交通负荷的)间道   relief road
  9.   (在英国议会中)委员会详细审查   go into committee
  10.   (指地方)容易到达的, 通方便的; (指人)容易接近的   be easy of approach
  11.   (政治、外等)解决麻烦问题的能手; (机器等)故障检修员   trouble shooter
  12.   (某些鸟)在配期所长的羽毛   nuptial plumage
  13.   (欧美贸易商在非洲等处内地设立的与当地人易的)贸易站   trading post
  14.   (死亡的象征)骷髅头和叉骨; 吓唬小孩的妖怪   ram head and bloody bones
  15.   (没有人介绍的情况下)设法结识(某人); 极力(同某人)结   scrape up an acquaintance
  16.   (没有人介绍的情况下)设法结识(某人); 极力(同某人)结   scrape up an acquaintance with sb.
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 主要关注零星事件的报道,例如领导人的接等。
    an account concerned primarily with episodic events such as the succession of rulers.
  2. 等价交换
    exchange of equal value
  3. 到每一处的距离都相等并且不相的。
    being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting.
  4. 六角星形把一个正六边形的各边延长相成几个等边三角形而得到的六角星
    A six-pointed star formed by extending each of the sides of a regular hexagon into equilateral triangles.
  5. 例如,生物科学方面的合成牛胰岛素、酵母丙氨酸转移核糖核酸的人工合成,农业科学方面的杂水稻,高能物理方面的正负电子对撞机,以及原子弹、氢弹和每秒1亿次运算的巨型计算机等的研制,“长征3号”运载火箭的发射,卫星通讯和超导研究等,这些方面都已跃居或接近国际先进水平。
    In biological science, Chinese scientists succeeded in making synthetic bovine insulin and in converting yeast alanine into synthetic ribonucleic acid (RNA); in agricultural science, experiments in hybrid paddy rice have been successful; in high-energy physics, an electron-positron collider was constructed; other achievements in high technology are represented by the successful explosion of atomic and hydrogen bombs, the making of super-computers capable of 100 million calculations per second, the launching of the Long March III carrier rocket and the research in satellite telecommunications and superconductivity. In all these fields, China has either reached or approached advanced world levels.
  6. 黄道与天赤道相的一点,太阳向北移动。
    (astronomy) the equinoctial point that lies in the constellation of Pisces.
  7. 黄道与天赤道相的一点,自此太阳向南运动。
    (astronomy) the equinoctial point that lies in the constellation of Virgo.
  8. (天文学)从穿越地球的时圈的叉点到春分点的顺着天体赤道向东的角距离;用时、分、秒来表示;同赤纬一起指定天球上的位置。
    (astronomy) the angular distance eastward along the celestial equator from the vernal equinox to the intersection of the hour circle that passes through the body; expressed in hours and minutes and second; used with declination to specify positions on the celestial sphere.
  9. 约翰逊任命艾伦博伊德为第一人通部长。
    Johnson appointed Alan S. Boyd as the first Transportation Secretary.
  10. 三是试点药品集中招标采购,减少中间环节,促进药品易方式的公平、公开和公正。
    Thirdly, Pilot projects will be launched for mass drug purchasing by public bidding in order to reduce the number of intermediate links and facilitate a fair, public and equitable drug trade.
  11. 通过降低(某种货币)与黄金的比率来降低其换价值
    To lower the exchange value of(a currency) by lowering its gold equivalency.
  12. (货币)贬值通过降低货币与黄金的兑换率来降低其换价值
    To lower the exchange value of a currency by lowering its gold equivalency.
  13. 为获得钱或其等价物而换或给予。
    exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent.
  14. 换通过付货币或其等价物而获得
    Acquisition through the payment of money or its equivalent.
  15. 也有人在网上说:“东芝副总裁的那一大堆外辞令,很容易就让中国消费者联想到日本某些政客对于历史问题心不甘情不愿、吞吞吐吐的那些‘反省’。”
    "The Toshiba vice-president's rhetoric reminds the Chinese people of those Japanese politicians who equivocate over Japan's war crimes against China," some pointed out.
  16. 加兹登,詹姆斯1788-1858美国外家、政治家和铁路创办人,曾参与加兹登购地的谈判
    A city of northeast Alabama northeast of Birmingham. It is an industrial center. Population,42, 523.
  17. 1999年以来,在国家禁毒委员会统一组织下,云南、贵州、四川、广东、广西、甘肃等重点省区,对一些毒品危害严重地区进行了专项重点整治,破获了一批毒品大案,抓获了一批毒犯,打掉了一批贩毒团伙,摧毁了一批地下毒品易市场和网络。
    Since 1999, under the unified organization of the NNCC key areas like Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Guangdong and Gansu provinces and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region have paid great attention to drug-infested areas and cracked a sequence of major drug-related cases, arrested a contingent of drug-traffickers, wiped out a batch of drug-smuggling gangs and eradicated a number of underground drug-dealing markets and networks.
  18. 1999年以来,在国家禁毒委员会统一组织下,云南、贵州、四川、广东、广西、甘肃等重点省区,对一些毒品危害严重地区进行了专项重点整治,破获了一批毒品大案,抓获了一批毒犯,打掉了一批贩毒团伙,摧毁了一批地下毒品易市场和网络。
    Since 1999, under the unified organization of the NNCC key areas like Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Guangdong and Gansu provinces and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region have paid great attention to drug- infested areas and cracked a sequence of major drug-related cases, arrested a contingent of drug-traffickers, wiped out a batch of drug-smuggling gangs and eradicated a number of underground drug- dealing markets and networks.
  19. 据一名被捕的基地组织成员代,在1998年我们驻肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚的使馆爆炸后,萨达姆更愿意帮助基地组织了。
    A detained Al Qaida member tells us that Saddam was more willing to assist Al Qaida after the 1998 bombings of our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.
  20. 金字塔进式方式经营股票的
    The transactions involved in pyramiding stock.
  21. 裁缝叉着双腿坐着;两手叉腰的站着。
    a tailor sitting with legs akimbo; stood with arms akimbo.
  22. 灰额主红雀一种大型,有冠的雀科鸣鸟(灰额主红雀红嘴鸟属)产于墨西哥以及美国西南部,长有灰色和红色的羽毛以及短而粗的喙
    A large, crested finch(Pyrrhuloxia sinuata) of Mexico and the southwest United States, having gray and red plumage and a short, thick bill.
  23. 向司机了票钱后,她沿着过道,用双手摸向座位,找到了司机指给她的空座。
    She paid the driver and,using her hands to feel the location of the seats,walked down the aisle and found the seat he'd told her was empty.
  24. 如果翻两番,达到两千亿美元,中国同国际上往的范围不就更大了吗?
    If China could quadruple that figure, making it $200 billion, it would have even more exchanges with other countries.
  25. 大力支持西安大等5个高校科技产业园、生物工程园的建设,加快发展西安软件园、留学人员创业园、西安医药工业园、西飞航空航天科技园、高新技术产业出口工业园。
    We will strongly support 5 hi-tech parks of higher institutions, such as Xi'an Jiaotong University, the construction of the biotechnology park, so as to speed up the development of software park, park for the oversea students, Xi'an airspace and airspace and airplane garden, the exportation of hi-tech products garden.
  26.  (三)与中国建国同台湾通航问题。一个国家的领空是该国领土不可分割的组成部分。
    Aviation services between Taiwan and countries having diplomatic relations with China Airspace is an inalienable part of a country's territory.
  27.  (五)具备安全、高效的清算、割能力;
    Has qualifications to conduct foreign exchange and RMB business;
  28. 4.servicesubset,combinecategorybags:这些条件与其它搜索修饰符的出现是正的。
    4. serviceSubset, combineCategoryBags: these conditions are orthagonal to the existence of the other search qualifiers.
  29. 我不喜欢和摆架子的人往。
    I don't like to have intercourse with one who assumes great airs.
  30. “它不寻求执行一项长期向台湾出售武器的政策,它向台湾出售的武器在性能和数量上将不超过中美建后近几年供应的水平,它准备逐步减少它对台湾的武器出售,并经过一段时间导致最后的解决。”
    "It does not seek to carry out a long-term policy of arms sales to Taiwan, that its arms sales to Taiwan will not exceed, either in qualitative or in quantitative terms, the level of those supplied in recent years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China and that it intends gradually to reduce its sale of arms to Taiwan, leading, over a period of time, to a final resolution."
  31. 美国政府在公报中声明:“它不寻求执行一项长期向台湾出售武器的政策,它向台湾出售的武器在性能和数量上将不超过中美建后近几年供应的水平,它准备逐步减少它对台湾的武器出售,并经过一段时间导致最后的解决。”
    the U.S. Government stated that: "It does not seek to carry out a long-term policy of arms sales to Taiwan, that its arms sales to Taiwan will not exceed, either in qualitative or in quantitative terms, the level of those supplied in recent years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China and that it intends gradually to reduce its sale of arms to Taiwan, leading, over a period of time, to a final resolution."
  32. 美国政府在公报中声明:“它不寻求执行一项长期向台湾出售武器的政策,它向台湾出售的武器在性能和数量上将不超过中美建后近几年供应的水平,它准备逐步减少它对台湾的武器出售,并经过一段时间导致最后的解决。”
    In that communique the U.S. Government stated that: "It does not seek to carry out a long-term policy of arms sales to Taiwan, that its arms sales to Taiwan will not exceed, either in qualitative or in quantitative terms, the level of those supplied in recent years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China and that it intends gradually to reduce its sale of arms to Taiwan, leading, over a period of time, to a final resolution."