·English Expression·Chinese English Phrase·Chinese English Sentence
English Expression
  • East
  • the east point of the horizon where the sun rises
  • one of the four main points of the compass
  • orient
  • eastern
  • orient
  • eastward
Chinese English Phrase
  1. adv.  &a.向方, 朝, =eastward, 向方, 方地, 向方地   eastwards
  2.   (西)非常滑, 抓不住; (人)非常狡猾   slippery as an eel
  3.   (出门、旅行时)把所能带的西都带出来了。   Take everything but the kitchen sink.
  4.   (古罗马)《西彼拉占语集》; [喻]起初不想买后来反愿出高价收买的西   sibylline books
  5.   (失事船只的)残骸和漂出物; 流浪者, 暂时失业的人们, 游民; 零碎西; 废物   flotsam and jetsam
  6.   (柔道、空手道、拳术等)(方)武术   martial art
  7.   (橄揽球赛中)做假动作骗对手; 声击西   give the dummy
  8.   (橄揽球赛中)做假动作骗对手; 声击西   sell the dummy
  9.   (牛马等)厌食; [口](人)有病, 不想吃西   off one's feed
  10.   (用于将西)搬下去; 从高处搬到低处   lift down
  11.   (美国北部哈佛、哥伦比亚等八个名牌大学的)常春藤联合会; 属于该组织的名牌大学或其师生; 名牌大学派头   I-League
  12.   (英国童话里的小人)大姆哥, 矮小的人[西]   Tom Thumb
  13. n.  , 讲坛, 论坛, 论坛报, 看台, (大教堂中的)主教席, (教堂侧的)半圆形后殿, 护民官, 民众领袖   tribune
  14. adj.  Provence的, Provence人的, 普罗旺斯人的, (法国南部)普罗旺斯的, 普罗旺斯的   provencal
  15.   [俚](西)在典押中[当铺里]   in soak
  16.   [俚]喝得倒西歪, 喝醉   lose one's legs
Chinese English Sentence
  1. 乌普萨拉瑞典部一城市,位于斯德哥尔摩的西北偏北方向。在中世纪初是基督之前王国的首都,在1164年变为主教教区。乌普萨拉大学建于1477年。人口152,579
    A city of eastern Sweden north-northwest of Stockholm. Capital of a pre-Christian kingdom in the early Middle Ages, it became an episcopal see in1164. The University of Uppsala was founded in1477. Population,152, 579.
  2. 潘多拉赶快捂上盖子,但是,天哪,瓮里关着的西都已跑掉,只剩下压在瓮底的一件,那就是希望。
    Pandora hastened to replace the lid; but, alas! The whole contents of the jar had escaped, one thing only excepted, which lay at the bottom, and that was hope.
  3. 最近一件事就发生在今年10月1日儿童节这一天,为了让孩子过一个愉快的节日,我女儿带孩子出门买了很多西。
    The latest episode took place on October 1, the Children's Day. My daughter took the boy out on a shopping trip.
  4. 令人担忧的是我们容易对其产生排斥性的食物常常是我们最喜爱吃的西。
    The alarming thing is that the foods to which we are likely to be intolerant are those we crave the most.
  5. 从春分点沿天赤道向测量所得的角度。
    an arc of the celestial equator eastward from the vernal equinox.
  6. 在金牛星座天赤道部的星座;包含参宿四(位于猎户星座的一颗鲜红色固有变星,距地球572光年)和参宿七(猎户座星群中的一颗明亮的双星)。
    a constellation on the equator east of Taurus; contains Betelgeuse and Rigel.
  7. 在赤道上下从向西吹的稳定的风。
    steady winds blowing from east to west above and below the equator.
  8. (地球的)半球被赤道分开的南半球或北半球,或被子午线分开的半球或西半球
    Either the northern or southern half of the earth as divided by the equator or the eastern or western half as divided by a meridian.
  9. 南北之径大于西直径的。
    having the polar diameter greater than the equatorial diameter.
  10. 西直径大于南北直径的;在两极部位是平的。
    having the equatorial diameter greater than the polar diameter; being flattened at the poles.
  11. 矮人(尤指俾格米人)一种平均身高低于5英尺(127厘米)的人种中的一员,尤其是指赤道非洲和亚洲南部地区的矮人
    A member of any of various peoples, especially of equatorial Africa and parts of southeast Asia, having an average height less than5 feet(127 centimeters).
  12. 飓风一种猛烈的热带风暴,形成于大西洋或加勒比海赤道地区,从形成地向北、西北或北移动,通常携有大量雨水
    A severe tropical cyclone originating in the equatorial regions of the Atlantic Ocean or Caribbean Sea, traveling north, northwest, or northeast from its point of origin, and usually involving heavy rains.
  13. 瑞典人在女子体操、跳水和马术中成绩突出,而他们作为道主的出色表现就更不用说了。
    The Swedes excelled in women gymnastics, diving, and the equestrian events-to say nothing of the job they did as a host.
  14. 亚洲和非洲北部的几种颜色纯净的马科哺乳动物。
    any of several plain-colored equine mammals of Asia and northeast Africa.
  15. (天文学)从穿越地球的时圈的交叉点到春分点的顺着天体赤道向的角距离;用时、分、秒来表示;同赤纬一起指定天球上的位置。
    (astronomy) the angular distance eastward along the celestial equator from the vernal equinox to the intersection of the hour circle that passes through the body; expressed in hours and minutes and second; used with declination to specify positions on the celestial sphere.
  16. 股东资本证书。
    Certificate of equity capital.
  17. 允许中国商业银行对符合条件的中方股发放股本贷款。
    Chinese commercial banks may issue equity loans to Chinese shareholders meeting clearly-defined conditions.
  18. 本合资企业将发给合资各方一份股资本证书,证明其投资的数量和份额。
    The joint venture shall issue certify of equity capital show the amount and proportion of the parties' contribution.
  19. 美国南部一地区,通常包括亚拉巴马州、佐治亚州、路易斯安娜州、密西西比州和南卡罗来纳州;在美国内战以前这些州生产棉花和支持奴隶制。
    the southeastern region of the United States: South Carolina and Georgia and Alabama and Mississippi and Louisiana; prior to the American Civil War all these states produced cotton and permitted slavery.
  20. 但是,她发誓要以取得法律学位来拯救哥哥的这种途径对她来说是一个非常严峻的挑战,当时,贝蒂·安妮住在罗得岛的格林威治,只有普通同等学历证书。
    But her vow to help him by getting a law degree posed a daunting challenge for Betty Anne, then living in East Greenwich, R.L., who had only a General Equivalency Diploma.
  21. 乔克托部落居住在美国密西西比州中部和南部以及亚拉巴马州西南部的一支美洲土著部落,现在分布在密西西比州以及俄克拉何马州南部。乔克托人在19世纪30年代曾被迁至印第安那地区
    A Native American people inhabiting central and southern Mississippi and southwest Alabama, with present-day populations in Mississippi and southeast Oklahoma. The Choctaw were removed to Indian Territory in the1830's.
  22. 奇克索部落一支美洲土著部落,最初居住在美国密西西比州北部和阿拉巴马州西北部,现在分布在俄克拉何马州中南部。19世纪30年代奇克索人曾被赶到印第安那州
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting northeast Mississippi and northwest Alabama, now located in south-central Oklahoma. The Chickasaw were removed to Indian Territory in the1830's.
  23. 梅里第安美国密西西比州部一城市,位于阿拉巴马州边界附近,杰克逊部。在1864年2月被威廉·t·谢尔曼将军的军队踏平。人口46,577
    A city of eastern Mississippi near the Alabama border east of Jackson. It was razed by Gen. William T. Sherman's troops in February1864. Population,46, 577.
  24. 伯明翰美国亚拉巴马州中北部一城市,位于塔斯卡卢萨北。该州最大城市,位于矿业和工业区。人口265,968
    A city of north-central Alabama northeast of Tuscaloosa. The largest city in the state, it is in a mining and industrial region. Population,265, 968.
  25. 塔斯基吉美国阿拉巴马州部一城市,位于蒙哥马利以。它是布克·t·华盛顿于1881年建立的塔斯基吉学院的所在地。人口12,257
    A city of eastern Alabama east of Montgomery. It is the seat of the Tuskegee Institute, founded by Booker T. Washington in1881. Population,12, 257.
  26. 多森美国亚拉巴马州南部城市,靠近佛罗里达州边界。1885年建立,是一个大农业区的贸易中心。人口53,589
    A city of southeast Alabama near the Florida border. Settled in1885, it is a trading center for a large agricultural area. Population,53, 589.
  27. 超现实主义者绘画出的模棱两可的(模糊的)西。
    the equivocal (or indeterminate) objects painted by surrealists.
  28. 也有人在网上说:“芝副总裁的那一大堆外交辞令,很容易就让中国消费者联想到日本某些政客对于历史问题心不甘情不愿、吞吞吐吐的那些‘反省’。”
    "The Toshiba vice-president's rhetoric reminds the Chinese people of those Japanese politicians who equivocate over Japan's war crimes against China," some pointed out.
  29. 皮埃蒙特山麓高原美国部一高原地区,从纽约州延伸至阿拉巴马州,位于阿巴拉契亚山脉和大西洋沿岸平原之间
    A plateau region of the eastern United States extending from New York to Alabama between the Appalachian Mountains and the Atlantic coastal plain.
  30. 马斯科吉语美国南部的一个美洲土著语族包括亚拉巴马语、乔特陶语、希祁提语和阿帕拉吉语
    A family of Native American languages of the southeast United States that includes Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Alabama.
  31. 哥伦布美国密西西比州北部城市,位于阿拉巴马州边界,这个地区有许多南北战争以前的房屋。人口23,799
    A city of northeast Mississippi near the Alabama border. There are many antebellum houses in the area. Population,23, 799.
  32. 恩特普赖斯阿拉巴马南一城市,位于蒙哥马利南偏南,加工业和制造业中心。人口20,123
    A city of southeast Alabama south-southeast of Montgomery. It is a processing and manufacturing center. Population,20, 123.