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韩愈 Han Yu 一封朝奏九重天,夕贬潮州路八千。
欲为圣明除弊事,肯将衰朽惜残年! 云横秦岭家何在?雪拥蓝关马不前。 知汝远来应有意,好收吾骨瘴江边。 韩愈 Han Yu 山石荦确行径微,黄昏到寺蝙蝠飞。
升堂坐阶新雨足,芭蕉叶大栀子肥。 僧言古壁佛画好,以火来照所见稀。 铺床拂席置羹饭,疏粝亦足饱我饥。 夜深静卧百虫绝,清月出岭光入扉。 天明独去无道路,出入高下穷烟霏。 山红涧碧纷烂漫,时见松枥皆十围。 当流赤足蹋涧石,水声激激风吹衣。 人生如此自可乐,岂必局束为人靰! 嗟哉吾党二三子,安得至老不更归! And when I reached the temple, bats were in the dusk. I climbed to the hall, sat on the steps, and drank the rain- washed air Among the round gardenia-pods and huge bananaleaves. On the old wall, said the priest, were Buddhas finely painted, And he brought a light and showed me, and I called them wonderful He spread the bed, dusted the mats, and made my supper ready, And, though the food was coarse, it satisfied my hunger. At midnight, while I lay there not hearing even an insect, The mountain moon with her pure light entered my door.... At dawn I left the mountain and, alone, lost my way: In and out, up and down, while a heavy mist Made brook and mountain green and purple, brightening everything. I am passing sometimes pines and oaks, which ten men could not girdle, I am treading pebbles barefoot in swift-running water -- Its ripples purify my ear, while a soft wind blows my garments.... These are the things which, in themselves, make life happy. Why should we be hemmed about and hampered with people? O chosen pupils, far behind me in my own country, What if I spent my old age here and never went back home? 韩愈 Han Yu 纤云四卷天无河,清风吹空月舒波。
沙平水息声影绝,一杯相属君当歌。 君歌声酸辞且苦,不能听终泪如雨。 洞庭连天九疑高,蛟龙出没猩鼯号。 十生九死到官所,幽居默默如藏逃。 下床畏蛇食畏药,海气湿蛰熏腥臊。 昨者州前捶大鼓,嗣皇继圣登夔皋。 赦书一日行万里,罪从大辟皆除死。 迁者追回流者还,涤瑕荡垢清朝班。 州家申名使家抑, 坎轲只得移荆蛮。 判司卑官不堪说,未免捶楚尘埃间。 同时辈流多上道,天路幽险难追攀。 君歌且休听我歌,我歌今与君殊科: 一年明月今宵多,人生由命非由他, 有酒不饮奈明何? A clear wind blows across the sky, and the moon widens its wave, The sand is smooth, the water still, no sound and no shadow, As I offer you a cup of wine, asking you to sing. But so sad is this song of yours and so bitter your voice That before I finish listening my tears have become a rain: "Where Lake Dongting is joined to the sky by the lofty Nine-Doubt Mountain, Dragons, crocodiles, rise and sink, apes, flying foxes, whimper.... At a ten to one risk of death, I have reached my official post, Where lonely I live and hushed, as though I were in hiding. I leave my bed, afraid of snakes; I eat, fearing poisons; The air of the lake is putrid, breathing its evil odours.... Yesterday, by the district office, the great drum was announcing The crowning of an emperor, a change in the realm. The edict granting pardons runs three hundred miles a day, All those who were to die have had their sentences commuted, The unseated are promoted and exiles are recalled, Corruptions are abolished, clean officers appointed. My superior sent my name in but the governor would not listen And has only transferred me to this barbaric place. My rank is very low and useless to refer to; They might punish me with lashes in the dust of the street. Most of my fellow exiles are now returning home – A journey which, to me, is a heaven beyond climbing." ...Stop your song, I beg you, and listen to mine, A song that is utterly different from yours: "Tonight is the loveliest moon of the year. All else is with fate, not ours to control; But, refusing this wine, may we choose more tomorrow?" 韩愈 Han Yu 五岳祭秩皆三公,四方环镇嵩当中。
火维地荒足妖怪,天假神柄专其雄。 喷云泄雾藏半腹,虽有绝顶谁能穷。 我来正逢秋雨节,阴气晦昧无清风。 潜心默祷若有应,岂非正直能感通。 须臾静扫众峰出,仰见突兀撑青空。 紫盖连延接天柱,石廪腾掷堆祝融。 森然魄动下马拜,松柏一迳趋灵宫。 粉墙丹柱动光彩,鬼物图画填青红。 升阶伛偻荐脯酒,欲以菲薄明其衷。 庙内老人识神意,睢盱侦伺能鞠躬。 手持杯珓导我掷,云此最吉余难同。 窜逐蛮荒幸不死,衣食才足甘长终。 侯王将相望久绝,神纵欲福难为功。 夜投佛寺上高阁,星月掩映云朣朦。 猿鸣钟动不知曙,杲杲寒日生于东。 The other four make a ring, with the Song Mountain midmost. To this one, in the fire-ruled south, where evil signs are rife, Heaven gave divine power, ordaining it a peer. All the clouds and hazes are hidden in its girdle; And its forehead is beholden only by a few. ...I came here in autumn, during the rainy season, When the sky was overcast and the clear wind gone. I quieted my mind and prayed, hoping for an answer; For assuredly righteous thinking reaches to high heaven. And soon all the mountain-peaks were showing me their faces; I looked up at a pinnacle that held the clean blue sky: The wide Purple-Canopy joined the Celestial Column; The Stone Granary leapt, while the Fire God stood still. Moved by this token, I dismounted to offer thanks. A long path of pine and cypress led to the temple. Its white walls and purple pillars shone, and the vivid colour Of gods and devils filled the place with patterns of red and blue. I climbed the steps and, bending down to sacrifice, besought That my pure heart might be welcome, in spite of my humble offering. The old priest professed to know the judgment of the God: He was polite and reverent, making many bows. He handed me divinity-cups, he showed me how to use them And told me that my fortune was the very best of all. Though exiled to a barbarous land, mine is a happy life. Plain food and plain clothes are all I ever wanted. To be prince, duke, premier, general, was never my desire; And if the God would bless me, what better could he grant than this? – At night I lie down to sleep in the top of a high tower; While moon and stars glimmer through the darkness of the clouds.... Apes call, a bell sounds. And ready for dawn I see arise, far in the east the cold bright sun. 韩愈 Han Yu 张生手持石鼓文,劝我试作石鼓歌。
少陵无人谪仙死,才薄将奈石鼓何。 周纲凌迟四海沸,宣王愤起挥天戈。 大开明堂受朝贺,诸侯剑佩鸣相磨。 搜于岐阳骋雄俊,万里禽兽皆遮罗。 镌功勒成告万世,凿石作鼓隳嵯峨。 从臣才艺咸第一,拣选撰刻留山阿。 雨淋日炙野火燎,鬼物守护烦撝呵。 公从何处得纸本,毫发尽备无差讹。 辞严义密读难晓,字体不类隶与蝌。 年深岂免有缺画,快剑砍断生蛟鼍。 鸾翔凤翥众仙下,珊瑚碧树交枝柯。 金绳铁索锁钮壮。古鼎跃水龙腾梭。 陋儒编诗不收入,二雅褊迫无委蛇。 孔子西行不到秦,掎摭星宿遗羲娥。 嗟余好古生苦晚,对此涕泪双滂沱。 忆昔初蒙博士征,其年始改称元和。 古人从军在右辅,为我度量掘臼科。 濯冠沐浴告祭酒,如此至宝存岂多。 毡包席裹可立致,十鼓只载数骆驼。 荐诸太庙比郜鼎,光价岂止百倍过。 圣恩若许留太学,诸生讲解得切磋。 观经鸿都尚填咽,坐见举国来奔波。 剜苔剔藓露节角,安置妥帖平不颇。 大厦深檐与覆盖,经历久远期无陀。 中朝大官老于事,讵肯感激徒媕娿。 牧童敲火牛砺角,谁复著手为摩挲。 日销月铄就埋没,六年西顾空吟哦。 羲之俗书趁姿媚。数纸尚可博白鹅。 继周八代争战罢,无人收拾理则那。 方今太平日无事,柄任儒术崇丘轲。 安能以此上论列,愿借辩口如悬河。 石鼓之歌止于此,呜呼吾意其蹉跎。 Beseeching me to write a poem on the stone drums. Du Fu has gone. Li Bai is dead. What can my poor talent do for the stone drums? ...When the Zhou power waned and China was bubbling, Emperor Xuan, up in wrath, waved his holy spear: And opened his Great Audience, receiving all the tributes Of kings and lords who came to him with a tune of clanging weapons. They held a hunt in Qiyang and proved their marksmanship: Fallen birds and animals were strewn three thousand miles. And the exploit was recorded, to inform new generations.... Cut out of jutting cliffs, these drums made of stone- On which poets and artisans, all of the first order, Had indited and chiselled-were set in the deep mountains To be washed by rain, baked by sun, burned by wildfire, Eyed by evil spirits; and protected by the gods. ...Where can he have found the tracing on this paper? – True to the original, not altered by a hair, The meaning deep, the phrases cryptic, difficult to read. And the style of the characters neither square nor tadpole. Time has not yet vanquished the beauty of these letters – Looking like sharp daggers that pierce live crocodiles, Like phoenix-mates dancing, like angels hovering down, Like trees of jade and coral with interlocking branches, Like golden cord and iron chain tied together tight, Like incense-tripods flung in the sea, like dragons mounting heaven. Historians, gathering ancient poems, forgot to gather these, To make the two Books of Musical Song more colourful and striking; Confucius journeyed in the west, but not to the Qin Kingdom, He chose our planet and our stars but missed the sun and moon I who am fond of antiquity, was born too late And, thinking of these wonderful things, cannot hold back my tears.... I remember, when I was awarded my highest degree, During the first year of Yuanho, How a friend of mine, then at the western camp, Offered to assist me in removing these old relics. I bathed and changed, then made my plea to the college president And urged on him the rareness of these most precious things. They could be wrapped in rugs, be packed and sent in boxes And carried on only a few camels: ten stone drums To grace the Imperial Temple like the Incense-Pot of Gao – Or their lustre and their value would increase a hundredfold, If the monarch would present them to the university, Where students could study them and doubtless decipher them, And multitudes, attracted to the capital of culture Prom all corners of the Empire, would be quick to gather. We could scour the moss, pick out the dirt, restore the original surface, And lodge them in a fitting and secure place for ever, Covered by a massive building with wide eaves Where nothing more might happen to them as it had before. ...But government officials grow fixed in their ways And never will initiate beyond old precedent; So herd- boys strike the drums for fire, cows polish horns on them, With no one to handle them reverentially. Still ageing and decaying, soon they may be effaced. Six years I have sighed for them, chanting toward the west.... The familiar script of Wang Xizhi, beautiful though it was, Could be had, several pages, just for a few white geese, But now, eight dynasties after the Zhou, and all the wars over, Why should there be nobody caring for these drums? The Empire is at peace, the government free. Poets again are honoured and Confucians and Mencians.... Oh, how may this petition be carried to the throne? It needs indeed an eloquent flow, like a cataract- But, alas, my voice has broken, in my song of the stone drums, To a sound of supplication choked with its own tears. 韩愈 Han Yu 皇帝即阼,物无违拒。曰旸而旸,曰雨而雨。维是元年, 有盗在夏。欲覆其州,以踵近武。皇帝曰嘻,岂不在我。 负鄙为艰,纵则不可。出师征之,其众十旅。军其城下, 告以福祸。腹败枝披,不敢保聚。掷首陴外,降幡夜竖。 疆外之险,莫过蜀土。韦皋去镇,刘辟守后。血人于牙, 不肯吐口。开库啖士,曰随所取。汝张汝弓,汝鼓汝鼓。 汝为表书,求我帅汝。事始上闻,在列咸怒。皇帝曰然, 嗟远士女。苟附而安,则且付与。读命于庭,出节少府。 朝发京师,夕至其部。辟喜谓党,汝振而伍。蜀可全有, 此不当受。万牛脔炙,万瓮行酒。以锦缠股,以红帕首。 有恇其凶,有饵其诱。其出穰穰,队以万数。遂劫东川, 遂据城阻。皇帝曰嗟,其又可许。爰命崇文,分卒禁御。 有安其驱,无暴我野。日行三十,徐壁其右。辟党聚谋, 鹿头是守。崇文奉诏,进退规矩。战不贪杀,擒不滥数。 四方节度,整兵顿马。上章请讨,俟命起坐。皇帝曰嘻, 无汝烦苦。荆并洎梁,在国门户。出师三千,各选尔丑。 四军齐作,殷其如阜。或拔其角,或脱其距。长驱洋洋, 无有龃龉。八月壬午,辟弃城走。载妻与妾,包裹稚乳。 是日崇文,入处其宇。分散逐捕,搜原剔薮。辟穷见窘, 无地自处。俯视大江,不见洲渚。遂自颠倒,若杵投臼。 取之江中,枷脰械手。妇女累累,啼哭拜叩。来献阙下, 以告庙社。周示城市,咸使观睹。解脱挛索,夹以砧斧。 婉婉弱子,赤立伛偻。牵头曳足,先断腰膂。次及其徒, 体骸撑拄。末乃取辟,骇汗如写。挥刀纷纭,争刌脍脯。 优赏将吏,扶珪缀组。帛堆其家,粟塞其庾。哀怜阵没, 廪给孤寡。赠官封墓,周匝宏溥。经战伐地,宽免租簿。 施令酬功,急疾如火。天地中间,莫不顺序。幽恒青魏, 东尽海浦。南至徐蔡,区外杂虏。怛威赧德,踧踖蹈舞。 掉弃兵革,私习簋簠。来请来觐,十百其耦。皇帝曰吁, 伯父叔舅。各安尔位,训厥甿亩。正月元日,初见宗祖。 躬执百礼,登降拜俯。荐于新宫,视瞻梁梠.戚见容色, 泪落入俎。侍祠之臣,助我恻楚。乃以上辛,于郊用牡。 除于国南,鳞笋毛簴。庐幕周施,开揭磊砢.兽盾腾拏, 圆坛帖妥。天兵四罗,旂常婀娜。驾龙十二,鱼鱼雅雅。 宵升于丘,奠璧献斝。众乐惊作,轰豗融冶。紫焰嘘呵, 高灵下堕。群星从坐,错落侈哆。日君月妃,焕赫婐vi. 渎鬼濛鸿,岳祗嶪峨。饫沃膻芗,产祥降嘏。凤凰应奏, 舒翼自拊。赤麟黄龙,逶陀结纠。卿士庶人,黄童白叟。 踊跃欢呀,失喜噎欧。乾清坤夷,境落褰举。帝车回来, 日正当午。幸丹凤门,大赦天下。涤濯刬磢,磨灭瑕垢。 续功臣嗣,拔贤任耇.孩养无告,仁滂施厚。皇帝神圣, 通达今古。听聪视明,一似尧禹。生知法式,动得理所。 天锡皇帝,为天下主。并包畜养,无异细钜。亿载万年, 敢有违者?皇帝俭勤,盥濯陶瓦。斥遣浮华,好此绨纻。 敕戒四方,侈则有咎。天锡皇帝,多麦与黍。无召水旱, 耗于雀鼠。亿载万年,有富无窭。皇帝正直,别白善否。 擅命而狂,既翦既去。尽逐群奸,靡有遗侣。天锡皇帝, 厖臣硕辅。博问遐观,以置左右。亿载万年,无敢余侮。 皇帝大孝,慈祥悌友。怡怡愉愉,奉太皇后。浃于族亲, 濡及九有。天锡皇帝,与天齐寿。登兹太平,无怠永久。 亿载万年,为父为母。博士臣愈,职是训诂。作为歌诗, 以配吉甫。 韩愈 Han Yu (孔子之赵,闻杀鸣犊作。赵杀鸣犊,孔子临河, 叹而作歌曰:秋之水兮风扬波,舟楫颠倒更相加, 归来归来胡为斯) 秋之水兮,其色幽幽;我将济兮,不得其由。涉其浅兮, 石啮我足;乘其深兮,龙入我舟。我济而悔兮, 将安归尤。归兮归兮,无与石斗兮,无应龙求。 韩愈 Han Yu (孔子伤不逢时作。古琴操云:习习谷风,以阴以雨。 之子于归,远送于野。何彼苍天,不得其所。逍遥九州, 无有定处。世人暗蔽,不知贤者。年纪逝迈,一身将老) 兰之猗猗,扬扬其香。不采而佩,于兰何伤。 今天之旋,其曷为然。我行四方,以日以年。 雪霜贸贸,荠麦之茂。子如不伤,我不尔觏。 荠麦之茂,荠麦之有。君子之伤,君子之守。 韩愈 Han Yu (孔子以季桓子受齐女乐,谏不从,望龟山而作。 龟山在太山博县。古琴操云:予欲望鲁兮,龟山蔽之。 手无斧柯,奈龟山何) 龟之氛兮,不能云雨。龟之枿兮,不中梁柱。龟之大兮, 祗以奄鲁。知将隳兮,哀莫余伍。周公有鬼兮,嗟余归辅。 韩愈 Han Yu (周公作。古琴操云:於戏嗟嗟,非旦之力,乃文王之德) 雨之施物以孳,我何意于彼为。自周之先,其艰其勤。 以有疆宇,私我后人。我祖在上,四方在下。厥临孔威, 敢戏以侮。孰荒于门,孰治于田。四海既均,越裳是臣。 韩愈 Han Yu (文王羑里作。古琴操云:殷道溷溷,浸浊烦兮。 朱紫相合,不别分兮。迷乱声色,信谗言兮。炎炎之虐, 使我愆兮。幽闭牢阱,由其言兮。遘我四人,忧勤勤兮) 目窈窈兮,其凝其盲;耳肃肃兮,听不闻声。朝不日出兮, 夜不见月与星。有知无知兮,为死为生。呜呼, 臣罪当诛兮,天王圣明。 韩愈 Han Yu (周公为太王作。本词云:狄戎侵兮,土地迁移。 邦邑适于岐山,烝民不忧兮谁者知。嗟嗟奈何兮, 予命遭斯) 我家于豳,自我先公。伊我承序,敢有不同。 今狄之人,将土我疆。民为我战,谁使死伤。 彼岐有岨,我往独处。尔莫余追,无思我悲。 韩愈 Han Yu (尹吉甫子伯奇无罪,为后母谮而见逐,自伤作。 本词云:朝履霜兮采晨寒,考不明其心兮信谗言。 孤恩别离兮摧肺肝,何辜皇天兮遭斯愆。 痛殁不同兮恩有偏,谁能流顾兮知我冤) 父兮儿寒,母兮儿饥。儿罪当笞,逐儿何为。 儿在中野,以宿以处。四无人声,谁与儿语。 儿寒何衣,儿饥何食。儿行于野,履霜以足。 母生众儿,有母怜之。独无母怜,儿宁不悲。 韩愈 Han Yu (牧犊子七十无妻,见雉双飞,感之而作。本词云: 雉朝飞兮鸣相和,雌雄群游兮山之阿。 我独何命兮未有家,时将暮兮可奈何,嗟嗟暮兮可奈何) 雉之飞,于朝日。群雌孤雄,意气横出。当东而西, 当啄而飞。随飞随啄,群雌粥粥。嗟我虽人, 曾不如彼雉鸡。生身七十年,无一妾与妃。 韩愈 Han Yu (商陵穆子,娶妻五年无子。父母欲其改娶,其妻闻之, 中夜悲啸,穆子感之而作。本词云:将乖比翼隔天端, 山川悠远路漫漫,揽衾不寐食忘飧) 雄鹄衔枝来,雌鹄啄泥归。巢成不生子,大义当乖离。 江汉水之大,鹄身鸟之微。更无相逢日,且可绕树相随飞。 韩愈 Han Yu (曾子梦见一狸,不见其首作) 有兽维狸兮,我梦得之。其身孔明兮,而头不知。 吉凶何为兮,觉坐而思。巫咸上天兮,识者其谁。 韩愈 Han Yu 吾闻京城南,兹惟群山囿。东西两际海,巨细难悉究。 山经及地志,茫昧非受授。团辞试提挈,挂一念万漏。 欲休谅不能,粗叙所经觏。尝升崇丘望,戢戢见相凑。 晴明出棱角,缕脉碎分绣。蒸岚相澒洞,表里忽通透。 无风自飘簸,融液煦柔茂。横云时平凝,点点露数岫。 天空浮修眉,浓绿画新就。孤撑有巉绝,海浴褰鹏噣。 春阳潜沮洳,濯濯吐深秀。岩峦虽嵂崒,软弱类含酎。 夏炎百木盛,荫郁增埋覆。神灵日歊歔,云气争结构。 秋霜喜刻轹,磔卓立癯瘦。参差相叠重,刚耿陵宇宙。 冬行虽幽墨,冰雪工琢镂。新曦照危峨,亿丈恒高袤。 明昏无停态,顷刻异状候。西南雄太白,突起莫间簉. 藩都配德运,分宅占丁戊。逍遥越坤位,诋讦陷乾窦。 空虚寒兢兢,风气较搜漱。朱维方烧日,阴霰纵腾糅。 昆明大池北,去觌偶晴昼。绵联穷俯视,倒侧困清沤。 微澜动水面,踊跃躁猱狖。惊呼惜破碎,仰喜呀不仆。 前寻径杜墅,岔蔽毕原陋。崎岖上轩昂,始得观览富。 行行将遂穷,岭陆烦互走。勃然思坼裂,拥掩难恕宥。 巨灵与夸蛾,远贾期必售。还疑造物意,固护蓄精祐. 力虽能排斡,雷电怯呵诟。攀缘脱手足,蹭蹬抵积甃. 茫如试矫首,堛塞生怐愗。威容丧萧爽,近新迷远旧。 拘官计日月,欲进不可又。因缘窥其湫,凝湛閟阴兽。 鱼虾可俯掇,神物安敢寇。林柯有脱叶,欲堕鸟惊救。 争衔弯环飞,投弃急哺鷇.旋归道回睨,达枿壮复奏。 吁嗟信奇怪,峙质能化贸。前年遭谴谪,探历得邂逅。 初从蓝田入,顾盻劳颈脰。时天晦大雪,泪目苦矇瞀。 峻涂拖长冰,直上若悬溜。褰衣步推马,颠蹶退且复。 苍黄忘遐睎,所瞩才左右。杉篁咤蒲苏,杲耀攒介胄。 专心忆平道,脱险逾避臭。昨来逢清霁,宿愿忻始副。 峥嵘跻冢顶,倏闪杂鼯鼬。前低划开阔,烂漫堆众皱。 或连若相从,或蹙若相斗。或妥若弭伏,或竦若惊雊. 或散若瓦解,或赴若辐凑。或翩若船游,或决若马骤。 或背若相恶,或向若相佑。或乱若抽笋,或嵲若注灸。 或错若绘画,或缭若篆籀。或罗若星离,或蓊若云逗。 或浮若波涛,或碎若锄耨。或如贲育伦,赌胜勇前购。 先强势已出,后钝嗔bz譳.或如帝王尊,丛集朝贱幼。 虽亲不亵狎,虽远不悖谬。或如临食案,肴核纷饤饾。 又如游九原,坟墓包椁柩。或累若盆罂,或揭若bB豆。 或覆若曝鳖,或颓若寝兽。或蜿若藏龙,或翼若搏鹫。 或齐若友朋,或随若先后。或迸若流落,或顾若宿留。 或戾若仇雠,或密若婚媾。或俨若峨冠,或翻若舞袖。 或屹若战阵,或围若蒐狩。或靡然东注,或偃然北首。 或如火熹焰,或若气饙馏。或行而不辍,或遗而不收。 或斜而不倚,或弛而不彀。或赤若秃鬝,或熏若柴槱。 或如龟拆兆,或若卦分繇。或前横若剥,或后断若姤。 延延离又属,夬夬叛还遘。喁喁鱼闯萍,落落月经宿。 誾誾树墙垣,巘巘驾库厩。参参削剑戟,焕焕衔莹琇. 敷敷花披萼,k7々屋摧霤.悠悠舒而安,兀兀狂以狃。 超超出犹奔,蠢蠢骇不懋。大哉立天地,经纪肖营腠。 厥初孰开张,黾勉谁劝侑。创兹朴而巧,戮力忍劳疚。 得非施斧斤,无乃假诅咒。鸿荒竟无传,功大莫酬僦。 尝闻于祠官,芬苾降歆嗅。斐然作歌诗,惟用赞报酭. 韩愈 Han Yu 果州南充县,寒女谢自然。童騃无所识,但闻有神仙。 轻生学其术,乃在金泉山。繁华荣慕绝,父母慈爱捐。 凝心感魑魅,慌惚难具言。一朝坐空室,云雾生其间。 如聆笙竽韵,来自冥冥天。白日变幽晦,萧萧风景寒。 檐楹暂明灭,五色光属联。观者徒倾骇,踯躅讵敢前。 须臾自轻举,飘若风中烟。茫茫八纮大,影响无由缘。 里胥上其事,郡守惊且叹。驱车领官吏,氓俗争相先。 入门无所见,冠履同蜕蝉。皆云神仙事,灼灼信可传。 余闻古夏后,象物知神奸。山林民可入,魍魉莫逢旃。 逶迤不复振,后世恣欺谩。幽明纷杂乱,人鬼更相残。 秦皇虽笃好,汉武洪其源。自从二主来,此祸竟连连。 木石生怪变,狐狸骋妖患。莫能尽性命,安得更长延。 人生处万类,知识最为贤。奈何不自信,反欲从物迁。 往者不可悔,孤魂抱深冤。来者犹可诫,余言岂空文。 人生有常理,男女各有伦。寒衣及饥食,在纺绩耕耘。 下以保子孙,上以奉君亲。苟异于此道,皆为弃其身。 噫乎彼寒女,永托异物群。感伤遂成诗,昧者宜书绅。 韩愈 Han Yu 窗前两好树,众叶光薿薿.秋风一拂披,策策鸣不已。 微灯照空床,夜半偏入耳。愁忧无端来,感叹成坐起。 天明视颜色,与故不相似。羲和驱日月,疾急不可恃。 浮生虽多涂,趋死惟一轨。胡为浪自苦,得酒且欢喜。 白露下百草,萧兰共雕悴。青青四墙下,已复生满地。 寒蝉暂寂寞,蟋蟀鸣自恣。运行无穷期,禀受气苦异。 适时各得所,松柏不必贵。 彼时何卒卒,我志何曼曼。犀首空好饮,廉颇尚能饭。 学堂日无事,驱马适所愿。茫茫出门路,欲去聊自劝。 归还阅书史,文字浩千万。陈迹竟谁寻,贱嗜非贵献。 丈夫意有在,女子乃多怨。 秋气日恻恻,秋空日凌凌。上无枝上蜩,下无盘中蝇。 岂不感时节,耳目去所憎。清晓卷书坐,南山见高棱。 其下澄湫水,有蛟寒可罾。惜哉不得往,岂谓吾无能。 离离挂空悲,戚戚抱虚警。露泫秋树高,虫吊寒夜永。 敛退就新懦,趋营悼前猛。归愚识夷涂,汲古得修绠。 名浮犹有耻,味薄真自幸。庶几遗悔尤,即此是幽屏。 今晨不成起,端坐尽日景。虫鸣室幽幽,月吐窗冏冏。 丧怀若迷方,浮念剧含梗。尘埃慵伺候,文字浪驰骋。 尚须勉其顽,王事有朝请。 秋夜不可晨,秋日苦易暗。我无汲汲志,何以有此憾。 寒鸡空在栖,缺月烦屡瞰。有琴具徽弦,再鼓听愈淡。 古声久埋灭,无由见真滥。低心逐时趋,苦勉祗能暂。 有如乘风船,一纵不可缆。不如觑文字,丹铅事点勘。 岂必求赢馀,所要石与甔. 韩愈 Han Yu 孤臣昔放逐,血泣追愆尤。汗漫不省识,恍如乘桴浮。 或自疑上疏,上疏岂其由。是年京师旱,田亩少所收。 上怜民无食,征赋半已休。有司恤经费,未免烦征求。 富者既云急,贫者固已流。传闻闾里间,赤子弃渠沟。 持男易斗粟,掉臂莫肯酬。我时出衢路,饿者何其稠。 亲逢道边死,伫立久咿嚘。归舍不能食,有如鱼中钩。 适会除御史,诚当得言秋。拜疏移閤门,为忠宁自谋。 上陈人疾苦,无令绝其喉。下陈畿甸内,根本理宜优。 积雪验丰熟,幸宽待蚕麰.天子恻然感,司空叹绸缪。 谓言即施设,乃反迁炎州。同官尽才俊,偏善柳与刘。 或虑语言泄,传之落冤雠。二子不宜尔,将疑断还不。 中使临门遣,顷刻不得留。病妹卧床褥,分知隔明幽。 悲啼乞就别,百请不颔头。弱妻抱稚子,出拜忘惭羞。 黾勉不回顾,行行诣连州。朝为青云士,暮作白头囚。 商山季冬月,冰冻绝行輈.春风洞庭浪,出没惊孤舟。 逾岭到所任,低颜奉君侯。酸寒何足道,随事生疮疣。 远地触途异,吏民似猿猴。生狞多忿很,辞舌纷嘲啁。 白日屋檐下,双鸣斗鸺鶹.有蛇类两首,有蛊群飞游。 穷冬或摇扇,盛夏或重裘。飓起最可畏,訇哮簸陵丘。 雷霆助光怪,气象难比侔。疠疫忽潜遘,十家无一瘳。 猜嫌动置毒,对案辄怀愁。前日遇恩赦,私心喜还忧。 果然又羁絷,不得归锄耰.此府雄且大,腾凌尽戈矛。 栖栖法曹掾,何处事卑陬。生平企仁义,所学皆孔周。 早知大理官,不列三后俦。何况亲犴狱,敲搒发奸偷。 悬知失事势,恐自罹罝罘。湘水清且急,凉风日修修。 胡为首归路,旅泊尚夷犹。昨者京使至,嗣皇传冕旒。 赫然下明诏,首罪诛共吺。复闻颠夭辈,峨冠进鸿畴。 班行再肃穆,璜珮鸣琅璆.伫继贞观烈,边封脱兜鍪。 三贤推侍从,卓荦倾枚邹。高议参造化,清文焕皇猷。 协心辅齐圣,致理同毛輶。小雅咏鹿鸣,食苹贵呦呦。 遗风邈不嗣,岂忆尝同裯.失志早衰换,前期拟蜉蝣。 自从齿牙缺,始慕舌为柔。因疾鼻又塞,渐能等薰莸。 深思罢官去,毕命依松楸。空怀焉能果,但见岁已遒。 殷汤闵禽兽,解网祝蛛蝥。雷焕掘宝剑,冤氛消斗牛。 兹道诚可尚,谁能借前筹。殷勤答吾友,明月非暗投。 韩愈 Han Yu 暮行河堤上,四顾不见人。衰草际黄云,感叹愁我神。 夜归孤舟卧,展转空及晨。谋计竟何就,嗟嗟世与身。 韩愈 Han Yu 静夜有清光,闲堂仍独息。念身幸无恨,志气方自得。 乐哉何所忧,所忧非我力。 韩愈 Han Yu 夭行失其度,阴气来干阳。重云闭白日,炎燠成寒凉。 小人但咨怨,君子惟忧伤。饮食为减少,身体岂宁康。 此志诚足贵,惧非职所当。藜羹尚如此,肉食安可尝。 穷冬百草死,幽桂乃芬芳。且况天地间,大运自有常。 劝君善饮食,鸾凤本高翔。 韩愈 Han Yu 江汉虽云广,乘舟渡无艰。流沙信难行,马足常往还。 凄风结冲波,狐裘能御寒。终宵处幽室,华烛光烂烂。 苟能行忠信,可以居夷蛮。嗟余与夫子,此义每所敦。 何为复见赠,缱绻在不谖。 |