唐代 高适 Gao Shi  唐代   (700~765)
A Song of the Yan Country
To Vice-prefects Li and Wang Degraded and Transferred to Xiazhong and Changsha
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Jimen Fail to achieve one's success Wang zhihuan Guo mizhi Due to Remain to present
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Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

apart from night work

   Gao Shi

Hotels do not sleep alone in cold light, turn off anything for the heart sad.
Think a thousand miles home tonight, another year of worry coming from the Ming Dynasty.
  Worry temples: one for the cream coming from
  New Year's Eve, the traditional habit is a togetherness, "Titan is not sleep, that the Shou Sui" ("endemic in mind"). Poems in "In addition to Ye Zuo", this should raise awareness of this traditional festival of the many joys of memory and imagination, yet this verse is another addition to the night scene.
  The beginning of the poem is the "hotel" word, it seems flat, but can not be ignored, the feelings of the poem is thus open to the hair growth. This is a New Year's Eve, the poet saw the outside lights every household, gathered together, while he was away from his family, reside in guest houses. Thus, we can not feel recalling the tragic, even the front lodge has a light and heat of the lights the same, he did become "cold" air was very hot out. "Cold light" word, rendering the hotel's cold and lonely desolate inner poet. Only affect the natural cold hard light sleep, let alone New Year's Eve! And "do not sleep alone" nature would think a reunion, enjoyable stay up the scene, it was undoubtedly more intolerable. So this one seems to write eye prospects, immediate thing, but everything from the opposite buckle of Poems, depicts a lonely cold mood. The second sentence "turn off anything for sad heart," which is a vicarious sentence, with the question in the form of thoughts and feelings more clarified, and thus extract below. "Guest" is a self-referential, because the body in the passenger, the so called "off." What makes the poet was actually "turn mournful" mean? Of course, "In addition to the night." New Year's Eve night that a strong atmosphere, surrounded by his own lights in the cold shadow of the guesthouse is only among the sad sense of loneliness that we remember with affection the.
  After twelve poems, the poet seems to feel the mood of the moment to pour out his, but, but put aside their own, from the opposite side write to: "think a thousand miles home tonight." "Home" is by means of the family home; "a thousand miles "thousands of miles away by means of their own. That means that the home of relatives in the New Year's Eve be thousands of miles away is thinking of me, think I fall tonight I do not know where people think of me how to spend Jinxi ... ... In fact, this is precisely "Trinidad and think of home," a performance. "Frost coming from another year of the Ming Dynasty," "Tonight" is a New Year's Eve, so Ming is one year, and by the turn one year old "thinking" to the new year, this long the thoughts of endless suffering, but also in add new hair cream temples. Confirming said: "The home of relatives and friends think a thousand miles for outsiders, the more meaningful." ("Tang do not cut") the reason why "more meaningful" is the clever use of the poet "to the wording," to express the deep and sincere mind sees more as Wanqu Han Yun. This classical poetry is also a common performance practices, such as Du Fu's "Moonlight": "State of Origin tonight month, the women's apartment to see only independence." Is a poem written by his wife missing her husband, in fact, is precisely the feelings of the poet refractive .
  Hu Ying-lin that the quatrains, "meaning of the statement will be required to do. ... ... As high Dove 'home tonight, think a thousand miles, cream coming from another year of the Ming Dynasty'. Tim is not available with the phrase" ("Poetry Tau within the series," Juan Liu). The so-called "meaning to do", probably refers to the poetic integrity; so-called "Tim was not the phrase" that is, the refining of language. "Home Tonight think a thousand miles, cream coming from another year of the Ming Dynasty", is to think of the long sides, think deep, think of the pain, focus on writing a New Year's Eve through out, successful demonstration of the theme of the poem. Therefore, it is highly summarized and refined in terms of subtle features, can be received is "intended to do" and "not add the phrase" and the artistic effect.
  (Zhao Qijun)

【Source】 卷214_87

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