酬庞十兵曹 Remuneration Pang 10 Bing Cao
同吕员外酬田著作幕门军西宿盘山秋夜作 With Lu Ministry councillor Paid field Classic Army West places screen doors Around a mountain autumn night work
酬秘书弟兼寄幕下诸公 fulfil Secretary Send-screen brother and the gentlemen under
淇上酬薛三据,兼寄郭少府微(一作王昌龄诗) Qishangchouxue 3, according to Chief Send guo Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty decline 1 for Wang changling poem
答侯少府 A Hou shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
宋中别周、梁、李三子 Song of the medium Zhou Liang Li Sanzi
别王彻 Do thorough Wang
送萧十八与房侍御回还 Songxiao The number 18 Yufang Shi yu return
宋中送族侄式颜(时张大夫贬括州使人召式颜遂有此作) s eyes wide Fubiankuozhou Get across Zhao Yan then have this type for
赠别王十七管记 Parting words amir Seventeen Control in mind
涟上别王秀才 Wang Lian on the other xiucai
送韩九 Send Han 9
送崔录事赴宣城 Send Cui Copyist attend Announce City
别张少府 Do Chang shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
淇上别刘少府子英 Liu Qi on the other Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty Zi Ying
宋中遇林虑杨十七山人,因而有别 Yang Song encountered linlu Seventeen Hermit So Are different
酬别薛三、蔡大,留简韩十四主簿 Do not pay big left Jane Han Xue Sancai Myristic acid Main Directory
送虞城刘明府谒魏郡苗太守 Ye Wei Jun Liu Yucheng County government sent seedlings procurator
途中酬李少府赠别之作 en route Pay lee shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty Parting words S for
古诗 ancient style poetry
忆昔游京华,自言生羽翼。怀书访知己,末路空相识。 许国不成名,还家有惭色。托身从畎亩,浪迹初自得。 雨泽感天时,耕耘忘帝力。同人洛阳至,问我睢水北。 遂尔款津涯,净然见胸臆。高谈悬物象,逸韵投翰墨。 别岸迥无垠,海鹤鸣不息。梁城多古意,携手共凄恻。 怀贤想邹枚,登高思荆棘。世情恶疵贱,之子怜孤直。 酬赠感并深,离忧岂终极。
【资料来源】 卷211_23