唐代 高适 Gao Shi  唐代   (700~765)
燕歌行并序 A Song of the Yan Country
送李少府贬峡中王少府贬长沙 To Vice-prefects Li and Wang Degraded and Transferred to Xiazhong and Changsha
铜雀妓 Dongjak prostitutes
塞下曲 Cyprus under the curve
塞上 Stuffed
蓟门行五首 Jimen line 5
效古赠崔二 Xiaoguzengcui 2
钜鹿赠李少府 Koga donated Lee shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
东平留赠狄司马(曾与田安西充判官) Tung Ping Remain to present (surname) Minister of war in ancient china Anxi charge with the field official
过卢明府有赠 Government has donated over Lu Ming
单父逢邓司仓覆仓库,因而有赠 Single parent Every Dengsicangfu Warehouse So A gift
蓟门不遇王之涣、郭密之,因以留赠 Jimen Fail to achieve one's success Wang zhihuan Guo mizhi Due to Remain to present
寄孟五少府 Send Meng 5 shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
苦雨寄房四昆季 Ku Yu Send Fangsikunji
酬司空璲少府 fulfil Minister of public works in ancient china pendant girdle-ornaments shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
酬李少府 Pay Lee shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
酬裴秀才 Pay PEI xiucai
奉酬北海李太守丈人夏日平阴亭 Feng pay Ditch (a surname) Procurator Father-in-law Summertime Pingyin Pavilion
酬马八效古见赠 Eight ancient horse paid See grant effective
酬鸿胪裴主簿雨后睢阳北楼见赠之作(一作王昌龄诗) Pei paid taken care of after the rain the main book Sui North tower See for gifts of 1 for Wang changling poem
酬裴员外以诗代书 Pay PEI Ministry councillor Verse allograph
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷214_11
