唐代 张九龄 Zhang Jiuling  唐代   (678~740)
高斋闲望言怀 Kosai Look busy Yan Wai
初发江陵有怀 Jiangling a newly pregnant
同綦毋学士月夜闻雁 With Qi Wu Bachelor a moonlight night Wen Yan
登总持寺阁 ascend General support Temple Court
晚憩王少府东阁 Open late King Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty East Court
登城楼望西山作 Ascend city gate tower Hope for Western Hills
祠紫盖山经玉泉山寺 Purple Mountain Temple built by Yuquan Temple
洪州西山祈雨,是日辄应,因赋诗言事 Hongzhou Xishan pray for rain that day should be due to frequently Indite Words matter
经江宁览旧迹至玄武湖 trans- Jiang ning city look over The past things extremely Tortoise Lake
登荆州城楼 ascend Jing township city gate tower
登乐游原春望书怀 ascend Le youyuan Spring Hope Form was
候使登石头驿楼作 Waiting to board Cob House for relay
登临沮楼 Visit fam ous muntains,place of interest,etc. destroy Building
陪王司马登薛公逍遥台 To accompany the king Minister of war in ancient china Deng Xue Gong Happy Taiwan
尝与大理丞袁公太府丞田公偶诣一所林沼尤胜…以咏其事 Taste and Dali Yuan Cheng Fu Cheng Kung Tai Yi Tian public even A (school, charity institute, etc.) Lin Marsh is better than to chant being to
与弟游家园 And brother travel Homeland
郡内闲斋 Fast idle county
城南隅山池春中田袁二公盛称其美夏首获赏果…故有此咏 s first tour of summer fruit Beijingers are very good at talking and have been the nicknamed big talkers. The Wing
南还湘水言怀 South also Xiang River Yan Wai
商洛山行怀古 Shangluo Mountain Line meditate on the past
南还以诗代书赠京师旧僚 South also to poetry Allograph present Capital (of a country) Old Liao
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷49_27
