南郊文武出入舒和之乐 The southern suburbs of civil and military Discrepancy Shu and the music
奉和圣制幸晋阳宫 Feng and Fortunately, the system Jinyang Palace St.
奉和圣制次成皋先圣擒建德之所 Feng and System of sub-Cheng Gao Sheng The teacher of teachers Jiande of capture Institute
奉和圣制赐诸州刺史以题座右 Feng and Saint-system Chi zhu state feudal provincial or prefectural governor block the right to question
奉和圣制送十道采访使及朝集使 Feng and Holy system to send 10 Interview to to reach North Korea _set_ to make
奉和圣制谒玄元皇帝庙斋 Feng and Ye Xuan Yuan Sheng system Czar Temple Chai
巫山高 Wushan high
和黄门卢监望秦始皇陵 Door Supervisor Lu Wang and Huang Qin The tomb Tomb
酬周判官巡至始兴会改秘书少监见贻之作兼呈耿广州 brain wave alter Secretary shaojian See Yi of Zuojianchenggeng canton
和吏部李侍郎见示秋夜望月忆诸侍郎之什…因命仆继作 and Ministry of official personal affairs in feudal china (a surname) Assistant minister See show Autumn night Full moon Yi Zhu Assistant minister The Shenyinmingpu After making
登南岳事毕谒司马道士 ascend Another anme for the heng mountain Bi Ye do Minister of war in ancient china taoist
九月九日登龙山 September the ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Tang Lung Mountain
登郡城南楼 Dengjuncheng South Tower
岁初巡属县,登高安南楼言怀 Suichuxunshuxian Ascend [kofi] annan Building Yan Wai
秋晚登楼望南江入始兴郡路 Qiu wan Ascend building South River County look into Siheung Road
登古阳云台 Teng Yang Gu Holder
临泛东湖(时任洪州) Pro Pan East lake When he was Hongzhou
始兴南山下有林泉,尝卜居焉,荆州卧病有怀此地 begin Hungnam Lin Quan hill, try Choose a place for residence here Jing township Be on one's back There Huai here
咏史 Yong Shi
龙门旬宴得月字韵 The east city gate of the capital of chu state in warring states period of 475-221 b.c. Dinner was late on words rhyme