骊山下逍遥公旧居游集 Li Yamashita Happy Company Old home Travel _Set_
杂诗五首 Miscellaneous Five Poems
彭蠡湖上 another name of the Poyang Lake Lake
入庐山仰望瀑布水 to enter Lushan mountain Look up at shower (rain) water distribution
出为豫章郡途次庐山东岩下 Chuwei Tree or camphor tree county Tu ci Lushan mountain East rock next
巡属县道中作 County Road Patrol is made
巡按自漓水南行 An inspector-general in the ming dynasty Since the Li River water south
使还都湘东作 So also are made in eastern Hunan
冬中至玉泉山寺属穷阴冰闭崖谷无色及仲春行县…有此作 Yuquan Temple in winter to be Poor shade Ice Closed Valley Achromatism to reach Second month of spring County line on this,
郢城西北有大古冢数十观其封域多是楚时诸王…尽知之 Ying City Northwest Dozens of large ancient tomb watch Closure domain Chu kings do when more is known of the
荆州作二首 Jing township For two
在郡秋怀二首 In the County Huai qiu 2
忝官二十年尽在内职,及为郡尝积恋,因赋诗焉 As the incoming government Score In doing In Try level and for the County Product love mourn for Indite here
将发还乡示诸弟 Will be issued The return of the native Shizhudi
题画山水障 Paintings Landscape barrier
奉和圣制瑞雪篇 Feng and Saint-system Timely snow book
奉和圣制温泉歌 Feng and Saint-system Thermae cantus
南郊太尉酌献武舞作凯安之乐 Qiu Xian-Martial Arts for the discretion of the southern suburbs of the joy of Kianco
古诗 ancient style poetry
君子体清尚,归处有兼资。虽然经济日,无忘幽栖时。 卜居旧何所,休浣尝来兹。岑寂罕人至,幽深获我思。 松涧聆遗风,兰林览馀滋。往事诚已矣,道存犹可追。 遗子后黄金,作歌先紫芝。明德有自来,奕世皆秉彝。 岂与磻溪老,崛起周太师。我心希硕人,逮此问元龟。 怊怅既怀远,沉吟亦省私。已云宠禄过,况在华发衰。 轩盖有迷复,丘壑无磷缁。感物重所怀,何但止足斯。
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