南宋 陆游 Lu You  南宋   (1125~1210)
冬日读白集爱其贫坚志士节病长高人情之句作古风 Winter Reading love the poor white _set_ firm A man of purpose and principle Festival Disease Raise oneself Humanity The sentence for archaism
冬日读白集爱其贫坚志士节病长高人情之句作古风 Winter Reading love the poor white _set_ firm A man of purpose and principle Festival Disease Raise oneself Humanity The sentence for archaism
冬日读白集爱其贫坚志士节病长高人情之句作古风 Winter Reading love the poor white _set_ firm A man of purpose and principle Festival Disease Raise oneself Humanity The sentence for archaism
冬日读白集爱其贫坚志士节病长高人情之句作古风 Winter Reading love the poor white _set_ firm A man of purpose and principle Festival Disease Raise oneself Humanity The sentence for archaism
冬日读白集爱其贫坚志士节病长高人情之句作古风 Winter Reading love the poor white _set_ firm A man of purpose and principle Festival Disease Raise oneself Humanity The sentence for archaism
冬日读白集爱其贫坚志士节病长高人情之句作古风 Winter Reading love the poor white _set_ firm A man of purpose and principle Festival Disease Raise oneself Humanity The sentence for archaism
冬日读白集爱其贫坚志士节病长高人情之句作古风 Winter Reading love the poor white _set_ firm A man of purpose and principle Festival Disease Raise oneself Humanity The sentence for archaism
冬日感兴十韵 Winter Flu ten Yun Xing
冬日观渔猎者 Winter View of fishing Hunter
冬日排闷 Winter to kill time
冬日排闷 Winter to kill time
冬日园中作 Winter For the garden
冬日斋中即事 Winter Fast in That is something
冬日斋中即事 Winter Fast in That is something
冬日斋中即事 Winter Fast in That is something
冬日斋中即事 Winter Fast in That is something
冬日斋中即事 Winter Fast in That is something
冬日斋中即事 Winter Fast in That is something
冬晚山房书事 Winter nights Shan Fang Book thing
冬夕 Dong Xi
冬夕 Dong Xi
古诗 ancient style poetry


