宋代 吴芾 Wu Fei  宋代  
Lantern festival The use of Hu Jingzhong Send a rhyme Xin Cui Ji Zhu was colleague
Snow lantern festival As a result of Cheng phrase
Drinking alone by moonlight Are pregnant Liang husband because And former rhyme And about tomorrow night to send the _set_
Cloud shrine
Again and
Again and
Again and
Again and
Again and
Again and
Again and
Again and 2
Again and 2
Again and Send by Shuai Gong
Again and Quatrains Send Han Sub-cloud
Again and the former rhyme present River Must be employed
Again and 3
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Lantern festival The use of Hu Jingzhong Send a rhyme Xin Cui Ji Zhu was colleague

   Wu Fei

Creep under the nine stars, the city is as bright as day wine, such as spring.
At that time, seize the day to accompany Qian Qi, exactly ten years today over again.
Light candles in the spring of better Qiluo bushes Zhengyan month.
Party of the amount of Mo Xi-long whale, to the Zunqian the saints.
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