寄题鲁郎中遂隐堂 Send questions Lu Physician trained in herb medicine Thus implicitly Church
寄题杨宰清畏轩 Send questions Yang Zaiqingweixuan
寄杨次云岸长老 Send Young plays cloud bank father
寄隐者 lodge at anchorite
寄赵德庄 Send ZHAO Chong Village
寄周表卿 Jizhoubiaoqing
家人生朝 folk Korean students
假山 rockery
见市上有卖海棠者怅然有感 disappointed Thoughts
江行阻风 River Bank Wind resistance
今日春色可佳乘兴谒许倅因成小诗 Today Happy expression Be good While one is in high spirits Ye Hui Cui due into versicle
进贤道上老松奇古可喜去秋经从因命于空处补种今渐有生意 Appoint virtuous and able man Trail Old song Ancient Church Gratifying After last fall from the result of orders from the Emptiness Replant This gradual business
九日感怀 the ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar recall with emotion
九日和向巨源送行韵 The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar And the source of the giant See off charm