和太常杜少卿东都修行里有嘉莲 and An offical who controls ritual,god of land and god of grains Virtue East are Discipline There Jia Lin
题磁岭海棠花 Question magnetic Ridge Begonia Flowers
苦楝花 bitter Tung Flower
自有扈至京师已后朱樱之期 Own Huzhi Capital (of a country) After Zhu ying Zhiqi
答段柯古见嘲 A section of the ancient see ridicule KE
莲花 blooms
薛氏池垂钓 He has appeared Pond whiff
瑟瑟钗 Whistle Chai
元日 Mongol
二月十五日樱桃盛开自所居蹑履吟玩竞名王泽章洋才 february Fifteen daily Cherry In (full) flower from The home Chase assumed name of Joseph Zhang Yin Yang to play before competing
寒食节日寄楚望二首 The 105th and 107th day after the winter solstice, a period _set_ aside in memory Date sent Chu wang 2
清明日 clear tomorrow
禁火日 ban Fire Day
嘲三月十八日雪 ridicule Mar The number 18 Snow Day
杨柳八首(一作杨柳枝) Poplar and willow 8 a for poplar osier
客愁 Unhappy customer
和周繇(一作和周繇广阳公宴嘲段成式诗) and Zhou yao And one for Zhou yao Guang Yang To honor a celebrity at a dinner party or luncheon hosted by a club, government ridicule Duan chengshi poem
南歌子词二首(一作添声杨柳枝辞) Southern poems Words 2 to add a voice Poplar and willow florid language