唐代 钱起 Qian Qi  唐代   (722~780)
送僧歸日本 Farewell to a Japanese Buddhist Priest Bound Homeward
𠔌口書齋寄楊補闕 From my Study at the Mouth of the Valley. a Message to Censor Yang
贈闕下裴捨人 To my Friend at the Capital Secretary Pei
瑪瑙杯歌 Agate Cup song
鋤藥詠 Hoe drug Wing
病鶴篇 Disease Crane article
片玉篇 Piece of jade articles
畫鶴篇(省中作) Painting Cape provinces for articles
秋霖麯 Qu Qiu Lin
白石枕 Whitehead Pillow
賦得青城山歌,送楊、杜二郎中赴蜀軍 Fu De Black cheng shan Song Yang sent Du 2 Physician trained in herb medicine Went to the Shu Army
送李大夫赴廣州 To Li Doctor attend canton
送崔校書從軍 Songcuijiaoshu attest
送張將軍徵西(一作西徵) Send Zhang Check Zheng Xi 1 for expedition
送修武元少府 Carry Wu Yuan shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
送崔十三東逰 Send Cui A baker's `dozen thirteen East Tour
送鄔三落第還鄉 songwusanladihai Township
送馬明府赴江陵 House went to Gangneung sent Ma Ming Tomb
送褚大落第東歸 Chu Big East return to send the Poor
送傅管記赴蜀軍 Send Fuguanjifu Shu Army
送張少府 Send Zhang shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
行路難 Passerby adversity
古詩 ancient style poetry



【資料來源】 237_95
