唐代 钱起 Qian Qi  唐代   (722~780)
陪郭常侍令公东亭宴集 Guo Attendants that accompany public Dongting Feast
太子李舍人城东别业与二三文友逃暑 Heir apparent ( Lee Scheeren Chengdong Villa With the February 3 Literary friend Summer escape
柏崖老人号无名先生男削发女黄冠自以云泉独乐命予赋诗 Bo Ya Companion mark Anonymity Baas he Tonsure woman Hat worn by a taoist priest Independent music from spring to life to the cloud indite
赠李十六 Gift Li caroche
中书王舍人辋川旧居 In the former residence of the King Scheeren Chuan
送襄阳卢判官奏开河事 Send Xiangyang Lu Official achieve Dig a canal accident
奉送户部李郎中充晋国副节度出塞 Hand sb. sth. on a plate The board of revenue and population Li (surname) Physician trained in herb medicine full Jin Paraganglion Degree 古
奉和中书常舍人晚秋集贤院即事寄徐薛二侍御 Feng and In books on Scheeren Late autumn Hospitals that do send Jixian Xu Shi Yu Xue 2
和范郎中宿直中书,晓玩清池,赠南省同僚两垣遗补 And Fan Physician trained in herb medicine Xiao straight in the book places playing Qingchi gift Province Cobber 2 wall in the residual
同程九早入中书(一作钱珝诗) The same way as early as nine in the book were made into Qian xu poem
仲春宴王补阙城东小池 Second month of spring Tables, Buque Chengdong cuvette
夜宿灵台寺寄郎士元 Roost Heart Send Temple Lang Shiyuan
题郎士元半日吴村别业,兼呈李长官 inscribe Lang shiyuan Half a day Wu village Villa And was Li prefect
和李员外扈驾幸温泉宫 And Li Ministry councillor Escort the imperial carriage favour Thermae palace
长信怨 Long letter complaining
送河南陆少府 accompany Henan province triphibian shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
送李评事赴潭州使幕 To Li Appraise things through discussion Go Tanzhou to screen
送韦信爱子归觐 Wei sent a letter Fondling Return Kun
送兴平王少府游梁 Wang sent Xingping Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty Beam
送张员外出牧岳州 Send Zhang Ministry councillor The mu Yuezhou
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷238_77
