唐代 韩偓 Han Wo  唐代   (842~923)
雨後月中玉堂閑㘸 After the rain Ides cv 18 Sit
六月十七日召對自辰及申方歸本院 adar Seventeen daily Zhao Chen and Shen Fang on return from hospital
與吳子華侍郎衕年玉堂衕直懷恩敘懇因成…兼呈諸衕年 And 吴子华 Assistant minister Class Cv 18 Ken Wynne directly with Syria and was due into the various class
和吳子華侍郎令狐昭化捨人嘆白菊衰謝之絶次用本韻 Hewu Zi-hua Assistant minister Linghu Zhaohua Sherentan Parthenolide Shuaixiezhijueciyongbenyun
侍宴 Shi Yan
錫宴日作 Feast Day for tin
宮栁 Gong Liu
苑中 Court of
從獵三首 From hunting 3
辛酉歲鼕十一月隨駕幸岐下作 Dong Xin-year-old Nov Accompany the emperor Xing Qi low-down
鼕至夜作(天復二年壬戌,隨駕在鳳翔府) Midwinter dark Saigon for two days of recovery Accompany the emperor be Fung cheung changwat
秋霖夜憶傢(隨駕在鳳翔府) Qiu Lin Night Recalling home Accompany the emperor be Fung cheung changwat
齣官經硤石縣(天復三年二月二十二日) Be transferred to hold a local post from central post Kip Stone County days after recovery Triennium February twain twelfth
訪衕年虞部李郎中(天復四年二月,在湖南) inquire Class Department of Li Yu Physician trained in herb medicine Days recovery Quadrennium February be Hunan
春陰獨酌寄衕年虞部李郎中(在湖南) Chun yin Drinking alone by moonlight lodge at Class Department of Li Yu Physician trained in herb medicine be Hunan
奉和峽州孫捨人肈荊南重圍中寄諸朝士二篇時李…牽課 Feng and Gap State Sun Toneri Zhao Jingnan Tight encirclement Send all persons in the DPRK when the two classes Lee Soul
雪中過重湖信筆偶題 Snow Overweight Lake Write freely Dual problem
寄湖南從事 lodge at Hunan pursue
早玩雪梅有懷親屬 Mei Youhuai early play in the snow relative
欲明 For Ming
古詩 ancient style poetry



【資料來源】 681_9
