唐代 郑谷 Zheng Gu  唐代   (851~910)
相和歌辭·長門怨二首 In proper proportion Songs Nagato complain 2
感興 Invigoration
望湘亭 Wang Xiang Ting
采桑 to gather mulberry leaves
中臺五題·乳毛鬆 Middle court Five Issues milk Maszong
中臺五題·牡丹 Middle court Five questions peony
中臺五題·玉蕊(亂前唐昌觀玉蕊最盛) Middle court five questions Lecythidaceae View random pre-TANG Chang Lecythidaceae Height
中臺五題·石柱(外祖在南宮,七轉名曹,鎸記皆在) Middle court five questions Stack Maternal grandfather be Surname seven Transfer of title CAO Juan mind are in the
別衕誌 allo- compeer
送進士盧棨東歸 accompany A successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations Lu Kai East return
從叔郎中諴輟自秋曹分符安陸屬群盜倡熾流毒…因有寄獻 Father's paternal male cousins who are younger than him Physician trained in herb medicine Ganchuoziqiu CAO points are Qundao advocate Chi Fu Anlu Exert a pernicious influence widely mourn for Have sent dedicate
送徐渙端公南歸 Send Xu Huan End public Go South
送祠部曹郎中鄴齣守洋州 accompany Cibu Cao lang In Ye The code Ocean State
送進士許彬 accompany A successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations Xu Bin
次韻和王駕校書結綬見寄之什 Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words and Wang jia Shou see the book end school even sent the
送太學顔明經及第東歸 accompany The highest seat of learning in ancient times in china Yan Ming Jing Pass an imperial examination East return
送人逰邊 to see (or walk) someone home Tour Edge
送人之九江謁郡矦苗員外紳 To see (or walk) someone home Nine Jiangye Jun hou Seedling Ministry councillor member of gentry
送許棠先輩之官涇縣 accompany Xu tang Antecedent The official Jing County
送司封從叔員外徼赴華州裴尚書均闢 Secretary to send letters Father's paternal male cousins who are younger than him Ministry councillor Jiao Pei went to Washington State Shang shu Are the provision of
古詩 ancient style poetry



【資料來源】 674_81
