唐代 郑谷 Zheng Gu  唐代   (851~910)
谷自乱离之后在西蜀半纪之馀多寓止精舍…四韵以吊之 GU since Involuntary separation in troubled times Abaft In Western Shu Half-century The only other multi Apartments Teaching room To hang the four rhyme
投时相十韵 Yun investment phase 10
夕阳 evening glow
摇落 shake
西蜀净众寺松溪八韵兼寄小笔崔处士 Western Shu Jing Zhong Temple Songxi Eight Poems and send small (surname) Department disabilities
迁客 degraded official
予尝有雪景一绝为人所讽吟段赞善小笔精微…诗谢之 I taste a A landscape of snow A special skill Conduct The satirical poems small section of Chancery Profound and subtle Poems of Hsieh
京兆府试残月如新月 Capital Prefectural examination under the former system of civil service examination Crescent as (if) crescent
咸通十四年府试木向荣(题中用韵) Northern Sung Painting Myristic acid year Prefectural examination under the former system of civil service examination numb Flower inscribe Of use charm
丞相孟夏祗荐南郊纪献十韵 Prime minister First month of summer Recommended only the southern suburbs of Jixianshiyun
叙事感恩上狄右丞 Narrate Bless On Di 右丞
咏怀 sing of one's feelings
乾符丙申岁奉试春涨曲江池(用春字) Qian Fu Bingshen years Fengshichunzhang Bend river Spring Pond with the word
华山 China Mountain
入阁 (in old China) to get inside the imperial cabinet
故少师从翁隐岩别墅乱后榛芜感旧怆怀遂有追纪 So few teachers From the lions Yin Yan Villa After the chaos Zhen-wu To remember the deceased with emotion Sad huai Hence the pursuit discipline
回銮 the emperor returned
峡中 Gap in
奔避 Ben avoid
古诗 ancient style poetry




【资料来源】 卷674_96
