唐代 郑谷 Zheng Gu  唐代   (851~910)
送京参翁先辈归闽中 Songjingcanweng Antecedent Normalized central Fujian
赠别 Parting Words
南游 South Tour
寄司勋张员外学士 Send Si-Xun Zhang Ministry councillor bachelor
寄边上从事 Send side pursue
寄赠蓝田韦少府先辈 Complimentary Copy Lantian (surname) Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty antecedent
寄怀元秀上人 Send Huai Yuan Xiu Buddhist monk
赠圆昉公(昉,蜀僧。僖宗幸蜀,昉坚免紫衣) Zengyuanfanggong Fang Shu seng Shu-Fang Jian, Xi were fortunate to avoid purple
寄题方干处士 Send a question Fang gan Department disabilities
寄献湖州从叔员外 Send offer Huzhou father's paternal male cousins who are younger than him ministry councillor
访姨兄王斌渭口别墅 Brother to visit Aunt Wang bin Wei port Villa
放朝偶作 Up towards Even for
顺动后蓝田偶作(时丙辰初夏月) Soon after moving Lantian Even for When the early Bing-Chen Summer months
峡中寓止二首 Gap Contain only two
颜惠詹事即孤侄舅氏谪官黔巫舟中相遇怆然有寄 Yen Hui Zhan Shi that Solitary nephew Jiu Shi Zheguanqianwu Boat Encounter sorrowful Have sent
访题进士孙秦延福南街居 Interview questions A successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations Sun Qinyan Funan Street Home
访题进士张乔延兴门外所居 Interview questions A successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations Zhang qiao Yan Xing outside The Home
寄南浦谪官 lodge at Nampo Exile Officer
李夷遇侍御久滞水乡因抒寄怀 Case of long-Yi Li Shi Yu Perched ground water Township for express Send Wye
寄膳部李郎中昌符 Send Kashiwade Lee Physician trained in herb medicine Chang Fu
寄前水部贾员外嵩 Send ago Mizube Jia Ministry councillor fleabane
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷674_24
