雜麯歌辭·江上麯 Potpourri songs River song
江上麯 River song
傷吳中 injure Wuzhong
夜聞江南人傢賽神,因題即事 Evening News South of the changjiang river Household Game god Due to issues that matter
古興 guxing
雜興 Miscellaneous Xing
送盧員外往饒州 Send lu ministry councillor To Raozhou
送杜士瞻楚州覲省 Send Du Shi Jin Zhan Chuzhou Province
送裴宣城上元所居 Send Pei Announce city the fifteenth of the first moon (which is Lantern Festival in China) The Home
留別毗陵諸公 Give souvenir on parting Piling, chang prefecture in jiang su province Pinch
送獨孤拾遺先輩先赴上都 accompany Surname Gleaning Antecedent First go to both
常州韋郎中泛舟見餞 Changzhou (surname) Physician trained in herb medicine Go boating See preserves
送嶽州司馬弟之任 Send Yuezhou Minister of war in ancient china His brother of any
送張觀歸袁州 accompany Zhang guan Return Yuanzhou
鼕夜饒州使堂餞相公五叔赴歙州 Winter night Raozhou to go to church preserves Xiang Gong Wu Shu Xi Zhou
蔣山開善寺(一作崔峒詩) Jiang Shan Kaizenji one for Cui dong poem
晚發江寧道中呈嚴維 Late on_set_ Jiang ning city Road, was Yan Wei
句容縣東青陽館作 sentence Rong county Museum for East Qingyang
晚春宴無錫蔡明府西亭 Late spring banquet Wuxi Cai Ming House West Pavilion
古詩 ancient style poetry
雨過青山猿叫時,愁人淚點石榴枝。 無端王事還相係,腸斷蒹葭君不知。
【資料來源】 207_39