唐代 李嘉祐 Li Jiayou  唐代  
同皇甫冉登重玄阁 alike Huangfu ran Teng metaphysics Court
宋州东登望题武陵驿 Song, Tung Teng wang inscribe Wuling tomb remount stations
题游仙阁白公庙 inscribe Fairy cabinet Albino temple
送郑正则汉阳迎妇 Send Zheng Regular Hanyang Women welcome
送皇甫冉往安宜 accompany Huangfu ran go Anyi
晚发咸阳,寄同院遗补 Late on_set_ Xianyang Send the same hospital in the residual
早秋京口旅泊,章侍御寄书相问,因以赠之,时七夕 Early autumn Jingkou Travel Park Shi Yu Zhang Jishu With Q, due to the gift As the seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the Cowherd and the Weaver Maid meet in Heaven)
秋晓招隐寺东峰茶宴,送内弟阎伯均归江州 Qiu xiao hermit in the temple dongfengchayan Send in Diyanbojungui Jiangzhou
送严员外(一作刘长卿诗) Get serious Ministry councillor 1 for Liu changqing poem
与从弟正字、从兄兵曹宴集林园 AND Sons of one's paternal uncles who are younger than oneself Correct a wrongly written character or a misspelt word Sons of one's paternal uncles, who are older than oneself Bing cao Feast Linyuan Garden
酬皇甫十六侍御曾见寄(此公时贬舒州司马) fulfil A surname Caroche Shi Yu had seen when the devaluation of public Shu Send this state minister of war in ancient china
送舍弟 songshedi
送从弟永任饶州录事参军 accompany Sons of one's paternal uncles who are younger than oneself Yong Ren Raozhou Copyist enroll
送马将军奏事毕归滑州使幕 Send Ma Check Zou Shi Hua Zhou Bi return to screen
闻逝者自惊 famous Departed saint Since the shock
伤歙州陈二使君 Injury Xi Zhou Chen II honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
白田西忆楚州使君弟 Pak tin West recalled Chuzhou Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china younger brother
送陆澧还吴中(一作刘长卿诗) Songlulihuan Wuzhong 1 for Liu changqing poem
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷207_12
