唐代 高适 Gao Shi  唐代   (700~765)
A Song of the Yan Country
To Vice-prefects Li and Wang Degraded and Transferred to Xiazhong and Changsha
Dongjak prostitutes
Cyprus under the curve
Jimen line 5
Xiaoguzengcui 2
Koga donated Lee shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
Tung Ping Remain to present (surname) Minister of war in ancient china Anxi charge with the field official
Government has donated over Lu Ming
Single parent Every Dengsicangfu Warehouse So A gift
Jimen Fail to achieve one's success Wang zhihuan Guo mizhi Due to Remain to present
Send Meng 5 shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
Ku Yu Send Fangsikunji
fulfil Minister of public works in ancient china pendant girdle-ornaments shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
Pay Lee shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
Pay PEI xiucai
Feng pay Ditch (a surname) Procurator Father-in-law Summertime Pingyin Pavilion
Eight ancient horse paid See grant effective
Pei paid taken care of after the rain the main book Sui North tower See for gifts of 1 for Wang changling poem
Pay PEI Ministry councillor Verse allograph
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Camp State Song

   Gao Shi

Tired of the state juvenile wilderness camp, hunting the city under fur coat Mengrong.
Krupp wine does not intoxicate thousands of minutes, Hu-year-old children can ride a horse.
  Tang camp northeast frontier states (where this rule in Chaoyang, Liaoning), wilderness jungle, plants rich, mixed ethnic groups, animal husbandry, hunting for a living, learning Shangchong Wu, customs Guang release. High appropriate quatrains are like the song style sketches, full of frontier life interesting.
  Always focussed on the idea of improvisation, direct expression of the poet; performance of direct express line drawing, pen and ink extensive, is that the artistic characteristics of the first quatrains. That the poet seemed to have been attracted by the city under the Youth hunting activities, if the export songjang to pay tribute to their lively behavior and personality, all in one, without hesitation. It describes the true and the details are exaggerated, while the typical features of juvenile character. Poet, good at grasping the nature and characteristics of the phenomenon of life, and can accurately and Conciseness manifested, filled with breath of life and rich frontier atmosphere. In the Chinese frontier, so warm praise the people of all still learning life's work, is very small, so that the first quatrains seem valuable.
  (Ni his heart)

【Source】 卷214_79

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