唐代 皮日休 Pi Rixiu  唐代   (834~884)
a classical book in ancient china 9 Department of Culture 9 Xia Xia Song 9
3 shame poem 3
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correctitude Official conservatory in the han ynasty (206b.c.-a.d.220) 10 Death wife complain
Correctitude official conservatory in the han ynasty (206b.c.-a.d.220) 10 Rubber old woman sighed,
Correctitude official conservatory in the han ynasty (206b.c.-a.d.220) 10 Corrupt officials complain
Correctitude official conservatory in the han ynasty (206b.c.-a.d.220) 10 The parent agriculture rumor
Correctitude official conservatory in the han ynasty (206b.c.-a.d.220) 10 Nelson hate
Correctitude official conservatory in the han ynasty (206b.c.-a.d.220) 10 Chung Yi Chen
Correctitude official conservatory in the han ynasty (206b.c.-a.d.220) 10 Ai Long Man
Dedicate To Zhengpeimijian
Autumn night Are pregnant
Lumen summertime
Even the book
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Correctitude official conservatory in the han ynasty (206b.c.-a.d.220) 10 Rubber old woman sighed,

   Pi Rixiu

Deep autumn acorns mature, Zhen Wu Gang scattered.
Stoop-shouldered old woman yellow hair, picked up the practice morning frost.
Until the time of transfer surplus skim the best of the Japanese side full basket.
Several Bo Fu a few steaming, winter food for three.
Piedmont has cooked rice, fragrant purple spike was very hot.
Chung has been further refined fine, capsules jade pendant.
Satisfied in holding the government, the private room without storage boxes.
How more than one stone, and only five appearances.
Officials fear cunning criminal, corrupt officials do not avoid the spoils.
Farming season for private debt, agricultural graduates go official positions.
Since the winter and in spring, acorns lie hungry.
I have heard Tiancheng Zi, Ren Youzi fraud king.
Rubber-old woman called on every sigh, feel tears stained clothes.
  Slouch: one for the hunchbacked hunchbacked
  "Rubber-old woman sighed," is the Pi Rixiu an masterpiece. Poet through the "rubber old woman," a concrete description of this woman, profoundly reveals the peasant uprising on the eve of the late Tang social reality. Poet, his deep feelings for the people, without modification, no matter crafted to flow note written down, so that works pristine, natural and moving.
  First, pick up acorns for food woman described the hardships of life. The beginning of the poet to use the four poems paint a picture of Acorn woman picked up the mountains: late autumn season, the time is ripe acorns, a hunchbacked old woman yellow hair, overgrown vegetation, hill climb, marching morning frost, to pick up acorns. "Yellow fat", that person is very old, plus the burden of life, the weight of her stoop stooped. Late autumn morning, the wind cold cream cold, pick up acorns one o'clock, she was hard to pay as much! Then, they carefully described the process she picked up acorns. "Until the time of transfer surplus skim the best of the Japanese side full basket", the "surplus skim" to the "full basket", she takes a full day of labor. After a series of pick up steam drying to acorns, the whole winter, thanks to its hunger.
  Why yellow hair woman should eat acorns? Because the land barren mountain, or failure due to famine? The poet does not give a direct answer first, he ink a new poem written by a pack of four harvest beauty: first fruits of new rice, purple spike fragrance. "Aroma incense," the words, describing the autumn breeze, sent bursts of Tao Heung gratifying scene. "Purple Sui Aroma incense", a poem and color fragrant taste, was a rural autumnal painting, full of life. Farmers and hard sweat of the rice harvest. They carefully harvested to avoid bring impurities; and carefully Tsuishine, Chung good rice, and capsules are rounded like a jade-like crystal earrings. Harvest side views, one side is the reality of hunger acorns, these two very different scene, how will also happen? Poet Bifeng another turn, wrote the three rubber old woman who sustained pressure: First, the heavy taxation of. All the farmers harvest, in addition to "satisfied the officer," but actually nothing more than. Harvest like this, the famine is even more unthinkable. Second, the extortion of corrupt officials. They take advantage of a bumper year for great fishing. "How more than one stone, the amount of only five for the fighting!" Officials exploit even more than the official tax! This "how" the word, the performance of farmers unexpected surprise psychology. Third, "private debt" of exploitation. Late society "cunning officials fear punishment, and corrupt officials not to avoid handling stolen goods," they use "the farming season," the official food put private debt, "agricultural graduates," they have gained huge profits, then capital return "official position." The official state grain farmers turned into harm disabled public officials, grand pockets of the capital. Won the triple exploitation of the mouth of food farmers, farmers had to "self-winter and in spring, acorns lie hungry." Acorn This is not food, but insist on swallow as the food. A "deceive" the word, we seem to hear the gurgling of farmers rumbled! The plight of the people face to face the cruel exploitation of the rulers, poets tempted his passion, his emotion was delivered directly to come forward. Even the then ruler of this layer of camouflage is not hypocritical, and one would like from the people who scrape more wealth. Old woman's face through the rubber, the poet can feel the sad reality of fear, so the "feel tear stained skirt" was. The end of a few words in the poem, the poet with the comparison approach, the criticism directed, directly to the feudal rulers. He did not rulers compared with the ancient sages, but the same was reprimanded for Tian Chengzai comparison. Not as good as even Tiancheng Zi! A layer of deeper meaning.
  Pick up rubber woman described the suffering of life, focusing on characterization of the physical appearance and behavior of the process, people sympathetic, tear-jerking; reveal the root cause such consequences, then focus on the characterization of the psychological and emotional, angry people, people distraught. The poet is the fact that speech impressed with the sincere reader a warm feeling.
  (Zhang Yanjin)

【Source】 卷608_11

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