唐代 皮日休 Pi Rixiu  唐代   (834~884)
读书 study
贫居秋日 Poor home Autumn
鲁望读襄阳耆旧传见赠五百言过褒庸材靡有称是…次韵 Read Xiangyang Lu Wang Tibetology Sent for gifts Five hundred Words have been claimed to be extravagant praise Yongcai write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
鲁望昨以五百言见贻过有褒美内揣庸陋弥增愧悚…微旨也 Luwangzuoyi Five hundred See Yi had made within the hides have Baomei Mediocre and meager Mizengkuisong A deep or abstruse meaning or idea also
吴中苦雨因书一百韵寄鲁望 Wuzhong Ku yu By the book Hundred Yunjiluwang
初夏即事寄鲁望 The first month of summer Send Lu hope that things
二游诗。徐诗 Second, poetry Xu Shi
二游诗。任诗 2 poetry Any poem
追和幽独君诗次韵 Recovery and Solitary Jun Shi write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
奉和鲁望读阴符经见寄 Feng and Lu Wang Reading Hidden fu jing See Send
初夏游楞伽精舍 The first month of summer You Lankavatara teaching room
公斋四咏。小松 Gongzhaisiyong Komatsu
公斋四咏。小桂 Gongzhaisiyong Xiao Gui
公斋四咏。鹤屏 Gongzhaisiyong He-Ping
太湖诗。初入太湖(自胥口入,去州五十里) Taihu poem First joined the taihu self Xukou Ruquzhouwu Miles Village
太湖诗。晓次神景宫 Taihu Shi Xiao plays God King Palace
太湖诗。入林屋洞 Taihu Poetry into the housing hole Lin
太湖诗。雨中游包山精舍 Taihu Shi Yu Middle reaches (of a river) Bun teaching room
太湖诗。游毛公坛 Taihu Poetry Tour Mao Public Forum
太湖诗。三宿神景宫 Taihu Three Nights of God King Palace Poetry
太湖诗。以毛公泉一瓶献上谏议因寄 Taihu poem Yimaogongquan Jarful Offer up Jian yi Yinji
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷608_22
