寄题天台国清寺齐梁体 Send questions roof Kokuseiji Qi and body
咏蟹 Yong crab
金钱花 Money flower
惠山听松庵 Huishan Temple Pines
苦雨杂言寄鲁望 Ku yu Send Lu Yan Wang Miscellaneous
奉和鲁望齐梁怨别次韵 Feng and Lu Wang Do not blame qi liang write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
奉酬鲁望夏日四声四首。平声 Feng pay Lu Wang Summertime The four tones of classical chinese phonetics 4 level tone,one of the four tones in classical Chinese
奉酬鲁望夏日四声四首。平上声 Feng pay lu wang summertime the four tones of classical chinese phonetics 4 calm The rising tone or third tone in Chinese phonetics
奉酬鲁望夏日四声四首。平入声 Feng pay lu wang summertime the four tones of classical chinese phonetics 4 calm entering tone,one of the four tones in classical Chinese pronunciation,still retained in certain dialects
苦雨中又作四声诗寄鲁望。平声 Ku yu China has made The four tones of classical chinese phonetics Verse Lu Wang level tone,one of the four tones in classical Chinese
奉和鲁望叠韵双声二首。叠韵山中吟 Feng and Lu Wang Vowel rhyme A phrase consisting of two or more characters with the same initial consonant 2 Vowel rhyme In the mountains chant
奉和鲁望叠韵双声二首。双声溪上思 Feng and Lu Wang Vowel rhyme A phrase consisting of two or more characters with the same initial consonant 2 A phrase consisting of two or more characters with the same initial consonant River Shangsi
奉和鲁望叠韵吴宫词二首 Feng and Lu Wang Vowel rhyme (surname) Palace lyrics 2
奉和鲁望闲居杂题五首。晚秋吟(以题十五字离合) Feng and Lu Wang Grass question 5 miscellaneous Late autumn Yin Subjects Fifteen word separation and reunion
奉和鲁望闲居杂题五首。好诗景 Feng and lu wang grass question 5 miscellaneous Good Poem King
奉和鲁望闲居杂题五首。醒闻桧 Feng and lu wang grass question 5 miscellaneous Xing Wen Hui