唐代 王昌龄 Wang Changling  唐代   (698~757)
Attest Fourth row 7
Over the Border
Attest line 7 Second,
At Hibiscus Inn Parting with Xin Jian
In Her Quiet Window
A Song of the Spring Palace
A Sigh in the Court of Perpetual Faith
become Passerby adversity
Cyprus under the curve 2
Song of the Frontier
Attest Line 2
Youngster Line 2
long a style of old Chinese poems
How sad indeed OK
interest and charm of antique taste
expand a style of old Chinese poems
More women
Zhengxiansutao Great-grandfather Museum gift Feng six-II
Listening to bombs Few play YOUNG gifts Buque
s South Stream Remain to present
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Whore Qu 2

   Wang Changling

White gold saddle from Wu Huang, Yang Su thousands of flags.
Ming Cheng little woman first floor, sitting, Yao Jian Zhang fly ash into the building.
YANG Hua Chi Road over Yugou, red makeup on the brothel diffuse string together.
Gold purple ribbon more than a thousand horse, her husband back toward the beginning of worship Hou.
  "Brothel music" the first song in front show the reader two scenes: one is the golden saddle on the white horse, General, is leading a powerful army, in the Chang'an Avenue, forward, gradually walking further and further away, that later saw Mahou Yang fly ash from the first line; one corner of Changan Avenue, next to the brothel, the young woman was playing upstairs Zheng, the beautiful sound and not a result of Zheng warm scene outside the building was interrupted, as if she expected it all already like. The scene is so enthusiastic in front of the majestic, gives a magnificent feeling; behind the scenes and look dignified, calm, gives a beautiful feeling. These two different mood, before and after each other against the background, contrasting.
  How these two poets are spliced in a different scene on the screen it? This is the first woman's demeanor through the floor, the Changan Avenue, the magnificent scenes from her eyes reflected. She seemed indifferent to the surface, in fact it could not suppress his envy, so he can not help but watched the TV drama all the way to General and his immediate team behind him, until the fly ash billowing, no shadows, no recovery of her sight. "Building the first woman to sit Zheng Ming, Yao Jian Zhang fly ash into the building." We seem to hear her out from the kite string of pleasant music.
  This young woman has anything to do with the generals at once, why it is so concerned about his actions? This can be from the "brothel music" the second song to find the answer. It turned out that once the general is her husband, he is meritorious back, Monkey Jazz worship, even in many of his troops were being raised him Qijiang. "Too proud Horseshoe disease," they came back through the Chi Road, to have blown over the road to Yugou Yanghua gone.
  The two poems, taken together, described the former one is a royal army when the triumphant return of the scene. Because of this victory is not common, even the emperor personally Out in Compliment, and as a general's wife, her excitement is understandable. Direct Expression of the poet did not sentence her emotion, just write her warm from the floor and sees the scene, but the reader can imagine the scene when she was the face of this warm feeling inside. It is like the poet Mei Yao Song Poems outlined on the two sentences: "difficult to write like the environment, such as in the present, with different opinions on the implication."
  Han Yang is the Royal Hunting, Great Court, the school children of force, Jianzhang Han Palace is built, all in the outskirts of the Western Han Dynasty Chang'an. Poets used to than the Emperor Han Wudi, the poem also do so. Han Dynasty poets borrowed from the historical picture of the period reflect the face of the reality of the Tang period.
  (Wang Jisi)

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