唐代 王昌龄 Wang Changling  唐代   (698~757)
上同州使君伯 The same state Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china uncle
留别 give souvenir on parting
赠李侍御 Zengli Shi Yu
送别 see sb. off; give a send-off party
失题 Lost title
又 and
又 and
城旁 City side
题净眼师房 Net eye division title Housing
夜泊庐江闻故人在东林寺以诗寄之 Night Lujiang News Decedent be Donglin temple And the poem of
寄是正字 Send a correct a wrongly written character or a misspelt word
梅道士水亭 plum Taoist Shui Ting
失题 Lost title
奉和卢明府九日岘山宴马二使君崔员外张郎中 Feng and Lu Ming House The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Xian Shan Yan Ma 2 Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china (surname) Ministry councillor sheet physician trained in herb medicine
寒食卧疾喜李少府见寻 Cold Food Wojixili Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty See searching
咏青 Yong Qing
秋日 Autumn
过香积寺 Temple of the Hong plot
与苏卢二员外期游丈八寺而苏不至因有此作 And sulu 2 Ministry councillor You still find the adoption of Temple and the Soviet Union not to have this as a result of
奉酬睢阳路太守见贻之作 Feng pay Sui Lu Procurator Jianyizhizuo
送乔林 accompany high forest
古诗 ancient style poetry


