唐代 郑谷 Zheng Gu  唐代   (851~910)
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Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Francolin paddy For this reason poem Nominate,name Time signal ZHENG francolin

   Zheng Gu

Wu Kam-wing play warm smoke Qi, Pinliu should be close to chicken.
The Bamboo faint edge off the rain, flowers Huangling temple sing.
Wandering Zhawen levy sleeves wet, Chui Mei good talent to sing low.
Call the appropriate width of the phase Xiangjiang River, bitter bamboo deep spring West.
  Wantangshiren Zheng Gu, "Fu taste partridge, the police must" ("Don Talent Biography"), known as "Zheng Partridge." This first poem shows how widely read partridge at the time of the.
  Partridge, produced in southern China, the shape of the female pheasant, the body as big as a pigeon. The Ming is "grid hook Zhou Zhe", commonly thought that mimicking "Hangbudeye brother", so the ancients often by means of its passenger touched the sound of the Writing. Zheng Gu Yong-partridge does not re-shape, and focus on the performance of its charm, it is to grasp this concept-the-road.
  Partridge begins writing habits, plumage color and morphology. Partridge "of fear of frost and dew, hope that sooner or later" (Cui Leopard "Ancient and Modern Notes"). "Warm Smoke Wu Kam-wing play together," beginning with a "warm", which put the performance out of the habits of the partridge. "Kam-wing," the word, and a partridge Dianran gorgeous eye-catching plumage. In the poet's mind, partridge Wind elegant and beautiful pheasants and even the same column. Here, the poet did not fine partridge engrave the image of the painted carved workmanship, but by writing their play activities and made the comparison with the pheasant-like outlines the finishing touch to inspire people to think rich.
  Novatek the first of its type, following the sound of Novatek. But the poet does not simply copy their sound, but the pains arising from the performance by the sound of plaintive weeping of Music. Chingtsaohu that Baqiu Lake, southeast of the Dongting Lake; Huanglingmiao in Xiangyin County North Dongting Lake. Legend of Emperor Shun trip to the south, died Cangwu. Two concubines from the levy, being addicted to the Xiangjiang River, and their descendants then Lici the water side, is Huanglingmiao. This area, living history is the land of Qu Yuan, which moved to the most vulnerable passenger who triggered this Roam Chouhuai. This special environment has been sufficient to engender ponder reverie, the poet has cast a thick atmosphere of sadness: Xiaoxiao Muyu, Luo Hong pieces. Desolate, even with the rain wild Temple faint, the flowers, they form a chilling mood Youyuan, rendering the atmosphere of a very Hun Xiao heartbroken. At this moment, fear of frost and dew, is not afraid of cold partridges naturally play freely, but can only lament the sorrow. However, "the Bamboo faint edge off the rain, flowers Huangling temple sings," repeated chant, it seems like another sign of people involved in chilling desolate wandering the land, listen to the sound of whining and sadness Partridge La Tortura. Partridge voice and touched the sign, completely blend together. The wonders of this two is to write a partridge charm. The authors did not intend its sound, not drawing its shape, while the reader seems to have heard and have witnessed its shape, and deeply feel the charm of the look. In this regard, Confirming praise and said: "chanting poem engraved charm exposed as three or four words is better than 'grid hook Zhou Zhe' also. Poets of the partridge Zheng said this" ("Do not cut Tang"), the right way out These two lines of the mystery.

【Source】 卷675_76

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